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ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cpm_complexAbs::absGenerate and return the component-wise absolute value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_array::action_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of operation (reverse, inverse, ...).
 Cpm_array::allocatable_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify that an array of arbitrary rank has the allocatable attribute.
 Cpm_container::assignment(=) Assign the contents of the input source to the output destin
 Cpm_bench::bench_typerConstruct and return an object of type bench_type
 Cpm_bench::benchBase_typeThis is the base class for creating low-level benchmark objects
 Cpm_bench::benchBase_typerConstruct and return an object of type benchBase_type
 Cpm_bench::benchMulti_typeThis is the class for creating object to perform multiple benchmarks and performance-profiling
 Cpm_bench::benchMulti_typerConstruct, perform multiple benchmarking, and return the multiple benchmarking results as an object of type benchMulti_type
 Cpm_blas::blasGEMMReturn the result of the multiplication of two input General matrices matA and matB added to a third General matrix matC
 Cpm_blas::blasGEMVReturn the result of the multiplication of a General matrix matA in Rectangular Default packing format with a vector/column-like matrix matB, added to a third vector/column-like matrix matC.
 Cpm_blas::blasHEMMReturn the result of the multiplication of two input Hermitian-General/General-Hermitian matrices matA and matB added to a third General matrix matC
 Cpm_blas::blasHEMVReturn the result of the multiplication of a Hermitian matrix matA in Rectangular Default packing format with a vector/column-like matrix matB, added to a third vector/column-like matrix matC.
 Cpm_blas::blasHERKReturn the Rank-K Update of a Complex Hermitian matrix.
 Cpm_blas::blasHPMVReturn the result of the multiplication of a Hermitian matrix matA in Linear Full Packed format with a vector/column-like matrix matB, added to a third vector/column-like matrix matC.
 Cpm_blas::blasSPMVReturn the result of the multiplication of a Symmetric matrix matA in Linear Full Packed format with a vector/column-like matrix matB, added to a third vector/column-like matrix matC.
 Cpm_blas::blasSWAPInterchange the elements of vectors x and y.
 Cpm_blas::blasSYMMReturn the result of the multiplication of two input Symmetric-General/General-Symmetric matrices matA and matB added to a third General matrix matC
 Cpm_blas::blasSYMVReturn the result of the multiplication of a Symmetric matrix matA in Rectangular Default packing format with a vector/column-like matrix matB, added to a third vector/column-like matrix matC.
 Cpm_blas::blasSYRKReturn the Rank-K Update of a Real or Complex Symmetric or a Complex Hermitian matrix.
 Cpm_blas::blasTRMMReturn the result of the triangular/general matrix multiplication, using scalar alpha, rectangular general matrix B, and triangular matrix A or its Symmetric/Hermitian transpose.
 Cpm_blas::blasTRMVReturn the following matrix-vector products, using the vector x and triangular matrix A or its transpose:
 Cpm_blas::blasTRSMReturn the solution to a triangular system of equations with multiple right-hand sides, using scalar alpha, rectangular general matrix B, and triangular matrix A or its Symmetric/Hermitian transpose.
 Cpm_blas::blasTRSVReturn the following matrix-vector products, using the vector x and triangular matrix A or its transpose:
 Cpm_array::border_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different sequence border patterns (e.g., adjacent (contiguous), discrete, ...).
 Cpm_container::ccc_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type complex of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::ccc_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type complex of default kind CK.
 Cpm_container::cci_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type integer of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cci_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type integer of default kind IK.
 Cpm_container::ccl_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type logical of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::ccl_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type logical of default kind LK.
 Cpm_container::ccp_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type unlimited polymorphic.
 Cpm_container::ccr_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type real of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::ccr_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type real of default kind RK.
 Cpm_container::ccs_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type character of arbitrary kind of allocatable length
 Cpm_container::ccs_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a cube component of type character of default kind SK of arbitrary length type parameter.
 Cpm_container::cmc_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type complex of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cmc_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type complex of default kind CK.
 Cpm_container::cmi_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type integer of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cmi_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type integer of default kind IK.
 Cpm_container::cml_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type logical of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cml_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type logical of default kind LK.
 Cpm_container::cmp_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type unlimited polymorphic.
 Cpm_container::cmr_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type real of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cmr_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type real of default kind RK.
 Cpm_container::cms_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type character of arbitrary kind of allocatable length
 Cpm_container::cms_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a matrix component of type character of default kind SK of arbitrary length type parameter.
 Cpm_control::control_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of iterations (e.g., looping, recursion, ...).
 Cpm_sampleCor::corcoef_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different correlation coefficients (e.g., pearson, spearman, kendall, ...).
 Cpm_container::csc_pdtThis is the csc_pdt parameterized type for generating instances of container of scalar of complex objects of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., CK, CK32, CK64, or CK128).
 Cpm_container::csc_typeThis is the csc_type type for generating instances of container of scalar of logical objects.
 Cpm_container::csi_pdtThis is the csi_pdt parameterized type for generating instances of container of scalar of integer objects of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., IK, IK8, IK16, IK32, or IK64).
 Cpm_container::csi_typeThis is the csi_type type for generating instances of container of scalar of integer objects.
 Cpm_container::csl_pdtThis is the csl_pdt parameterized type for generating instances of container of scalar of logical objects of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., LK).
 Cpm_container::csl_typeThis is the csl_type type for generating instances of container of scalar of logical objects.
 Cpm_container::csp_typeThis is the csp_type type for generating instances of container of scalar unlimited polymorphic objects.
 Cpm_container::csr_pdtThis is the csr_pdt parameterized type for generating instances of container of scalar of real objects of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., RK, RK32, RK64, or RK128).
 Cpm_container::csr_typeThis is the csr_type type for generating instances of container of scalar of logical objects.
 Cpm_container::css_pdtThis is the css_pdt parameterized type for generating instances of container of scalar of string objects of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., SK, SKA, SKD , or SKU).
 Cpm_container::css_typeThis is the css_type type for generating instances of container of scalar of string objects.
 Cpm_container::cvc_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of an allocatable vector component of type complex of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cvc_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type complex of default kind CK.
 Cpm_container::cvi_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type integer of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cvi_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type integer of default kind IK.
 Cpm_container::cvl_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of an allocatable vector component of type logical of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cvl_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type logical of default kind LK.
 Cpm_container::cvp_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type unlimited polymorphic.
 Cpm_container::cvr_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of an allocatable vector component of type real of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_container::cvr_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type real of default kind RK.
 Cpm_container::cvs_pdtThis is the parameterized derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type character of arbitrary kind of allocatable length
 Cpm_container::cvs_typeThis is the derived type for generating a container of a vector component of type character of default kind SK of arbitrary length type parameter.
 Cpm_dateTime::dateTimeInt_typeThis is the derived type containing the components of a numeric date and time in the Gregorian calendar
 Cpm_dateTime::dateTimeStr_typeThis is the derived type containing the string components that contain numeric date and time in the Gregorian calendar
 Cpm_test::dir_typeThis is the module private derived type for constructing objects that contain the input and output directory paths for tests
 Cpm_array::direction_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of operation (reverse, inverse, ...).
 Cpm_io::display_typeGenerate and return an object of type display_type
 Cpm_distBand::distBand_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Band as defined in the description of pm_distBand
 Cpm_distBern::distBern_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Bernoulli as defined in the description of pm_distBern
 Cpm_distBeta::distBeta_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Beta as defined in the description of pm_distBeta
 Cpm_distBinom::distBinom_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Binomial as defined in the description of pm_distBinom
 Cpm_distCosRaised::distCosRaised_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Raised Cosine as defined in the description of pm_distCosRaised
 Cpm_distExp::distExp_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Exponential as defined in the description of pm_distExp
 Cpm_distExpGamma::distExpGamma_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type ExpGamma as defined in the description of pm_distExpGamma
 Cpm_distGamma::distGamma_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Gamma as defined in the description of pm_distGamma
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::distGenExpGamma_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type GenExpGamma as defined in the description of pm_distGenExpGamma
 Cpm_distGenGamma::distGenGamma_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type GenGamma as defined in the description of pm_distGenGamma
 Cpm_distGeom::distGeom_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Geometric as defined in the description of pm_distGeom
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::distGeomCyclic_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Cyclic Geometric as defined in the description of pm_distGeomCyclic
 Cpm_distKolm::distKolm_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Kolmogorov as defined in the description of pm_distKolm
 Cpm_distLogNorm::distLogNorm_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Lognormal as defined in the description of pm_distLogNorm
 Cpm_distLogUnif::distLogUnif_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type LogUniform as defined in the description of pm_distLogUnif
 Cpm_distMultiNorm::distMultiNorm_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type MultiVariate Normal (MVN) as defined in the description of pm_distMultiNorm
 Cpm_distNegExp::distNegExp_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Negative Exponential as defined in the description of pm_distNegExp
 Cpm_distNorm::distNorm_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Univariate Normal as defined in the description of pm_distNorm
 Cpm_distPareto::distPareto_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Pareto as defined in the description of pm_distPareto
 Cpm_distPois::distPois_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Poisson as defined in the description of pm_distPois
 Cpm_distPower::distPower_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Power as defined in the description of pm_distPower
 Cpm_distPoweto::distPoweto_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Poweto as defined in the description of pm_distPoweto
 Cpm_distUnif::distUnif_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Uniform as defined in the description of pm_distUnif
 Cpm_distUnifEll::distUnifEll_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type MultiVariate Uniform Ellipsoid (MVUE) as defined in the description of pm_distUnifEll
 Cpm_distUnifElls::distUnifElls_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type Multiple MultiVariate Uniform Ellipsoid (MMVUE) as defined in the description of pm_distUnifElls
 Cpm_distUnifPar::distUnifPar_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type MultiVariate Uniform Parallelepiped (MVUP) as defined in the description of pm_distUnifPar
 Cpm_distUnifSphere::distUnifSphere_typeThis is the derived type for signifying distributions that are of type MultiVariate Uniform Spherical as defined in the description of pm_distUnifSphere
 Cpm_distCov::dvine_typeThis the derived type whose instances imply the use of the Dvine algorithm for generating random covariance matrices as described in algorithm of Lewandowski et al. (2009).
 Cpm_paramonte::envis_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects containing scalar components of type logical named after different programming language environments that are currently or will be supported for access to the ParaMonte library
 Cpm_err::err_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects to gracefully and verbosely handle runtime unexpected behavior in the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::euclid_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to request safe method of computing Euclidean distances (without undue overflow or underflow).
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::euclidsq_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to request computing Euclidean squared-distances (with the possible risk of overflow or underflow).
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::euclidu_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to request unsafe method of computing Euclidean distances (with the possibility of undue overflow or underflow).
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::euclidv_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to request computing Euclidean volumes (with the possible risk of overflow or underflow).
 Cpm_bench::exec_procThis is the abstract interface of the exec static type-bound procedure pointer component of bench_type derived type that points to the user-supplied procedure to be timed
 Cpm_io::field_typeThe derived type that can be used for constructing containers of format or left and right delimiters for the (five) intrinsic Fortran field types
 Cpm_test::file_typeThis is the module private derived type for constructing objects that contain the path to a file and its unit
 Cpm_io::filext_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects containing the source file extensions used by different programming language environments
 Cpm_io::form_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different file forms (e.g., csv, binary, ...).
 Cpm_mathRootTest::func_typeThis is the base type func_type standing abstract function type to generate a variety of function test functions.
 Cpm_matrixClass::genrecmat_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify the general rectangular class of a given matrix within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_math1mexp::get1mexpGenerate and return the expression 1 - exp(x) robustly (without numerical underflow)
 Cpm_mathRootTest::get_procThis is the abstract interface of the get() type-bound procedure of func_type class whose arguments of type real are of the highest precision kind RKH, made available by the processor
 Cpm_quadTest::get_procThis is the abstract interface of the get() type-bound procedure of integrand_type class whose arguments of type real are of the highest precision kind RKH, made available by the processor
 Cpm_sampleCCF::getACFGenerate and return the auto-correlation function (ACF) (f\star f)(\tau) of the discrete signal f lagging itself for a range of lags.
 Cpm_sampleACT::getACTGenerate and return the integrated auto-correlation time (ACT) of the discrete signal.
 Cpm_io::getActionGenerate and return the action attribute of the input file or unit
 Cpm_sampleAffinity::getAffinityGenerate and return an affine-transformation of the input sample of shape (1:ndim) or (1:ndim, 1:nsam) or (1:nsam, 1:ndim) based on the specified values for the translation tlate and tranformations tform along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_strASCII::getAsciiFromEscapedGenerate and return the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible.
 Cpm_distBand::getBandEbreakGenerate and return the spectral break energy parameter of the Band spectral model/distribution from the corresponding spectral peak energy \epeak and the Band model spectral indices (\alpha, \beta).
 Cpm_distBand::getBandEpeakGenerate and return the spectral peak energy parameter of the Band spectral model/distribution from the corresponding spectral break energy \ebreak and the Band model spectral indices (\alpha, \beta).
 Cpm_distBand::getBandUDFGenerate and return the unnormalized density function (UDF) of the Band spectral model/distribution.
 Cpm_distBand::getBandZetaGenerate and return the coefficient of continuity of the Band spectral model/distribution from the Band model parameters: the break energy \ebreak and the Band model spectral indices (\alpha, \beta).
 Cpm_sysPath::getBaseNameGenerate and return the basename part of the input path (i.e., all characters that appear after the last directory separator in the path).
 Cpm_distBern::getBernRandGenerate and return a scalar or array of rank 1 of length size or the same rank and size as p of Bernoulli-distributed random values (0 or 1) with probability of getting 1 set by the input success probability p.
 Cpm_distBeta::getBetaCDFGenerate and return the CDF of the Beta distribution for the given parameters (\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_distBeta
 Cpm_mathBeta::getBetaIncGenerate and return the regularized Incomplete Beta Function I_x(\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_mathBeta
 Cpm_mathBeta::getBetaInvGenerate and return the regularized Inverse Incomplete Beta Function I_x(\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_mathBeta
 Cpm_distBeta::getBetaLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Beta distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,1)
 Cpm_distBeta::getBetaPDFGenerate and return the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Beta distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [0,1]
 Cpm_arraySearch::getBinGenerate and return bin, the index of the element of the input ascending-ordered array, such that array(bin) <= value < array(bin+1) holds for the input value.
 Cpm_distBinom::getBinomCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Binomial distribution for an input nsuc within the discrete integer support of the distribution.
 Cpm_distBinom::getBinomLogPMFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Binomial distribution for an input nsuc within the discrete integer support of the distribution.
 Cpm_sampleCCF::getCCFGenerate and return the cross-correlation function (CCF) (f\star g)(\tau) of the discrete signal g lagging the signal the discrete signal f for a range of specified lags.
 Cpm_arrayCenter::getCenteredGenerate and return a resized and centered copy of the input array within the newly allocated arrayCentered and filling the newly added elements (if any) with the user-specified fill.
 Cpm_arrayChange::getChangeGenerate and return a randomly-uniform selected sequence of elements from a scalar character or integer range specified via the input limits [start, stop].
 Cpm_strASCII::getCharLowerGenerate and return the input character where the uppercase English alphabet is converted to lowercase letter.
 Cpm_str::getCharSeqGenerate and return a scalar string resulting from the concatenation of the individual elements (single-characters) of the input vector of characters.
 Cpm_strASCII::getCharUpperGenerate and return the input character where the lowercase English alphabet is converted to uppercase letter.
 Cpm_str::getCharVecGenerate and return a vector of single-characters each element of which corresponds to one character in the input scalar string.
 Cpm_arrayChoice::getChoiceSelect a single (or multiple) element(s) from the input array of intrinsic type of arbitrary kind randomly uniformly or optionally according to the specified Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input array.
 Cpm_distChol::getCholRandGenerate and return a random upper and lower Cholesky factorization.
 Cpm_arrayCompact::getCompactGenerate a compact version of the input array where all sequentially duplicate entries along the specified dimension of array are condensed to a single entry in the output compact
 Cpm_arrayComplement::getComplementGenerate and return an array of elements of setB that are not in setA
 Cpm_arrayComplement::getComplementRangeGenerate and return the complement of the input set setA with respect to an array of elements of the sorted set comprised of a range of integer values constructed by the triple start, stop, step
 Cpm_val2complex::getComplexGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to a complex value of default kind CK
 Cpm_io::getContentsFromGenerate and return the entire contents of the input unconnected file or the (remaining) contents of an already-connected file associated with the input unit.
 Cpm_sampleCor::getCorGenerate and return the (Pearson) correlation coefficient or matrix of a pair of (weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) or of an input (weighted) array of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_arrayInit::getCoreHaloGenerate and return an array of specified rank and shape of arbitrary intrinsic type and kind with its rectangular core and halo set to the corresponding user-specified values.
 Cpm_batse::getCorrectionLogEffPPFGenerate and return the correction required for converting an input natural-log peak photon flux in 64ms timescale in the BATSE detection energy range to an effective triggering peak photon flux in the same energy range.
 Cpm_distCosRaised::getCosRaisedCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Raised Cosine distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [\mu - \sigma, \mu + \sigma]
 Cpm_distCosRaised::getCosRaisedPDFGenerate and return the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Raised Cosine distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [\mu - \sigma, \mu + \sigma]
 Cpm_dateTime::getCountDaysGenerate and return the total number of days in the specified year or the month of the year of the Gregorian calendar
 Cpm_mathNumSys::getCountDigitGenerate and return the number of digits in the input integer
 Cpm_dateTime::getCountLeapYearsGenerate and return the number of leap years within the closed year interval [since, until] where since represents the origin year, and until represents a later year after since
 Cpm_arrayFind::getCountLocGenerate and return the number of occurrences of the input pattern in the input array optionally subject to user-specified memory blindness
 Cpm_ellipsoid::getCountMemberEllGenerate and return the number of points that are members (i.e., inside) of the specified \ndim-dimensional ellipsoid.
 Cpm_io::getCountRecordGenerate and return the number of records in the entire record-oriented input file
 Cpm_io::getCountRecordLeftGenerate and return the number of records left (starting immediately after the last accessed record) in the record-oriented input file
 Cpm_dateTime::getCountWeeksGenerate and return the number of weeks in the specified year or the month of the year of the Gregorian calendar whose majority of days fall within the specified year or month
 Cpm_sampleCov::getCovGenerate and return the (optionally unbiased) covariance matrix of a pair of (potentially weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) or of an input (potentially weighted) array of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleCov::getCovMergedGenerate and return the merged covariance of a sample resulting from the merger of two separate (potentially weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_distCov::getCovRandGenerate and return a random positive-definite (correlation or covariance) matrix using the Gram method.
 Cpm_mathCumPropExp::getCumPropExpGenerate and return the cumulative sum of the proportions of the exponential of the input array, optionally in the backward direction and, optionally reverse the output cumulative sum upon return
 Cpm_mathCumSum::getCumSumGenerate and return the cumulative sum of the input array, optionally in the backward direction and, optionally reverse the output cumulative sum array upon return
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateAfterGenerate and return the date in the Gregorian Calendar that appears after the input date
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateBeforeGenerate and return the date in the Gregorian Calendar that appears before the input date
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateTimeGenerate and return the current or the requested date and time as an integer-valued array of size 8 or a formatted string.
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateTimeDiffGenerate and return the calendarical difference in days between the two input Gregorian dates octuples (Values1(:) - Values2(:))
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateTimeNewZoneGenerate and return the current or the requested date and time in the requested time zone newzone (in units of minutes) as an integer-valued array of size 8.
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateTimeShiftedGenerate and return the current or the requested Gregorian date and time shifted by the specified amount in units of days
 Cpm_dateTime::getDateTimeUTCGenerate and return the current or the requested date and time converted to the corresponding Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as an integer-valued array of size 8
 Cpm_mathNumSys::getDecimalGenerate the decimal value corresponding to the input numeral string in the requested base
 Cpm_sysPath::getDirCurrentGenerate and return the Current Working Directory (CWD) of the runtime shell.
 Cpm_sysPath::getDirHomeGenerate and return the Home Directory of the current user in the current runtime shell.
 Cpm_sysPath::getDirNameGenerate and return the dirname (directory name) part of the input path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getDirSepGenerate and return the directory separator symbol based on the runtime system shell.
 Cpm_sysPath::getDirSepsGenerate and return all the directory separator symbols supported by the current runtime operating system based on the runtime system shell.
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisAngNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Angular Diameter Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_distanceBhat::getDisBhatGenerate and return the Bhattacharyya distance of two univariate (discrete or continuous) distributions
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisComNormedGenerate and return the cosmological line-of-sight Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisComTransNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Transverse Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisComTransNormedWU10Generate and return the approximate to the cosmological Transverse Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters with negligible Curvature ( \Omega_K) and Radiation ( \Omega_R) density parameters
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::getDisEuclidGenerate and return the (squared) Euclidean distance of a (set of) point(s) in ndim-dimensions from a reference point (possibly origin), optionally robustly without underflow or overflow.
 Cpm_distanceHellinger::getDisHellSqGenerate and return the square of the Hellinger distance of two univariate (discrete or continuous) distributions
 Cpm_distanceKolm::getDisKolmGenerate and return the Kolmogorov distance of a sample1 of size nsam1 from another sample sample2 of size nsam2 or the CDF of the Uniform or a custom reference distribution.
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisLookbackNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Lookback Distance (or equivalently, the Lookback Time) at the desired redshift normalized to Hubble Distance (or equivalently, to Hubble Time), given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_cosmology::getDisLumNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Luminosity Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_distanceMahal::getDisMahalSqGenerate and return the square of the Mahalanobis distance of a (set of npnt) point(s) from a single (or a set of nsam independent) sample(s) characterized by a (set of) Multivariate Normal (MVN) distribution(s) in ndim dimensions
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::getDisMatEuclidReturn the full or a subset of the Euclidean (squared) distance matrix of the input set of npnt points in ndim dimensions
 Cpm_complexDiv::getDivGenerate and return the complex division of the two input complex values robustly without potential overflow caused by the computing the modulus of the divisor in the denominator of the result.
 Cpm_mathSum::getDotGenerate and return the expression dot_product(x, y) accurately (almost without roundoff error).
 Cpm_distEggBox::getEggBoxLogUDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the EggBox density function at the specified input point X
 Cpm_mathErf::getErfInvGenerate and return the Inverse Error Function \ms{erf}^{-1}(x) for an input real value in range (-1, +1) as defined in the details section of pm_mathErf
 Cpm_sampling::getErrSamplingGenerate and return .true. if the procedure fails to fully accomplish the task of Monte Carlo sampling of the specified input mathematical objective function, otherwise, return .false..
 Cpm_io::getErrTableReadGenerate and return the iostat code resulting from reading the contents of the specified file or unit into an output table.
 Cpm_io::getErrTableWriteGenerate and return the iostat code resulting from writing the input table of rank 1 or 2 to the specified output.
 Cpm_distExp::getExpCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution [\mu, +\infty)
 Cpm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the ExpGamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (-\infty,+\infty)
 Cpm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the ExpGamma distribution
 Cpm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the ExpGamma distribution.
 Cpm_distExp::getExpLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution [\mu, +\infty)
 Cpm_mathExp::getExpNextGenerate the next integer exponent expNext for the specified input base and absolute value absx = abs(x) such that the condition absx <= base**expNext holds
 Cpm_mathExp::getExpPrevGenerate the previous integer exponent expPrev for the specified input base and absolute value absx = abs(x) such that the condition base**expPrev <= absx holds
 Cpm_distExp::getExpRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Exponential distribution, optionally with the specified input location and scale parameters mu, sigma.
 Cpm_sysPath::getExtNameGenerate and return the file extension part of the input path (including the leading dot in the file extension).
 Cpm_polation::getExtrapGenerate and return the approximate polynomial interpolation/extrapolation value of the input specified point x for the specified method
 Cpm_fftpack::getFactorFFTGenerate and return the factorization vector factor of the specified input sequence length and the corresponding vector of trigonometric coefficients coef.
 Cpm_mathFactorial::getFactorialGenerate and return the factorial of the input positive integer
 Cpm_mathFactoring::getFactoringGenerate and return the factoring of the input positive integer
 Cpm_fftnr::getFFTFGenerate and return the Forward Fourier Transform (a.k.a. Fourier Analysis) of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::getFFTFGenerate and return the Forward Fourier Transform (a.k.a. Fourier Analysis) of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_fftnr::getFFTIGenerate and return the Inverse (normalized by 2 / size(data)) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::getFFTIGenerate and return the Inverse (normalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_fftnr::getFFTRGenerate and return the Reverse (unnormalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::getFFTRGenerate and return the Reverse (unnormalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_io::getFieldSepGenerate and return the best-guess field separator of a (sequential-access) file stored in the input file
 Cpm_err::getFileGenerate and return a decorated string as "@file(FILE)" where FILE is replaced by the input source file of interest.
 Cpm_sysPath::getFileNameGenerate and return the filename part of the input path.
 Cpm_arrayFill::getFilledGenerate and return an array of the specified rank and shape of arbitrary intrinsic type and kind with all its elements initialized to the user specified value.
 Cpm_err::getFineGenerate and return a decorated string resulting from the concatenation of getFile(FILE) and getLine(LINE) where FILE and LINE are replaced by the specified input source file and line of interest.
 Cpm_mathFisher::getFisherGenerate and return the Fisher transformation of the input Fisher z value.
 Cpm_mathFisher::getFisherInvGenerate and return the inverse Fisher transformation of the input Fisher z value.
 Cpm_io::getFormatGenerate and return a generic or type/kind-specific IO format with the requested specifications that can be use to read or write individual records in IO actions
 Cpm_distGamma::getGammaCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty)
 Cpm_mathGamma::getGammaIncLowGenerate and return the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaAM::getGammaIncLowAMGenerate and return the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaGil::getGammaIncLowGilGenerate and return the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::getGammaIncLowNRGenerate and return the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGamma::getGammaIncUppGenerate and return the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and lower limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaAM::getGammaIncUppAMGenerate and return the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and lower limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaGil::getGammaIncUppGilGenerate and return the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::getGammaIncUppNRGenerate and return the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and lower limit of the integral x
 Cpm_distGamma::getGammaLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty)
 Cpm_distGamma::getGammaLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Gamma distribution for an input parameter set (\kappa,\sigma)
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the GenExpGamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (-\infty,+\infty)
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenExpGamma distribution
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenExpGamma distribution.
 Cpm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Generalized Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty)
 Cpm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenGamma distribution
 Cpm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenGamma distribution.
 Cpm_distGeom::getGeomCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [1, +\infty)
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::getGeomCyclicLogCDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Cyclic Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, period]
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::getGeomCyclicLogPMFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Cyclic Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, \ms{period}]
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::getGeomCyclicRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Cyclic Geometric distribution.
 Cpm_distGeom::getGeomLogPMFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distGeom::getGeomRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Geometric distribution.
 Cpm_dateTime::getHour12Generate and return the current 12-hour-clock local hour of the current day of the Gregorian calendar
 Cpm_cosmology::getHubbleParamNormedSqGenerate and return the square of the dimensionless Hubble Parameter E(z)^2 = \big(\frac{H(z)}{H_0}\big)^2 for the default or the specified cosmological parameters.
 Cpm_sysPath::getIndexBaseNameGenerate and return the index of the first character of the basename part of the input path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getIndexDirNameGenerate and return the index of the last character of the dirname (directory part) of the input path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getIndexExtNameGenerate and return the index of the first character of the file extension of the input path (if any extension exists).
 Cpm_except::getInfNegGenerate and return an IEEE-compliant negative infinity
 Cpm_except::getInfPosGenerate and return an IEEE-compliant positive infinity.
 Cpm_arrayInsert::getInsertedGenerate and return a new array containing the original array within which the input insertion has been inserted at the specified indices index of the original array
 Cpm_val2int::getIntGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to a integer value of default kind IK
 Cpm_polation::getInterpGenerate and return the approximate polynomial interpolation value of the input specified point x for the specified method
 Cpm_dateTime::getJulianDayGenerate and return the Julian Date (Julian Day Number JDN + the fractional part of the day) from the input [year, month, day, zone, hour, minute, second, millisecond] of the Gregorian calendar date
 Cpm_distKolm::getKolmCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Kolmogorov distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution X \in [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distKolm::getKolmPDFGenerate and return the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Kolmogorov distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution X \in [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distKolm::getKolmQuanGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of Kolmogorov distribution
 Cpm_distKolm::getKolmRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the random value(s) from the Kolmogorov distribution.
 Cpm_str::getLenIndentGenerate and return the number of non-overlapping repetitions of the input pattern in the input str until the first occurrence of a mismatch between pattern and the relevant segment of str.
 Cpm_err::getLineGenerate and return a decorated string as "@line(LINE)" where LINE is replaced by the input source line of interest.
 Cpm_arraySpace::getLinSpaceGenerate count evenly spaced points over the interval [x1, x2] if x1 < x2, or [x2, x1] if x2 < x1
 Cpm_arrayFind::getLocGenerate and return an allocatable array containing the indices of the locations within the input array where the input pattern exists
 Cpm_strASCII::getLocNonSpaceGenerate and return the location of the first occurrence of a non-whitespace character in the input string, from left to right.
Otherwise, return 0 if the input string is all whitespace characters.
 Cpm_strASCII::getLocSpaceGenerate and return the location of the first occurrence of the whitespace character in the input string, from left to right.
Otherwise, return 0 if the input string does not contain a whitespace character.
 Cpm_batse::getLog10PF53[LEGACY code]
This generic interface is identical to the generic interface getLogPF53 with the only difference that all input and output arguments must be in \log_{10}(\cdot) instead of natural logarithm
 Cpm_mathLog1p::getLog1pGenerate and return the expression log(1 + x) robustly (without numerical underflow)
 Cpm_mathLogAddExp::getLogAddExpGenerate and return the logarithm of the sum of the exponential of two input logarithmic values robustly (without causing overflow)
 Cpm_mathBeta::getLogBetaGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Beta Function \mathrm{B}(\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_mathBeta
 Cpm_batse::getLogEffPPFGenerate and return the conversion of an input natural logarithm of peak photon flux in 64ms timescale to an effective triggering peak photon flux both in the BATSE detection energy range [50, 300]\kev.
 Cpm_mathFactorial::getLogFactorialGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the factorial of the input positive whole real number
 Cpm_val2logical::getLogicalGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to a logical value of default kind LK
 Cpm_distLogNorm::getLogNormCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the univariate Lognormal distribution
 Cpm_distLogNorm::getLogNormLogPDFGenerate the natural logarithm of probability density function (PDF) of the univariate Lognormal distribution
 Cpm_batse::getLogPbolGenerate and return the conversion of an input natural logarithm of photon flux/fluence over a given time in the BATSE detection energy range [50, 300]\kev to a bolometric ( [0.0001, 20000]\kev) energy flux/fluence in units of \ergs over the same time.
 Cpm_batse::getLogPF53Generate and return the conversion of an input natural logarithm of a bolometric ( [0.0001, 20000]\kev) energy flux/fluence in units of \ergs over a given time to the photon flux/fluence over the same time in the BATSE detection energy range [50, 300]\kev.
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityB10Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving LGRB Formation Rate (LGFR) density for a given redshift z based on the Metallicity-corrected estimates of Butler et al. (2010): B10, assuming a piecewise power-law LGFR model
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityF18Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving Star Formation Rate (SFR) density for a given redshift z based on the estimates of Fermi LAT Collaboration 2018: A gamma-ray determination of the Universe’s star formation history
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityH06Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving Star Formation Rate (SFR) density for a given redshift z based on the estimates of Hopkins and Beacom et al. (2006), assuming a piecewise power-law fit.
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityL08Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving Star Formation Rate (SFR) density for a given redshift z based on the estimates of Li (2008), assuming a piecewise power-law fit.
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityM14Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving Star Formation Rate (SFR) density for a given redshift z based on the estimates of Eqn. 15 of Madau 2014: Cosmic Star-Formation History
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityM17Generate and return the unnormalized Comoving Star Formation Rate (SFR) density for a given redshift z based on the estimates of Eqn. 15 of Madau 2014: Cosmic Star-Formation History
 Cpm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityP15Generate and return the unnormalized Gamma-Ray Burst Formation Rate (GRBFR) density based on the estimates of Petrosian et al (2015)
 Cpm_arraySpace::getLogSpaceGenerate count evenly-logarithmically-spaced points over the interval [base**logx1, base**logx2] if logx1 < logx2, or over the interval [logx2, logx1] if logx2 < logx1
 Cpm_mathLogSubExp::getLogSubExpGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the subtraction of the exponential of the smaller input logarithmic value from the larger input logarithmic value robustly (without causing overflow)
 Cpm_mathLogSumExp::getLogSumExpGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the sum of the exponential of the input array robustly (without numerical overflow)
 Cpm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the LogUniform distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifLogQuanGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of LogUniform distribution with parameters (x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifPDFGenerate and return the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the LogUniform distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifPDFNFGenerate and return the normalization factor of the PDF of the LogUniform distribution for an input parameter set (x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of random value(s) from the LogUniform distribution with parameters (x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_ellipsoid::getLogVolEllGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the volume of an \ndim-dimensional ellipsoid.
 Cpm_ellipsoid::getLogVolUnitBallGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the volume of an \ndim-dimensional ball of unit-radius
 Cpm_matrixChol::getMatCholGenerate and return the upper or the lower Cholesky factorization of the input symmetric positive-definite matrix represented by the upper-triangle of the input argument \ms{mat} = L.L^T.
 Cpm_matrixCopy::getMatCopyGenerate and return a copy of a desired subset of the input source matrix of arbitrary shape (:) or (:,:) to the target subset of the output destin matrix of arbitrary shape (:) or (:,:)
 Cpm_matrixDet::getMatDetGenerate and return the determinant of the input general square matrix.
 Cpm_matrixDet::getMatDetSqrtGenerate and return the square-root of the determinant of the input positive-definite square matrix
 Cpm_matrixDet::getMatDetSqrtLogGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the square-root of the determinant of the input positive-definite square matrix
 Cpm_matrixIndex::getMatIndexGenerate and return the index of a specific element of a matrix of a specific storage in specific packing format from the corresponding index in an alternative packing format
 Cpm_matrixInit::getMatInitGenerate and return a matrix of shape (shape(1), shape(2)) with the upper/lower triangle and the diagonal elements of the matrix set to the corresponding requested input values.
 Cpm_matrixInv::getMatInvGenerate and return the full inverse of an input matrix of general or triangular form directly or through its input the LU/Cholesky factorization.
 Cpm_matrixTrace::getMatMulTraceGenerate and return the multiplicative trace of an input square matrix of type integer, complex, or real of arbitrary kind.
 Cpm_matrixTrace::getMatMulTraceLogGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the multiplicative trace of an input square matrix of type integer, complex, or real of arbitrary kind.
 Cpm_matrixTrace::getMatTraceGenerate and return the trace of an input square matrix of type integer, complex, or real of arbitrary kind.
 Cpm_str::getMaxLocGenerate and return the location of the first occurrence of the maximum of the input string(s).
 Cpm_str::getMaxValGenerate and return maximum character value in the input string(s).
 Cpm_sampleMean::getMeanGenerate and return the (weighted) mean of an input sample of nsam observations with ndim = 1 or 2 attributes, optionally weighted by the input weight.
 Cpm_sampleMean::getMeanMergedGenerate and return the (weighted) merged mean of a sample resulting from the merger of two separate (weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_arrayMerge::getMergedGenerate an ascending-sorted merger of the two ascending-sorted input arrays
 Cpm_optimization::getMinBrentGenerate and return the minimum value and the corresponding abscissa xmin of the input 1-dimensional function isolated to a fractional precision of about tol using the Brent method.
 Cpm_str::getMinLocGenerate and return the location of the first occurrence of the minimum of the input string(s)
 Cpm_mathMinMax::getMinMaxGenerate and return an array of size two containing the minimum and maximum of the two input values in the first and second elements, respectively.
 Cpm_arrayMinMax::getMinMaxValGenerate and return an array of size two containing the minimum and maximum values of a sequence of values in the first and second elements, respectively.
 Cpm_str::getMinValGenerate and return minimum character value in the input string(s).
 Cpm_distMultiNorm::getMultiNormLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the MultiVariate Normal distribution as defined in the description of pm_distMultiNorm
 Cpm_distMultiNorm::getMultiNormLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization coefficient of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the MultiVariate Normal distribution as defined in the description of pm_distMultiNorm
 Cpm_distMultiNorm::getMultiNormRandGenerate and return a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim from the ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Normal (MVN) distribution, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and the specified subset of the Cholesky Factorization of the Covariance matrix of the MVN distribution
 Cpm_except::getNANGenerate and return an IEEE-compliant quiet NAN (Not a Number).
 Cpm_distNegExp::getNegExpCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Negative Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution (-\infty, \mu]
 Cpm_distNegExp::getNegExpLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Negative Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution (-\infty, \mu]
 Cpm_distNegExp::getNegExpRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Negative Exponential distribution, optionally with the specified input location and scale parameters mu, sigma.
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the univariate Normal distribution
 Cpm_sampleNorm::getNormedGenerate a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is normalized by the specified input shift and scale along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormEntropyGenerate and return the entropy of the Normal distribution with the input natural logarithm of the variance
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormFisherGenerate the Fisher Information of the Normal distribution
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormKLDGenerate and return the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) D_{KL}(P \parallel Q) of a given univariate Normal distribution Q from a reference Normal distribution P
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormLogPDFGenerate the natural logarithm of probability density function (PDF) of the univariate Normal distribution
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormQuanGenerate and return the Normal Quantile corresponding to the input CDF of the univariate Normal distribution
 Cpm_distNorm::getNormRandGenerate and return a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of random values from the univariate Normal distribution with the specified input mean and optionally, with the specified input standard deviation std of the Normal distribution
 Cpm_distNormShell::getNormShellLogUDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the NormShell density function value(s) at the specified input point X, for the specified set of parameters of the single or mixture of NormShell distributions.
 Cpm_mathNumSys::getNumeralGenerate the numeral in the specified base corresponding to the input decimal number
 Cpm_option::getOptionGenerate and return the value of the optional input argument if it is present, otherwise, return the input default value
 Cpm_dateTime::getOrdinalDayGenerate and return the ordinal day, also knowns as Day of Year (DOY), i.e., the number of days since the beginning of the input year until and including the input Gregorian Calendar date [year, month, day].
 Cpm_arrayPad::getPaddedGenerate a resized copy of the input array by padding it to the left and right with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the left and the right of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_arrayPad::getPaddedlGenerate a resized copy of the input array by padding it to the left with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the left of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_arrayPad::getPaddedrGenerate a resized copy of the input array by padding it to the right with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the right of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogCDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogCDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the CDF of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input parameter set (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the PDF of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input parameter set (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogQuanGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of (Truncated) Pareto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distPareto::getParetoLogRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Pareto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathAbsGenerate and return the absolute path corresponding to the input (potentially relative) path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathExpandedUserGenerate and return the input path wherein the initial tilde character (~) is expanded to the home directory of current user.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathHostNameIndexGenerate and return the index of the last character of the hostname part of the input UNC path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathJoinedGenerate and return the path that results from joining the two input path parts, separated by the specified directory separator or the preferred directory separator of the runtime shell.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathMatchGenerate and return a list of directory paths matching a requested system application.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathNewGenerate and return a unique (directory or file) path name in the specified directory or the default current working directory.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathPosixGenerate and return a POSIX-standard (Unix-like) path from the input Windows-style path.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathPosixEscapedGenerate and return a POSIX standard (Unix-like) version of the input POSIX-style-separated path where all the relevant POSIX reserved characters are properly escaped via (\).
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathSepGenerate and return the path separator character used by the runtime processor shell for separating paths from each other in the PATH environmental variable.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathTempGenerate and return a unique (directory or file) path name in the temporary directory of the system or if there is none, in the current working directory of the program, optionally with the user-specified file name segments.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathVerbatimGenerate and return a path quoted with single or double quotation marks whose metacharacters are also properly escaped depending on the runtime system shell.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathVerbatimCMDGenerate and return a path quoted with double quotation marks where all instances of double quotes \ms{"} within the path are removed.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathVerbatimFishGenerate and return a path quoted with single quotation marks where all instances of backslashes within the path are replaced with double backslash and all single quotes \ms{'} are replaced with \ms{\'}.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathVerbatimPosixGenerate and return a path quoted with single quotation marks where all instances of single quotes \ms{'} within the path are replaced with \ms{'\''}.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathVerbatimPowerShellGenerate and return a path quoted with single quotation marks where all instances of single quotes \ms{'} within the path are replaced with \ms{''}.
 Cpm_sysPath::getPathWindowsGenerate and return a normalized Windows-style path from the input POSIX-style or Windows-style path, such that it conforms to the path conventions of the Windows Command Prompt (CMD).
 Cpm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) PiwiPoweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution logLimX(1) <= logx <= logLimX(size(logLimX)).
 Cpm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) PiwiPoweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution logLimX(1) <= logx <= logLimX(n+1).
 Cpm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factors of the components of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) PiwiPoweto distribution for the input parameter vectors (\alpha, x_\mathrm{lim})
 Cpm_distPois::getPoisCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Poisson distribution for an input count within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distPois::getPoisLogPMFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Poisson distribution for an input count within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distPois::getPoisRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Poisson distribution.
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyAddGenerate and return the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the addition of a polynomial to another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyDiffGenerate and return the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the kth-order differentiation of a univariate polynomial of arbitrary degree
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyMulGenerate and return the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the multiplication of a polynomial with another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyRootGenerate and return the roots of a polynomial of arbitrary degree specified by its coefficients coef.
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyStrGenerate and return a string containing the polynomial expression corresponding to the input polynomial coefficients
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolySubGenerate and return the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the subtraction of a polynomial to another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::getPolyValGenerate and return the value of the polynomial of arbitrary degree whose coefficients are specified by the user in the order of increasing power.
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogCDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogCDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the CDF of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input parameter set (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the PDF of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input parameter set (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogQuanGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of (Truncated) Power distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPower::getPowerLogRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Power distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogCDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogCDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for the input parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogPDFNFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the normalization factor of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for the input parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogQuanGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Inverse Cumulative Distribution (Quantile) Function of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logCDF within the support of the distribution (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogRandGenerate and return a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Poweto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_statest::getProbKSGenerate and return the probability of the null-hypothesis that sample1 of size nsam1 originates from the same distribution as that of sample2 of size nsam2 or from the Uniform distribution or other distribution whose custom CDF is given.
 Cpm_quadPack::getQuadErrCompute the 1D integral of the input scalar (potentially singular) integrand getFunc on a finite or semi/fully-infinite interval (a, b) and estimate its absolute error via the requested adaptive global Gauss-Kronrod (GK) extension rules
 Cpm_quadPack::getQuadGKCompute the 1D integral of the input scalar integrand getFunc on the finite or infinite interval [a, b] and estimate its absolute error via the requested non-adaptive Gauss-Kronrod (GK) extension rule
 Cpm_quadRomb::getQuadRombGenerate and return the integral of the input function getFunc() in the closed range [lb, ub] using the Adaptive Romberg extrapolation method
 Cpm_sampleQuan::getQuanGenerate and return the approximate sample quantile for the given method at the specified probabilities
 Cpm_arrayRange::getRangeGenerate minimally-spaced character, integer, real sequences or sequences at fixed intervals of size step from start to stop.
 Cpm_arrayRank::getRankDenseGenerate and return the Dense rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::getRankFractionalGenerate and return the Fractional rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::getRankModifiedGenerate and return the Modified rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::getRankOrdinalGenerate and return the ordinal rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::getRankStandardGenerate and return the Standard rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_val2real::getRealGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to a real value of default kind RK
 Cpm_io::getRecordFromGenerate and return a full record (line) of arbitrary length as a string from the current position of the record-oriented and formatted file connected to the specified input unit
 Cpm_arrayRefine::getRefinedGenerate a refined version of the input array by the specified weight and skip.
 Cpm_arrayRemap::getRemappedGenerate a copy of the input array whose elements are reordered according to the input index array such that,
  arrayNew = array(index) or,
  arrayNew = array(index(size(index):1:-1)) if action = reverse or,
holds for the output
 Cpm_arrayRemove::getRemovedGenerate and return an allocatable array containing the remaining parts of the input array as a sequence after removing the input pattern at the requested occurrences
 Cpm_arrayReplace::getReplacedGenerate and return an arrayNew of the same type and kind as the input array, in which the requested instances of the input pattern have been replaced with the input replacement
 Cpm_arrayReverse::getReversedGenerate and return an output array whose elements are the reversed-order elements of the input array, such that
  array = array(lenArray:1:-1),
  where lenArray = len(array) if array is a scalar character, or lenArray = size(array) is an array of rank 1
 Cpm_sampleWeight::getReweightGenerate and return a reweighting of the input weight vector, such that the sequence represented by output reweight is the refined (skipped by the amount skip) version of the sequence represented by the input weight.
 Cpm_sampleCor::getRhoGenerate and return the Spearman rank correlation matrix of the input (weighted) sample of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) or the Spearman rank correlation coefficient a pair of (weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_mathRoot::getRootGenerate and return a root of a specified continuous real-valued one-dimensional mathematical function such that f(\mathrm{root}) = 0 with the user-specified or the default root-finding method.
 Cpm_sampleScale::getScaledGenerate a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is scaled by the specified input amount along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_arraySelect::getSelectedGenerate and return the rankth smallest value in the input array by first sorting its elements in ascending order (optionally only between the specified indices [lb, ub]).
 Cpm_sampleShift::getShiftedGenerate a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is shifted by the specified input amount along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_arrayShuffle::getShuffledPerform an unbiased random shuffling of the input array, known as the Knuth or Fisher-Yates shuffle, and generate and return the new reshuffled array
 Cpm_arrayStrip::getSILGenerate and return index, the index of the first element of the input array such that array(1:index-1) contains only full repetitions of the user-specified pattern
 Cpm_arrayStrip::getSIRGenerate and return index, the index of the last element of the input array such that array(index+1:) contains only full repetitions of the user-specified pattern
 Cpm_cosmology::getSizeUnivNormedGenerate and return the cosmological size (or equivalently, the age) of the Universe at the desired redshift normalized to Hubble Distance (or equivalently, to Hubble Time), given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_arraySort::getSortedGenerate and return the sorted elements of the input scalar string or contiguous vector in ascending order, or the sorted indices of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the user-specified order
 Cpm_mathSqrt::getSqrtGenerate and return the integer square root of an input non-negative integer
 Cpm_val2str::getStrGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to an output Fortran string, possibly with the requested format and sign symbol, if provided
 Cpm_arrayStrip::getStrippedGenerate and return the input array modified such that all instances of the input pattern are stripped from its both sides or only the side specified
 Cpm_strASCII::getStrLowerGenerate and return the input string where the uppercase English alphabets are all converted to lowercase letters.
 Cpm_strASCII::getStrQuotedGenerate and return the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style.
 Cpm_strASCII::getStrUpperGenerate and return the input string where the lowercase English alphabets are all converted to uppercase letters.
 Cpm_str::getStrWrappedGenerate and return the input scalar string wrapped within the specified width while optionally prefixing each line and respecting the initial indentation in all subsequent lines.
 Cpm_matrixSubset::getSubCompGenerate and return the objects representing the complementary subset of the input matrix subset sub with respect to the main diagonal of the matrix
 Cpm_matrixSubset::getSubSymmGenerate and return the objects representing the symmetric mirror subset of the input matrix subset sub with respect to the main diagonal of the matrix
 Cpm_matrixSubset::getSubUnionGenerate and return the object representing the union of two input matrix subsets
 Cpm_mathSum::getSumGenerate and return the expression sum(x) accurately (almost without roundoff error).
 Cpm_sysInfo::getSysInfoGenerate and return a string containing a comprehensive report of the operating system and platform specifications
 Cpm_timer::getTime_procThis is the abstract interface of the setTime static type-bound procedure component of timer_type abstract type that performs the timing since a user-specified or a processor-dependent origin
 Cpm_bench::getTimingGenerate and return an object of type timing_type containing the benchmark timing information and statistics
 Cpm_str::getTrimmedTZGenerate and return a vector of single-characters each element of which corresponds to one character in the input scalar string.
 Cpm_distUnif::getUnifCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a univariate Standard Uniform distribution or a Uniform distribution with the specified support via lower and upper input arguments at the specified input values
 Cpm_distUnifEll::getUnifEllLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the MultiVariate MVUE (MVUE) Distribution.
 Cpm_distUnifEll::getUnifEllRandGenerate and return a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim from the ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Uniform Ellipsoidal (MVUE) distribution, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and the specified subset of the Cholesky Factorization of the Gramian matrix of the MVUE distribution
 Cpm_distUnifElls::getUnifEllsLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of an approximation of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Multiple MultiVariate Uniformly Ellipsoidal (MMVUE) Distribution.
 Cpm_distUnifPar::getUnifParLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the MultiVariate Uniform Parallelepiped (MVUP) Distribution.
 Cpm_distUnifPar::getUnifParRandGenerate and return a random vector from the \ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Uniform Parallelepiped (MVUP) Distribution.
 Cpm_distUnif::getUnifRandGenerate and return a scalar or a contiguous array of rank 1 of length s1 of randomly uniformly distributed discrete logical, integer, character value(s), or continuous real or `complex value(s) within the specified input range.
 Cpm_distUnif::getUnifRandStateGenerate and return an allocatable array of rank 1 containing the state vector of the Fortran default random number generator (RNG) or, optionally set the RNG state based on a reference input scalar seed, optionally distinctly on each processor
 Cpm_distUnif::getUnifRandStateSizeGenerate and return the size of the seed vector of the Fortran default random number generator (RNG)
 Cpm_distUnifSphere::getUnifSphereLogPDFGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the uniform distribution on an n-sphere embedded in an \ndim-dimensional space.
 Cpm_distUnifSphere::getUnifSphereRandGenerate and return a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim uniformly distributed on the surface of an n-sphere, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and optionally affine-transformed to a non-uniform distribution on the surface of an (n+1)-ellipsoid represented by the Cholesky Factorization of its Gramian matrix
 Cpm_arrayUnique::getUniqueGenerate and return a vector of unique values in the input array.
 Cpm_sampleVar::getVarGenerate and return the variance of the input sample of type complex or real of shape (nsam) or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleVar::getVarCorrectionGenerate and return the bias correction factor for the computation of the variance of a (weighted) sample.
 Cpm_sampleVar::getVarMergedGenerate and return the (weighted) merged variance of a complex or real sample resulting from the merger of two separate (weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_arrayVerbose::getVerboseGenerate an equally-weighted (verbose or flattened) array of the input weighted array of rank 1 or 2
 Cpm_cosmology::getVolComDiffNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Comoving Volume Element per unit solid angle of the sky (i.e., 1 Steradian normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_cosmology::getVolComNormedGenerate and return the full-sky ( 4\pi Steradian) cosmological Comoving Volume normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters.
 Cpm_ellipsoid::getVolUnitBallGenerate and return the natural logarithm of the volume of an \ndim-dimensional ball of unit-radius
 Cpm_dateTime::getWeekDateGenerate and return the ISO 8601 Week Date triple [week year, week number, week day] corresponding to the input Gregorian date and time values(1:3) or (year, month, day) triple
 Cpm_dateTime::getWeekDayGenerate and return the day number of the week of a Gregorian Calendar date, assuming Sunday is the zeroth day of the week. If there is no input argument, then the current day number of the week is returned
 Cpm_dateTime::getWeekDayISOGenerate and return the day number of the week of a Gregorian Calendar date, assuming Monday is the first day of the week. If there is no input argument, then the current day number of the week is returned
 Cpm_dateTime::getWeekNumberGenerate and return the Week Number, i.e., the number of weeks of the input year until and including the week containing the specified input Gregorian date
 Cpm_dateTime::getWeekYearGenerate and return the week year corresponding to the ISO 8601 Week Date triple [week year, week number, week day] equivalent of the input Gregorian date and time values(1:3) or (year, month, day) triple
 Cpm_ziggurat::getZigGenerate and return a Ziggurat set for the specified distribution that can be subsequently used for random number generation from the distribution
 Cpm_distNorm::getZigNormGenerate and return the lower right edges of the rectangles of a Ziggurat partitioning of the Normal density function (and the corresponding density function values) to be used for Normal random number generation using the Ziggurat algorithm
 Cpm_dateTime::getZoneAbbrGenerate and return the time zone abbreviation corresponding to the current local time or the specified zone in minutes
 Cpm_quadPack::GK15_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 7-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 15-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_quadPack::GK21_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 10-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 11-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_quadPack::GK31_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 15-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 31-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_quadPack::GK41_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 20-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 41-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_quadPack::GK51_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 25-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 51-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_quadPack::GK61_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of 30-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 61-point Kronrod extension formulae as the drivers in the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadGK
 Cpm_sysPath::globGenerate and return the result of globing the specified input pattern.
 Cpm_distCov::gram_typeThis the derived type whose instances imply the use of the Gram algorithm for generating random covariance matrices.
 Cpm_batse::grb_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects that contain attributes of BATSE catalog GRBs.
 Cpm_sysPath::hasDriveLetterGenerate and return .true. is the input Windows-style path begins with a drive-letter pattern like C:.
 Cpm_parallelism::image_typeThis is the image_type type for generating objects that contain information about the current image/processor/thread and facilitate its synchronization with other processes, or the global finalization of all inter-process parallel communications (e.g., as is done in MPI applications)
 Cpm_parallelism::imageis_typeThis is the imageis_type type for generating objects with components of type logical of default kind LK that contain information about the current image/processor/thread.
 Cpm_quadTest::integrand_typeThis is the base type integrand_type standing abstract integrand type to generate a variety of integration test functions.
 Cpm_matrixInv::inversion_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to request inversion operation on a given matrix within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_except::isAddOutflowGenerate and return .true. if and only if the addition of the two input integer, complex , or real values causes runtime negative or positive outflow (overflow)
 Cpm_except::isAddOutflowNegGenerate and return .true. if and only if the addition of the two input integer, complex , or real values causes runtime negative outflow (overflow)
 Cpm_except::isAddOutflowPosGenerate and return .true. if and only if the addition of the two input integer, complex , or real values causes runtime positive outflow (overflow)
 Cpm_arraySort::isAscendingGenerate and return .true. if the input array is sorted in ascending order (with the possibility of elements being equal), otherwise, generate and return .false.
 Cpm_arraySort::isAscendingAllGenerate and return .true. if the input array is sorted in strictly all ascending order (without equal elements), otherwise, generate and return .false.
 Cpm_optimization::isBracketMaxGenerate and return .true. if and only if a concave quadratic curve can fit the specified input triple [xmin, xlow, xupp] and the function value at the middle pointxmin` is larger than both boundary point function values.
 Cpm_optimization::isBracketMinGenerate and return .true. if and only if a convex quadratic curve can fit the specified input triple [xmin, xlow, xupp] and the function value at the middle point xmin is smaller than both boundary point function values.
 Cpm_strASCII::isCharAlphaGenerate and return .true. if the input (single) character is an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isCharAlphaNumGenerate and return .true. if the input (single) character is a digit or an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isCharDigitGenerate and return .true. if the input character of length 1 is a digit as in DIGIT_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isCharLowerGenerate and return .true. if the input single character contains an lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isCharUpperGenerate and return .true. if the input single character contains an uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_mathCompare::isCloseGenerate and return .true. if the two input values are sufficiently close to each other within the specified tolerances.
 Cpm_os::isDarwinGenerate and return .true. if the runtime operating system is Darwin (macOS)
 Cpm_arraySort::isDescendingGenerate and return .true. if the input array is sorted in descending order (with the possibility of elements being equal), otherwise, generate and return .false.
 Cpm_arraySort::isDescendingAllGenerate and return .true. if the input array is sorted in strictly all descending order (without equal elements), otherwise, generate and return .false.
 Cpm_sysPath::isDirGenerate and return .true. is the input path is an extant system directory, otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_str::isEndedWithGenerate and return the location of the first occurrence of the minimum of the input string(s)
 Cpm_sysPath::isExtantGenerate and return .true. if the input path (whether a file or a directory) exists and .false. otherwise.
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedChangeDirGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to set the current working directory to the input dir fails, otherwise return .false. upon success.
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedCopyGenerate and return .true. if the requested copy action failed, otherwise return .false. indicating success.
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedExecGenerate and return failed = .false. if the attempt to run the requested shell command is successful.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::isFailedGeomCyclicFitGenerate and return .true. if the parameters of a least-squares fit to the histogram representing a Cyclic-Geometric-distributed sample can be successfully inferred, otherwise, return .false..
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetDirTempGenerate and return failed = .false. if the path to the shell-specified temporary directory is successfully returned in the output dirTemp argument.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetEnvVarGenerate and return failed = .false. if the value of the input environment variable name can be successfully retrieved as a trimmed string in the output argument value.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error.
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetOutputGenerate and return failed = .false. if the output of the input system command is successfully retrieved in the allocatable argument output.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellHeightGenerate and return failed = .false. if the attempt to fetch the height (in characters) of the current shell terminal is successful.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellShapeGenerate and return failed = .false. if the attempt to fetch the shape (height and width) of the current shell terminal is successful.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error.
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellWidthGenerate and return failed = .false. if the attempt to fetch the width (in characters) of the current shell terminal is successful.
Otherwise, return failed = .true. indicating the occurrence of an error
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedGlobGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to globing the specified input pattern fails, otherwise, return .false..
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedListGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to fetch the directory listing of the specified input path fails, otherwise, return .false..
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedMakeDirGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to create the requested directory path fails, otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedMakeDirTempGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to create a temporary directory fails.
Otherwise return .false. and set the output path to the newly created temporary directory.
 Cpm_optimization::isFailedMinPowellGenerate and return .true. if and only if the algorithm fails to find the minimum value and the corresponding abscissa xmin(1:ndim) of the input arbitrary (ndim) dimensional-support function isolated to a fractional precision of about tol using the Powell unconstrained derivative-free minimization method.
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedMoveGenerate and return .true. if the requested move action failed, otherwise return .false. indicating success.
 Cpm_sysShell::isFailedPutEnvVarGenerate and return .true. if the attempt to (re)define the environment variable name with the specified value in the runtime shell **fails, otherwise return .false. upon success.
 Cpm_quadPack::isFailedQuadCompute the 1D integral of the input scalar (potentially singular) integrand getFunc on a finite or semi/fully-infinite interval (a, b) and estimate its absolute error via the requested adaptive global quadrature rule
 Cpm_sysPath::isFailedRemoveGenerate and return .true. if the requested path removal action from the file system failed, otherwise return .false. indicating success.
 Cpm_sysPath::isFileGenerate and return .true. is the input path is a file (not a directory), otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_distBern::isHeadGenerate and return a scalar (or a vector of length size or an array of the same shape as the input p) containing the odds of getting a head in a single (or a series) of coin-flipping experiment(s).
 Cpm_except::isInfGenerate and return .true. if the input value is an IEEE-compliant negative or positive infinity. If the input value is a complex number, then the output is .true. if any of the two real or imaginary components or both components are either negative or positive infinities
 Cpm_except::isInfNegGenerate and return .true. if the input value is an IEEE-compliant negative infinity.
 Cpm_except::isInfPosGenerate and return .true. if the input value is an IEEE-compliant positive infinity.
 Cpm_mathExp::isIntPowGenerate and return .true. if and only if the input positive integer is a whole-number (integer) power of the specified integer base
 Cpm_sysInfo::isKernelDarwinGenerate and return .true. if the Operating System kernel is the macOS Darwin
 Cpm_sysInfo::isKernelLinuxGenerate and return .true. if the Operating System kernel is Linux
 Cpm_sysInfo::isKernelWindowsGenerate and return .true. if the Operating System kernel is the Windows
 Cpm_dateTime::isLastDayInMonthGenerate and return .true. if the input date (year, month, day) triple corresponds to the last day of a Gregorian Calendar month
 Cpm_os::isLinuxGenerate and return .true. if the runtime operating system is Linux
 Cpm_matrixClass::isMatClassGenerate and return .true. if and only if the input matrix is of the specified input class.
 Cpm_matrixPack::isMatPackGenerate and return .true. if and only if a desired matrix with the specified input shape is of the specified input packing pack.
 Cpm_ellipsoid::isMemberEllGenerate and return .true. if and only if the input point is a member (i.e., inside) of the specified \ndim-dimensional ellipsoid.
 Cpm_dateTime::isMorningGenerate and return .true. if the hour in the current or the input time zone (-720 : +840) is Ante Meridiem (before noon)
 Cpm_except::isNANGenerate and return .true. if the input value is an IEEE-compliant NAN (Not a Number) or if the input value x is not equal to its input copy xcopy, a characteristic behavior of NAN values.
 Cpm_io::isOpenGenerate and return .true. if the input file (or unit) is connected to a unit (or file), and .false. otherwise
 Cpm_sysPath::isPathAbsPosixGenerate and return .true. is the input path is an absolute POSIX path (whether existing or virtual), otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_sysPath::isPathAbsWindowsGenerate and return .true. is the input path is an absolute Windows path (whether existing or virtual), otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_sysShell::isShellCMDGenerate and return .true. if the runtime system shell is Windows CMD
 Cpm_sysShell::isShellPosixGenerate and return .true. if the runtime system shell is POSIX-compliant regardless of the Operating System
 Cpm_sysShell::isShellPowerShellGenerate and return .true. if the runtime system shell is Microsoft PowerShell Core (on Unix systems) or Windows PowerShell (on Windows systems)
 Cpm_sysShell::isShellWindowsGenerate and return .true. if the runtime system shell is Windows-based (e.g., CMD, PowerShell) regardless of the Operating System
 Cpm_arraySort::isSortedReturn .true. if the input array is sorted, either ascending or descending, or all equal
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaGenerate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAllGenerate and return .true. if the input string is all alphabetic, containing only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAnyGenerate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphabetic, that is, only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumGenerate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAllGenerate and return .true. if the input string is all alphanumeric, containing only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAnyGenerate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphanumeric, that is, only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrComplexGenerate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a complex number.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrDigitGenerate and return a vector of logical values of the same size as the length of the input scalar string str, whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding character in the input str is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrDigitAllGenerate and return .true. if all characters of the input string are numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrDigitAnyGenerate and return .true. if any character of the input string is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrIntegerGenerate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent an integer.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrLowerGenerate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrLowerAllGenerate and return .true. if the input string contains only lowercase English alphabets ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrLowerAnyGenerate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrNumberGenerate and return .true. if the input string collectively represents an integer, a real, or a complex number.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrRealGenerate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a real number.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrUpperGenerate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrUpperAllGenerate and return .true. if the input string contains only uppercase English alphabets ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_strASCII::isStrUpperAnyGenerate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
 Cpm_arrayUnique::isUniqueGenerate and return .true. for each element of the input sequence whose value is unique among all sequence element values, otherwise return .false..
 Cpm_arrayUnique::isUniqueAllGenerate and return .true. if and only if all elements of the input sequence values are unique.
 Cpm_arrayUnique::isUniqueAnyGenerate and return .true. if and only if at least one element of the input sequence is unique among others.
 Cpm_dateTime::isValidDateTimeGenerate and return .true. if the input date and time values(:) or (year, month, day, zone, hour, second, millisecond) octuple corresponds to a valid Gregorian Calendar date and time
 Cpm_dateTime::isValidZoneGenerate and return .true. is the input time zone zone in units of minutes is valid (i.e., -12 * 60 <= zone <= +14 * 60).
 Cpm_os::isWindowsGenerate and return .true. if the runtime operating system is Windows
 Cpm_sysInfo::kernel_typeThis is the kernel_type class for generating objects with logical components to determine the operating system (OS) kernel and its name
 Cpm_sysInfo::kernelis_typeThis is the kernelis_type class for generating objects with logical components to determine the operating system (OS) kernel
 Cpm_lapack::lapackGETRFComputes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
 Cpm_quadRomb::lbis_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open and, the integrand has an Integrable square-root type of Singularity at the finite Lower Bound of integration (LBIS)
 Cpm_sysPath::lsGenerate and return a list of all paths within the specified input path.
 Cpm_matrixClass::matrix_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different matrix classes (e.g., Symmetric, Hermitian, ...).
 Cpm_complexMinMax::maxGenerate and return the component-wise maximum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_complexMinMax::maxlocGenerate and return the component-wise location of the maximum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_complexMinMax::maxvalGenerate and return the component-wise maximum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_mathCompare::mean_typeThis is an empty derived type that is exclusively used to differentiate the procedures within the generic interface isClose().
 Cpm_sampleShift::meanshift_typeThis is the derived type whose instances are meant to signify a sample shifting by an amount equal to the negative of the sample mean.
 Cpm_memory::memory_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different memory operations, layout, ....
 Cpm_err::message_typeThis is the base derived type for constructing subclasses that contain the specifications of the generic message interfaces.
 Cpm_mathRoot::method_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require root-finding methods (e.g., Bisection, False Position, Secant, Newton, Brent, Ridders, ...).
 Cpm_polynomial::method_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require root-finding methods (e.g., Eigenvalue, Jenkins, Laguerre, ...).
 Cpm_complexMinMax::minGenerate and return the component-wise minimum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_complexMinMax::minlocGenerate and return the component-wise location of the minimum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_complexMinMax::minvalGenerate and return the component-wise minimum value of (both real and imaginary parts of) the input complex
 Cpm_clusTest::mmvue_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects containing the specifications of a realization of an MMUVE distribution and a collection of randomly sampled points from it.
 Cpm_clusTest::mmvue_type_writeWrite the specifications of an object of type mmvue_type to an external sequential formatted filed with the specified input file unit funit.
 Cpm_clusTest::mmvue_typerGenerate and return an object of type mmvue_type.
 Cpm_kind::model_typeThis is the abstract derived type for creating objects of class model_type that contain the characteristics of the processor representation model used for the requested data object.
 Cpm_polation::monopol_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using a single polynomial of highest degree possible given the abscissa within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_polation::neimean_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using the smallest node larger than the query point within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
The name neimean stands for neighbor mean.
 Cpm_polation::neinear_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using the smallest node larger than the query point within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
The name neinear stands for neighbor nearest.
 Cpm_polation::neinext_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using the smallest node larger than the query point within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
The name neinext stands for neighbor next.
 Cpm_polation::neiprev_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using the largest node smaller than the query point within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
The name neiprev stands for neighbor previous.
 Cpm_quadRomb::nexp_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open and, the intervals should be spaced assuming an integrand that behaves like a Negative-Exponent Exponential (NEXP), such that the upper limit of integration is allowed to be b = +\infty
 Cpm_mathConst::ninf_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of the negative infinity -\infty as an input argument to the generic interfaces of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_distCov::onion_typeThis the derived type whose instances imply the use of the Onion algorithm for generating random covariance matrices as described in algorithm of Lewandowski et al. (2009).
 Cpm_quadRomb::open_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open
 Cpm_io::openArg_typeThis is the openArg_type class containing arguments that can be passed to the open() intrinsic Fortran statement
 Cpm_str::operator(.alleq.) Generate and return .true. if the input scalar strings are equal (non-lexically), otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.allin.) Generate and return .true. if all elements of the input array-like val are members of the input array-like object Set, otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.allinrange.) Generate and return .true. if all elements of the input array-like object val are within a range specified by the input vector Set(1:2), otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_complexCompareAll::operator(.allneq.) Generate and return .true. if both components of the input complex argument val1 are not equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(.anyeq.) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 is equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.anyin.) Generate and return .true. if any elements of the input array-like val are members of the input array-like object Set, otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.anyinrange.) Generate and return .true. if any elements of the input array-like object val are within a range specified by the input vector Set(1:2), otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(.anyneq.) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 are not equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_mathDivMul::operator(.divmul.) Generate and return the result of applying the mathematical unary or binary operators \times/ to the input argument(s).
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.in.) Generate and return .true. if the input value val is a member of the input array-like object set, otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_arrayMembership::operator(.inrange.) Generate and return .true. if the input value val is within a range specified by the input array-like object set(1:2), otherwise, return .false.
 Cpm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lge.) Generate and return the result of the lexicographic comparison of two input objects of the same type, kind, and rank using the >= operator
 Cpm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lgt.) Generate and return the result of the lexicographic comparison of two input objects of the same type, kind, and rank using the > operator
 Cpm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lle.) Generate and return the result of the lexicographic comparison of two input objects of the same type, kind, and rank using the <= operator
 Cpm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.llt.) Generate and return the result of the lexicographic comparison of two input objects of the same type, kind, and rank using the < operator
 Cpm_mathSubAdd::operator(.subadd.) Generate and return the result of applying the mathematical unary or binary operator \mp to the input argument(s)
 Cpm_mathUnsigned::operator(.uadd.)Generate and return a (possibly overflowed) signed integer that is the result of adding the two input (non-negative) integers without runtime overflow error
 Cpm_container::operator(/=) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of two input containers of scalar values using the /= operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(/=) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is not equal to the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_complexCompareAll::operator(<) Generate and return .true. if both components of the input complex argument val1 are less than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(<) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 are less than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareLex::operator(<) Generate and return .true. if the real and imaginary components of the input complex argument val1 are lexicographically less than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_container::operator(<) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of two input containers of scalar values using the < operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(<) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is less than the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_complexCompareAll::operator(<=) Generate and return .true. if both components of the input complex argument val1 is less than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(<=) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 is less than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareLex::operator(<=) Generate and return .true. if the real and imaginary components of the input complex argument val1 are lexicographically less than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_container::operator(<=) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of two input containers of scalar values using the <= operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(<=) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is less than or equal to the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_container::operator(==) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of the two input containers of scalar of arbitrary type and kind using the == operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(==) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is equal to the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_complexCompareAll::operator(>) Generate and return .true. if both components of the input complex argument val1 is more than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(>) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 is more than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareLex::operator(>) Generate and return .true. if the real and imaginary components of the input complex argument val1 are lexicographically more than the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_container::operator(>) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of two input containers of scalar values using the > operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(>) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is more than the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_complexCompareAll::operator(>=) Generate and return .true. if both components of the input complex argument val1 is more than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareAny::operator(>=) Generate and return .true. if either components of the input complex argument val1 is more than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_complexCompareLex::operator(>=) Generate and return .true. if the real and imaginary components of the input complex argument val1 are lexicographically more than or equal to the corresponding components of the input complex argument val2
 Cpm_container::operator(>=) Generate and return the result of comparing the values of two input containers of scalar values using the >= operator
 Cpm_logicalCompare::operator(>=) Generate and return .true. if the input logical argument lhs is more than or equal to the input logical argument rhs
 Cpm_array::order_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different sequence order patterns (e.g., sorted, ascending, descending, ...).
 Cpm_mathConst::origin_typeThis is the derived type origin_type representing the geometric origin of the coordinates
 Cpm_matrixPack::package_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of matrix packing (triangular, Band, ...).
 Cpm_paramonte::paramonte_typeThis a derived type devoid of any components or methods whose instantiated objects are used within the ParaMonte library to signify the use of the ParaMonte style (vs. alternative approaches) in performing various actions within the library.
 Cpm_quadRomb::pexp_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open and, the intervals should be spaced assuming an integrand that behaves like a Positive-Exponent Exponential (PEXP), such that the lower limit of integration is allowed to be a = -\infty
 Cpm_mathConst::pinf_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of the positive infinity +\infty as an input argument to the generic interfaces of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_polation::piwilin_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using piecewise lines within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_polation::piwipol_typeThis is a concrete derived type whose instances are exclusively used to signify an interpolation using multiple piecewise polynomial of arbitrary degree possible given the abscissa within an interface of a procedure of the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_mathRound::pnintGenerate and return the probabilistically-rounded to the nearest integer value of the input real number
 Cpm_quadRomb::pwrl_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open (a, b) and, the intervals should be spaced assuming an integrand that behaves like,
 Cpm_clusTest::range_typeThis is the derived type for generating objects containing the range of specifications of an MMVUE distribution as necessary by the derived type mmvue_type.
 Cpm_arrayRank::rank_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of array ranking (dense, fractional, modified, ordinal, standard, ...).
 Cpm_mathCompare::reference_typeThis is an empty derived type that is exclusively used to differentiate the procedures within the generic interface isClose().
 Cpm_distUnif::rngf_typerGenerate and return a scalar object of type rngf_type
 Cpm_distUnif::rngu_typeThis is the abstract base derived type for defining various Uniform Random Number Generator (URNG) derived types.
 Cpm_sampling::sampler_typeThis is a derived type for constructing objects containing the optional simulation properties of the ParaMonte library explorers and samplers.
 Cpm_search::search_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different search algorithms (linear, binary, ...).
 Cpm_err::setAbortedWrite the input string in the format of a fatal error to the output, then call error stop or return the control to the caller if requested.
 Cpm_sampleCCF::setACFReturn the auto-correlation function (ACF) (f\star f)(\tau) of the discrete signal f lagging itself for a range of lags that spans the sequence length.
 Cpm_sampleAffinity::setAffinityReturn an affine-transformation of the input sample of shape (1:ndim) or (1:ndim, 1:nsam) or (1:nsam, 1:ndim) based on the specified values for the translation tlate and tranformations tform along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_strASCII::setAsciiFromEscapedReturn the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible.
 Cpm_err::setAssertedVerify the input assertion holds and if it does not, print the (optional) input message on stdout and halt the program via error stop or (optionally) return the program control to the caller routine, if requested.
 Cpm_distBand::setBandEnergyGenerate and return the energy integral (the energy fluence in units of the input break energy) of the Band model for the given distribution parameters from the corresponding photon integral of the distribution (the photon fluence in units of photon counts).
 Cpm_distBand::setBandMeanGenerate and return the mean of the Band distribution for an input set of parameters.
 Cpm_distBand::setBandPhotonGenerate and return the photon integral (the photon fluence in units of photon counts) of the Band model for the given distribution parameters from the corresponding energy integral of the distribution (the energy fluence in units of the input break energy).
 Cpm_distBand::setBandUCDFGenerate and return the unnormalized cumulative distribution function (UCDF) of the Band spectral model/distribution.
 Cpm_distBern::setBernRandReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of Bernoulli-distributed random values (0 or 1), with the specified input success probability p
 Cpm_distBeta::setBetaCDFReturn the CDF of the Beta distribution for the given parameters (\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_distBeta
 Cpm_mathBeta::setBetaIncReturn the regularized Incomplete Beta Function I_x(\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_mathBeta
 Cpm_mathBeta::setBetaInvReturn the regularized Inverse Incomplete Beta Function I_x(\alpha, \beta) as defined in the details section of pm_mathBeta
 Cpm_distBeta::setBetaLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Beta distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,1)
 Cpm_distBeta::setBetaRandReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of Beta-distributed random values in range [0, 1] (or (0, 1), depending on the specific parameter values) with the specified two shape parameters (\alpha, \beta) of the Beta distribution corresponding to the procedure arguments (alpha, beta)
 Cpm_distBinom::setBinomCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Binomial distribution.
 Cpm_distBinom::setBinomLogPMFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Binomial distribution for an input nsuc within the discrete integer support of the distribution.
 Cpm_optimization::setBracketMaxRefine an initial input interval such that the final returned interval is guaranteed to contain the maximum of the user-specified input function.
 Cpm_optimization::setBracketMinRefine an initial input interval such that the final returned interval is guaranteed to contain the minimum of the user-specified input function.
 Cpm_sampleCCF::setCCFReturn the cross-correlation function (CCF) (f\star g)(\tau) of the discrete signal g lagging the signal the discrete signal f for a range of lags that spans the maximum of the lengths of the two sequences.
 Cpm_clusKmeans::setCenterCompute and return the centers of the clusters corresponding to the input sample, cluster membership IDs, and sample distances-squared from their corresponding cluster centers.
 Cpm_arrayCenter::setCenteredCenter the contents of the input array within the output arrayCentered while filling the newly added elements (if any) with the user-specified fill
 Cpm_arrayChange::setChangeReturn a randomly-uniform uniquely-selected sequence of elements from a scalar character or integer range specified via the input limits [start, stop].
 Cpm_strASCII::setCharLowerReplace any uppercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding lowercase English letter.
 Cpm_strASCII::setCharUpperReplace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase English letter.
 Cpm_quadPack::setChebExpanCompute and return the series expansion of the input function values via the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind of degrees 12 and 24 using Fast Fourier Transform method
 Cpm_arrayChoice::setChoiceSelect a single (or multiple) element(s) from the input array of intrinsic type of arbitrary kind randomly uniformly or optionally according to the specified Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input array.
 Cpm_matrixChol::setChoLow[LEGACY code]
Return the lower-triangle of the Cholesky factorization L of the symmetric positive-definite real-valued matrix represented by the upper-triangle of the input argument \ms{mat} = L.L^T.
 Cpm_distChol::setCholRandReturn a random upper or lower Cholesky factorization.
 Cpm_arrayCompact::setCompactGenerate a compacted version of the input array where all sequentially duplicate entries along the specified dimension of array are condensed to a single entry in the output compact
 Cpm_val2complex::setComplexReturn the conversion of the input value to a complex value of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_io::setContentsFromReturn the entire contents of the input unconnected file or the (remaining) contents of an already-connected file associated with the input unit.
 Cpm_io::setContentsToWrite the input string contents to the input unconnected file.
 Cpm_arrayCopy::setCopyIndexedCopy an input scalar string or vector of arbitrary intrinsic type, kind, and size to another scalar string or vector of the same type, kind, and compatible size.
 Cpm_arrayCopy::setCopyStridedCopy the strided elements of an input scalar string or vector of arbitrary intrinsic type, kind, and size to the strided elements of another scalar string or vector of the same type, kind, and compatible size.
 Cpm_sampleCor::setCorReturn the (weighted) correlation matrix corresponding to the input (weighted) covariance matrix or return the (weighted) sample Pearson correlation matrix of the input array of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) or the Pearson correlation coefficient a pair of (weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleCor::setCordanceCompute and return the Cordance vector of the input data series x and y.
 Cpm_arrayInit::setCoreHaloInitialize the rectangular core and halo of an input array of arbitrary rank and shape of arbitrary intrinsic type and kind with the corresponding user-specified values.
 Cpm_distCosRaised::setCosRaisedCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Raised Cosine distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [\mu - \sigma, \mu + \sigma]
 Cpm_distCosRaised::setCosRaisedPDFReturn the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Raised Cosine distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [\mu - \sigma, \mu + \sigma]
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovReturn the covariance matrix corresponding to the input (potentially weighted) correlation matrix or return the biased sample covariance matrix of the input array of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) or a pair of (potentially weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovMeanReturn the covariance matrix and mean vector corresponding to the input (potentially weighted) input sample of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) or a pair of (potentially weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovMeanMergedReturn the merged covariance and mean of a sample resulting from the merger of two separate (potentially weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovMeanUpdatedReturn the covariance and mean of a sample that results from the merger of two separate (potentially weighted) non-singular A and singular B samples.
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovMergedReturn the merged covariance of a sample resulting from the merger of two separate (potentially weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_distCov::setCovRandReturn a random positive-definite power-law-distributed (correlation) matrix.
 Cpm_sampleCov::setCovUpdatedReturn the covAariance resulting from the merger of two separate (potentially weighted) non-singular and singular samples A and B.
 Cpm_mathCumPropExp::setCumPropExpReturn the cumulative sum of the proportions of the exponential of the input array, optionally in the backward direction and, optionally reverse the output cumulative sum upon return
 Cpm_mathCumSum::setCumSumReturn the cumulative sum of the input array, optionally in the backward direction and optionally, reverse the output cumulative sum array upon return
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::setDisEuclidGenerate and return the (squared) Euclidean distance of a (set of) point(s) in ndim-dimensions from a reference point (possibly origin), optionally robustly without underflow or overflow.
 Cpm_distanceKolm::setDisKolmReturn the Kolmogorov distance of a sample1 of size nsam1 from another sample sample2 of size nsam2 or the CDF of the Uniform or a custom reference distribution.
 Cpm_distanceMahal::setDisMahalSqReturn the square of the Mahalanobis distance of a (set of npnt) point(s) from a single (or a set of nsam independent) sample(s) characterized by a (set of) Multivariate Normal (MVN) distribution(s) in ndim dimensions
 Cpm_distanceEuclid::setDisMatEuclidReturn the full or a subset of the Euclidean (squared) distance matrix of the input set of npnt points in ndim dimensions
 Cpm_sampleECDF::setECDFCompute and return the Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) of a univariate (optionally weighted) sample of size size(ecdf)
 Cpm_mathErf::setErfInvReturn the Inverse Error Function \ms{erf}^{-1}(x) for an input real value in range (-1, +1) as defined in the details section of pm_mathErf
 Cpm_quadPack::setErrSortedSort the input local error estimates list (resulting from the interval subdivision process of the Adaptive Global quadrature procedures of this module) in descending order
 Cpm_distExp::setExpCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution [\mu, +\infty)
 Cpm_distExpGamma::setExpGammaCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the ExpGamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (-\infty,+\infty)
 Cpm_distExpGamma::setExpGammaLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the ExpGamma distribution
 Cpm_distExp::setExpLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution [\mu, +\infty)
 Cpm_distExp::setExpRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Exponential distribution, optionally with the specified input location and scale parameters mu, sigma.
 Cpm_polation::setExtrapGenerate and return the approximate polynomial interpolation/extrapolation value of the input specified point x for the specified method
 Cpm_fftnr::setFFTFReturn the Forward Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::setFFTFReturn the Forward Fourier Transform (or equivalently, the Fourier coefficients) of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_fftnr::setFFTIReturn the Inverse (normalized by 2 / size(data)) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::setFFTIReturn the Inverse (normalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_fftnr::setFFTRReturn the Reverse (unnormalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind parameter
 Cpm_fftpack::setFFTRReturn the Reverse (unnormalized) Fourier Transform of a periodic sequence of type complex or real of arbitrary kind type parameter
 Cpm_io::setFileClosedOpen the given input file, fetch the entire contents return it as a single allocatable string, and close the file
 Cpm_parallelism::setForkJoinScalingReturn the predicted parallel Fork-Join speedup scaling behavior for simulations whose image contributions are stochastically accepted only from the first successful image starting from image ID 1
 Cpm_distGamma::setGammaCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty)
 Cpm_mathGamma::setGammaIncReturn the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaGil::setGammaIncGilReturn the regularized Lower and Upper Incomplete Gamma function values for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x.
 Cpm_mathGammaAM::setGammaIncLowAMReturn the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::setGammaIncLowNRReturn the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and upper limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::setGammaIncLowSeriesNRReturn the regularized Lower Incomplete Gamma function for the specified upper limit x and shape parameter, evaluated by the series representation of the Incomplete Gamma function
 Cpm_mathGammaAM::setGammaIncUppAMReturn the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and lower limit of the integral x
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::setGammaIncUppContFracNRReturn the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified lower limit x and shape parameter, evaluated by the Legendre continued fraction representation of the Incomplete Gamma function
 Cpm_mathGammaNR::setGammaIncUppNRReturn the regularized Upper Incomplete Gamma function for the specified shape parameter ( \kappa) and lower limit of the integral x
 Cpm_distGamma::setGammaLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty).
 Cpm_distGamma::setGammaRandReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of Gamma-distributed random values with the specified shape and scale parameters (\kappa, \sigma) of the Gamma distribution corresponding to the procedure arguments (kappa, sigma)
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::setGenExpGammaCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the GenExpGamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (-\infty,+\infty)
 Cpm_distGenExpGamma::setGenExpGammaLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenExpGamma distribution
 Cpm_distGenGamma::setGenGammaCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Generalized Gamma distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in (0,+\infty)
 Cpm_distGenGamma::setGenGammaLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the GenGamma distribution
 Cpm_distGenGamma::setGenGammaRandReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of GenGamma-distributed random values with the specified shape and scale parameters (\kappa, \omega, \sigma) of the Generalized Gamma distribution corresponding to the procedure arguments (kappa, omega, sigma)
 Cpm_distGeom::setGeomCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Geometric distribution
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::setGeomCyclicLogCDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Cyclic Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, period]
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::setGeomCyclicLogPMFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Cyclic Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, period]
 Cpm_distGeomCyclic::setGeomCyclicRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Cyclic Geometric distribution.
 Cpm_distGeom::setGeomLogPMFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Geometric distribution for an input stepSuccess within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distGeom::setGeomRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Geometric distribution.
 Cpm_timer::setIdle_procThis is the abstract interface of the wait static type-bound procedure component of timer_type abstract type that keeps the system waiting for the specified amount of seconds.
 Cpm_except::setInfNegReturn an IEEE-compliant negative infinity.
 Cpm_except::setInfPosReturn an IEEE-compliant positive infinity.
 Cpm_arrayInsert::setInsertedReturn a new array arrayNew containing the original array within which the input insertion has been inserted at the specified indices index of the original array
 Cpm_val2int::setIntReturn the conversion of the input value to a integer value of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_polation::setInterpGenerate and return the approximate polynomial interpolation value of the input specified point x for the specified method
 Cpm_clusKmeans::setKmeansCompute and return an iteratively-refined set of cluster centers given the input sample using the k-means approach.
 Cpm_clusKmeans::setKmeansPPCompute and return an asymptotically optimal set of cluster centers for the input sample, cluster membership IDs, and sample distances-squared from their corresponding cluster centers.
 Cpm_knn::setKnnSortedReturn the input distance matrix whose columns are sorted in ascending order on output, optionally only up to the kth row of each column, such that the kth row in the ith column is the kth nearest neighbor to the i^{th} reference point.
 Cpm_distKolm::setKolmCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Kolmogorov distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution X \in [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distKolm::setKolmPDFReturn the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Kolmogorov distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution X \in [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distKolm::setKolmQuanReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of Kolmogorov distribution
 Cpm_distKolm::setKolmRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the random value(s) from the Kolmogorov distribution
 Cpm_arraySpace::setLinSpaceReturn the linSpace output argument with size(linSpace) elements of evenly-spaced values over the interval [x1, x2] if x1 < x2, or [x2, x1] if x2 < x1
 Cpm_arrayFind::setLocReturn an allocatable array containing the indices of the locations within the input array where the input pattern exists.
 Cpm_val2logical::setLogicalReturn the conversion of the input value to a logical value of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_distLogNorm::setLogNormCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the univariate Lognormal distribution
 Cpm_distLogNorm::setLogNormLogPDFGenerate the natural logarithm of probability density function (PDF) of the univariate Lognormal distribution
 Cpm_arraySpace::setLogSpaceReturn the logSpace output argument with size(logSpace) elements of logarithmically-evenly-spaced values over the interval [base**logx1, base**logx2] if logx1 < logx2, or over the interval [logx2, logx1] if logx2 < logx1
 Cpm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the LogUniform distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifLogQuanReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of LogUniform distribution with parameters (x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifLogRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the LogUniform distribution with parameters (x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifPDFReturn the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the LogUniform distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_ellipsoid::setLogVolUnitBallReturn the natural logarithm of the volume of an \ndim-dimensional ball of unit-radius
 Cpm_err::setMarkedWrite the input string in the format of a custom notification, warning, or other types of messages to the output.
 Cpm_matrixChol::setMatCholCompute and return the lower/upper-triangle of the Cholesky factorization L of the input Symmetric/Hermitian positive-definite triangular matrix.
 Cpm_matrixCopy::setMatCopyCopy a desired subset of the input source matrix of arbitrary shape (:) or (:,:) to the target subset of the output destin matrix of arbitrary shape (:) or (:,:)
 Cpm_matrixDet::setMatDetReturn the determinant of the input square matrix
 Cpm_matrixDet::setMatDetSqrtReturn the determinant of the input positive-definite square matrix
 Cpm_matrixDet::setMatDetSqrtLogReturn the natural logarithm of the square-root of the determinant of the input positive-definite square matrix
 Cpm_matrixInit::setMatInitSet the upper/lower triangle and the diagonal elements of the input matrix of arbitrary shape (:,:) to the requested input values.
 Cpm_matrixInv::setMatInvGenerate and return the full inverse of a general or triangular matrix or a subset of the inverse of a positive-definite matrix complementary to its specified Cholesky factorization subset.
 Cpm_matrixLUP::setMatLUPReturn the LU-Pivoted decomposition of the input square matrix mat(ndim,ndim).
 Cpm_matrixMulAdd::setMatMulAddReturn the result of the multiplication of the input matrices/vector matA and matB in the user-specified form.
 Cpm_matrixMulTri::setMatMulTriReturn the matrix solution to the system of linear equations with a triangular coefficient matrix \ms{C}
 Cpm_matrixTrans::setMatTransGenerate and return the transpose of the input matrix of arbitrary type and kind using a cache-oblivious approach.
 Cpm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdateReturn the result of arbitrary-rank Symmetric/Hermitian updates to triangular matrices of type integer, complex, and real of arbitrary type-kind parameters
 Cpm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdateR1Return the rank-1 update of the input matrix mat using the input vectors vecA and vecB
 Cpm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdateTriangReturn the result of arbitrary-rank Symmetric/Hermitian updates to triangular matrices of type integer, complex, and real of arbitrary type-kind parameters
 Cpm_sampleMean::setMeanReturn the (weighted) mean of a pair of time series or of an input sample of nsam observations with ndim = 1 or 2 attributes, optionally weighted by the input weight, optionally also sum(weight) and optionally, sum(weight**2).
 Cpm_sampleMean::setMeanMergedReturn the (weighted) merged mean of a sample resulting from the merger of two separate (weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_clusKmeans::setMemberCompute and return the memberships and minimum distances of a set of input points with respect to the an input set of cluster centers.
 Cpm_arrayMerge::setMergedMerge two ascending-sorted arrays such that the resulting merged array contains all elements of the two arrays in ascending order
 Cpm_optimization::setMinBrentCompute and return the minimum value and the corresponding abscissa xmin of the input 1-dimensional function isolated to a fractional precision of about tol using the Brent method.
 Cpm_mathMinMax::setMinMaxReturn the minimum and maximum of the two input scalar values a and b in a and b, respectively, on output.
 Cpm_arrayMinMax::setMinMaxValReturn the minimum and maximum values of the input sequence.
 Cpm_optimization::setMinPowellCompute and return the minimum value and the corresponding abscissa xmin(1:ndim) of the input arbitrary (ndim) dimensional-support function isolated to a fractional precision of about tol using the Powell unconstrained derivative-free minimization method.
 Cpm_distMultiNorm::setMultiNormRandReturn a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim from the ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Normal (MVN) distribution, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and the specified subset of the Cholesky Factorization of the Covariance matrix of the MVN distribution
 Cpm_except::setNANReturn an IEEE-compliant quiet NAN (Not a Number).
 Cpm_distNegExp::setNegExpCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Negative Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution (-\infty, \mu]
 Cpm_distNegExp::setNegExpLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the Negative Exponential distribution for an input x within the support of the distribution (-\infty, \mu]
 Cpm_distNegExp::setNegExpRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Negative Exponential distribution, optionally with the specified input location and scale parameters mu, sigma.
 Cpm_quadPack::setNodeWeightGKReturn the Kronrod 2n + 1 nodes and weights of the extension to the n-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature, as well as the n-point Gauss-Legendre weights
 Cpm_distNorm::setNormCDFGenerate and return the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the univariate Normal distribution
 Cpm_sampleNorm::setNormedReturn a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is normalized by the specified input shift and scale along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_distNorm::setNormLogPDFGenerate the natural logarithm of probability density function (PDF) of the univariate Normal distribution
 Cpm_distNorm::setNormQuanGenerate and return the quantile of the univariate Normal distribution at the specified input CDF
 Cpm_distNorm::setNormRandReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of random values from the standard univariate Normal distribution.
 Cpm_distNorm::setNormRandBoxReturn a scalar or array of arbitrary rank of random values from the univariate Normal distribution, using the Box-Muller algorithm
 Cpm_err::setNotedWrite the input string in the format of a notification to the output.
 Cpm_arrayPad::setPaddedResize the input array by padding it to the left and right with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the left and the right of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_arrayPad::setPaddedlResize the input array by padding it to the left with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the left of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_arrayPad::setPaddedrResize the input array by padding it to the right with the requested paddings and optionally adding margins to the right of the padded array optionally filled with the corresponding fills
 Cpm_distPareto::setParetoLogCDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPareto::setParetoLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Pareto distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPareto::setParetoLogQuanReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of (Truncated) Pareto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distPareto::setParetoLogRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Pareto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_sysPath::setPathMatchReturn a list of directory paths matching a requested system application.
 Cpm_sysPath::setPathPosixReturn a POSIX-standard (Unix-like) path from the input (Windows-style) path.
 Cpm_sysPath::setPathPosixEscapedReturn a POSIX standard (Unix-like) version of the input POSIX-style-separated path where all the relevant POSIX reserved characters are properly escaped via (\).
 Cpm_sysPath::setPathWindowsNormalize the input POSIX-style or Windows-style path to a Windows-style path, such that it conforms to the path conventions of the Windows Command Prompt (CMD).
 Cpm_distPiwiPoweto::setPiwiPowetoCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) PiwiPoweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution logLimX(1) <= logx <= logLimX(size(logLimX)).
 Cpm_distPiwiPoweto::setPiwiPowetoLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) PiwiPoweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution logLimX(1) <= logx <= logLimX(n+1)
 Cpm_distPois::setPoisCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the Poisson distribution
 Cpm_distPois::setPoisLogPMFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the Poisson distribution for an input count within the discrete integer support of the distribution [0, +\infty)
 Cpm_distPois::setPoisRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank of) random value(s) from the Poisson distribution.
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyAddReturn the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the addition of a polynomial to another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyDiffReturn the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the kth-order differentiation of a univariate polynomial of arbitrary degree
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyDivReturn the quotient and remainder of dividing a polynomial with another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyMulReturn the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the multiplication of a polynomial with another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyRootReturn the roots of a polynomial of arbitrary degree specified by its coefficients coef.
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolyRootPolishedReturn the polished (refined) root of a polynomial of arbitrary degree specified by its coefficients coef.
 Cpm_polynomial::setPolySubReturn the vector of coefficients of the polynomial resulting from the subtraction of a polynomial to another polynomial of arbitrary degrees
 Cpm_distPower::setPowerLogCDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPower::setPowerLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Power distribution for an input log(x) within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty]
 Cpm_distPower::setPowerLogQuanReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of quantile corresponding to the specified CDF of (Truncated) Power distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPower::setPowerLogRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Power distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogCDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogPDFReturn the natural logarithm of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logx within the support of the distribution x \in [0 < x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max} < +\infty].
 Cpm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogQuanReturn the natural logarithm of the Inverse Cumulative Distribution (Quantile) Function of the (Truncated) Poweto distribution for an input logCDF within the support of the distribution (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}).
 Cpm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogRandReturn a scalar (or array of arbitrary rank) of the natural logarithm(s) of random value(s) from the (Truncated) Poweto distribution with parameters (\alpha, x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max})
 Cpm_statest::setProbKSReturn the probability and the corresponding Kolmogorov distribution quantile of the null-hypothesis that sample1 of size nsam1 originates from the same distribution as that of sample2 of size nsam2 or from the Uniform distribution or other distribution whose custom CDF is given.
 Cpm_arrayRange::setRangeReturn evenly spaced integer or character sequence starting at start with jump sizes of step.
 Cpm_arrayRank::setRankDenseReturn the Dense rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::setRankFractionalReturn the Fractional rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::setRankModifiedReturn the Modified rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::setRankOrdinalReturn the ordinal rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_arrayRank::setRankStandardReturn the Standard rank of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the order specified by the input procedure isSorted() using the Quicksort algorithm such that array(rank) will be in ascending order (or in the requested order as specified by isSorted()
 Cpm_val2real::setRealReturn the conversion of the input value to a real value of arbitrary kind
 Cpm_arrayRebill::setRebilledAllocate or resize (shrink or expand) and refill an input allocatable scalar string or array of rank 1..3 to arbitrary lower and upper bounds while preserving the original contents or a subset of it.
 Cpm_arrayRebind::setReboundResize (shrink or expand) an input allocatable array of rank 1..3 to arbitrary new lower and upper bounds `array(@lb:ub) while preserving the original contents or a subset of it.
 Cpm_io::setRecordFromRead a full record (line) of arbitrary length as a string from the current position of the record-oriented and formatted file connected to the specified input unit
 Cpm_arrayRefill::setRefilledAllocate or resize (shrink or expand) and refill an input allocatable scalar string or array of rank 1..3 to an arbitrary size while preserving the original contents or a subset of it.
 Cpm_arrayRefine::setRefinedGenerate a refined version of the input array where the sequentially unweighted entries along the specified dimension of array are skipped every skip to create a refined weighted output array of size rsize.
 Cpm_arrayRemap::setRemappedReorder the elements of the input array according to the input index array, such that
  array = array(index) or,
  array = array(index(size(index):1:-1)) if action = reverse or,
  arrayNew = array(index) if arrayNew is specified as input argument or,
  arrayNew = array(index(size(index):1:-1)) if arrayNew and action = reverse are specified as input arguments,
 Cpm_arrayRemove::setRemovedReturn the remaining parts of the input array as a sequence after removing the input pattern at the requested occurrences
 Cpm_arrayReplace::setReplacedReplace the requested instances of the input pattern with the input replacement in the allocatable input/output array
 Cpm_arrayResize::setResizedAllocate or resize (shrink or expand) an input allocatable scalar string or array of rank 1..3 to an arbitrary size while preserving the original contents or a subset of it.
 Cpm_arrayReverse::setReversedReverse the order of the elements of the input array, such that
  array = array(lenArray:1:-1),
  where lenArray = len(array) if array is a scalar character, or lenArray = size(array) is an array of rank 1
 Cpm_sampleWeight::setReweightGenerate and return a reweighting of the input weight vector, such that the sequence represented by output reweight is the refined (skipped by the amount skip) version of the sequence represented by the input weight.
 Cpm_sampleCor::setRhoReturn the Spearman rank correlation matrix of the input (weighted) sample of shape (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) or the Spearman rank correlation coefficient a pair of (weighted) time series x(1:nsam) and y(1:nsam) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_mathRoot::setRootReturn a root of a specified continuous real-valued one-dimensional mathematical function such that f(\mathrm{root}) = 0 with the user-specified or the default root-finding method.
 Cpm_sampleScale::setScaledReturn a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is scaled by the specified input amount along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_arraySelect::setSelectedReturn the rankth smallest (or ordered) value in the input array by first sorting its elements in ascending order (optionally only between the specified indices [lb, ub]).
 Cpm_quadPack::setSeqLimEpsReturn the limit of a given sequence of approximations via the Epsilon method of Wynn (1961)
 Cpm_sampleShift::setShiftedReturn a sample of shape (nsam), or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) that is shifted by the specified input amount along the specified axis dim.
 Cpm_arrayShuffle::setShuffledPerform an unbiased random shuffling of the input array, known as the Knuth or Fisher-Yates shuffle
 Cpm_arraySort::setSortedSort the input scalar string or contiguous vector in ascending order, or return the sorted indices of the input scalar string or contiguous array of rank 1 in ascending order or in the user-specified order
 Cpm_arraySplit::setSplitReturn the parts of the input array split at the requested occurrences of the input sep
 Cpm_val2str::setStrGenerate and return the conversion of the input value to an output Fortran string, possibly with the requested format and sign symbol, if provided
 Cpm_strASCII::setStrLowerReplace all uppercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding lowercase English letters.
 Cpm_strASCII::setStrQuotedReturn the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style.
 Cpm_strASCII::setStrUpperReplace all lowercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding uppercase English letters.
 Cpm_swap::setSwappedReturn the two input scalar or array values a and b while their values are swapped.
 Cpm_bench::setTimingTime the user-specified procedure wrapper in the parent object of type bench_type and store the output benchmark timing information and statistics implicitly in the timing component of the input/output bench_type object.
 Cpm_distUnif::setUnifCDFReturn the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a univariate Standard Uniform distribution or a Uniform distribution with the specified support via lower and upper input arguments at the specified input values
 Cpm_distUnifEll::setUnifEllRandReturn a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim from the ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Uniform Ellipsoidal (MVUE) distribution, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and the specified subset of the Cholesky Factorization of the Gramian matrix of the MVUE distribution
 Cpm_distUnifElls::setUnifEllsRandReturn a collection of random vectors of size ndim from the ndim-dimensional Multiple MultiVariate Uniform Ellipsoidal (MMVUE) distribution, with the specified input mean(1:ndim, 1:nell) and optionally the specified subset of the Cholesky Factorization of the Gramian matrices of the MMVUE distribution.
 Cpm_distUnifPar::setUnifParRandReturn a random vector from the \ndim-dimensional MultiVariate Uniform Parallelepiped (MVUP) Distribution.
 Cpm_distUnif::setUnifRandReturn a uniform random scalar or contiguous array of arbitrary rank of randomly uniformly distributed discrete logical, integer, character value(s), or continuous real or `complex value(s) within the specified input range
 Cpm_distUnif::setUnifRandStateSet the state of the Fortran default random number generator (RNG) to a random value or to an optionally deterministic, optionally processor-dependent value based on the user-specified input scalar seed and processor ID
 Cpm_distUnifSphere::setUnifSphereRandReturn a (collection) of random vector(s) of size ndim uniformly distributed on the surface of an n-sphere, optionally with the specified input mean(1:ndim) and optionally affine-transformed to a non-uniform distribution on the surface of an (n+1)-ellipsoid represented by the Cholesky Factorization of its Gramian matrix
 Cpm_arrayUnique::setUniqueReturn a vector of unique values in the input array in place of the array itself.
 Cpm_sampleVar::setVarReturn the variance of an input (weighted) sample of type complex or real of shape (nsam) or (ndim, nsam) or (nsam, ndim) where ndim is the number of data dimensions (the number of data attributes) and nsam is the number of data points.
 Cpm_sampleVar::setVarMeanReturn the (weighted) sample variance and mean of an input time series of nsam observations, or of an input sample of nsam observations with ndim attributes optionally weighted by the input weight, optionally also sum(weight).
 Cpm_sampleVar::setVarMeanMergedReturn the (weighted) merged variance and mean of a complex or real sample resulting from the merger of two separate (weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_sampleVar::setVarMergedReturn the (weighted) merged variance of a complex or real sample resulting from the merger of two separate (weighted) samples A and B.
 Cpm_cosmology::setVolComDiffNormedGenerate and return the cosmological Comoving Volume Differential (Element) per unit solid angle of the sky (i.e., 1 Steradian normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters
 Cpm_ellipsoid::setVolUnitBallReturn the volume of an \ndim-dimensional ball of unit-radius
 Cpm_err::setWarnedWrite the input string in the format of a warning to the output.
 Cpm_sysShell::shell_typeThis is the shell_type class for generating objects to determine the runtime shell type of the operating system
 Cpm_sysShell::shellis_typeThis is the shellis_type class for generating objects with logical components to determine the runtime shell type of the operating system
 Cpm_err::showGenerate and return an object of type stop_type with the user-specified input attributes
 Cpm_io::showThis is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
 Cpm_bench::showsumTime the user-specified procedure wrappers in the case vector component of the parent object of type benchMulti_type and store the output benchmark timing information and statistics implicitly in the timing component of the object
 Cpm_array::side_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of array sides (left, right, leftRight, ...).
 Cpm_io::skipThis is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
 Cpm_distUnif::splitmix64_typerGenerate, initialize, and return a scalar object of type splitmix64_type
 Cpm_sampleScale::stdscale_typeThis is the derived type whose instances are meant to signify a sample scaling by an amount equal to the inverse of the sample standard deviation or an equivalent measure.
 Cpm_mathCompare::strong_typeThis is an empty derived type that is exclusively used to differentiate the procedures within the generic interface isClose().
 Cpm_strANSI::styleSeq_typeThis is the styleSeq_type Parameterized Derived Type (PDT) for styling Fortran scalar strings of arbitrary kinds according to the conventions set by the ANSI. This derived type contains only a minimal subset of the standard recognized by the terminals and terminal emulators, in particular, DEC VT100
 Cpm_matrixSubset::subset_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of storage (upper-diagonal triangular, lower-diagonal triangular, ...).
 Cpm_quadTest::test_getQuadErrRun the adaptive global quadrature methods for the specified input integrand object
 Cpm_quadTest::test_isFailedQuadRun the adaptive global quadrature methods for the specified input integrand object
 Cpm_test::test_typeThis is the derived type test_type for generating objects that facilitate testing of a series of procedures or concepts within a unified testing framework
 Cpm_timer::timer_typeThis is the abstract base derived type that serves as a simple container template for other timer classes in the ParaMonte library
 Cpm_dateTime::timeZone_typeThis is the derived type for generating object parameters containing a list of time zones and their representative abbreviations.
 Cpm_bench::timing_typeThis is the base class for creating objects that hold the timing information of a benchmark and the timing statistics
 Cpm_matrixTrans::trans_typeThis is a derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different forms of transposition (Symmetric, Hermitian, ...).
 Cpm_quadRomb::ubis_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the integration interval is open and, the integrand has an Integrable square-root type of Singularity at the finite Lower Bound of integration (LBIS)
 Cpm_physUnit::uncertain_typeThis the derived type for constructing physical constants or unit conversions that are uncertain
 Cpm_sysPath::verbatim_typeThis is the derived type with no components, whose instantiated objects are used to signify the verbatim interpretation of paths when passed to various procedures within the ParaMonte library.
 Cpm_quadPack::wcauchy_typeThis is the derived type for constructing objects that signify the computation of the Cauchy Principal Value of arbitrary function whose Cauchy singularities is stored in the cs components of the objects of this type.
 Cpm_quadPack::wcos_typeThis is the derived type for constructing objects that signify the computation of the integral of an arbitrary Cose-weighted function
 Cpm_mathCompare::weak_typeThis is an empty derived type that is exclusively used to differentiate the procedures within the generic interface isClose().
 Cpm_sampleWeight::weight_typeThis is an abstract derived type for constructing concrete derived types to distinguish various procedure signatures that require different sample weights (e.g., fweight, aweight, rweight, ...).
 Cpm_quadPack::weps_typeThis is the indicator type for generating instances of objects that indicate the use of Epsilon extrapolation method of Wynn (1961) to accelerate the convergence of integrations of functions with integrable singularities and infinities using the (Adaptive) Global Gauss-Kronrod Quadrature of getQuadErr
 Cpm_io::wrapThis is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
 Cpm_io::wrap_typeThis is the derived type for constructing objects that contain the specifications of the getStrWrapped dynamic method of objects of derived type wrap_type.
 Cpm_quadPack::wsin_typeThis is the derived type for constructing objects that signify the computation of the integral of an arbitrary Sine-weighted function
 Cpm_distUnif::xoshiro256ssg_typerGenerate, initialize, and return a scalar object of type xoshiro256ssg_type
 Cpm_distUnif::xoshiro256ssw_typerGenerate, initialize, and return a scalar object of type xoshiro256ssw_type
 Cpm_sampleNorm::zscore_typeThis is the derived type whose instances are meant to signify a sample shifting by an amount equal to the negative of the sample mean and scaling the result by an amount equal to the inverse of the sample standard deviation or an equivalent measure.