ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Todo List
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Critical Priority: The module pm_sampleConv for timer series convolution must be added to the library.
The implementation of such module is straightforward and follows that of the existing module pm_sampleCCF.

Critical Priority: The module pm_distanceManhattan for computing the Manhattan metric distance must be added to the library.
The module pm_distanceMinkowski for computing the Minkowski metric distance must be added to the library.

Critical Priority: The ParaNest and ParaDISE samplers must be added to the module pm_sampling.
This is a task that only Amir Shahmoradi can complete.

Type pm_arrayCenter::getCentered
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated centered array.
Type pm_arrayCenter::setCentered
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated centered array.
Type pm_arrayChange::getChange
The input argument step can be made optional.
Currently, it is a required argument to avoid testing complexities in the case of input real-valued ranges.
Module pm_arrayCompareLex

Normal Priority: Ideally, a procedure with unlimited polymorphic arguments could be also added for lexical comparison of all types of input arrays, albeit with a user-defined operator supplied to the procedure.

Normal Priority: A generic interface for supplying a user-defined arbitrary comparison operator should be added.

(.lge.) Type pm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lge.)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface should be extended to input container arguments, also to arrays of higher ranks.
(.lgt.) Type pm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lgt.)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface should be extended to input container arguments, also to arrays of higher ranks.
(.lle.) Type pm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.lle.)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface should be extended to input container arguments, also to arrays of higher ranks.
(.llt.) Type pm_arrayCompareLex::operator(.llt.)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface should be extended to input container arguments, also to arrays of higher ranks.
Module pm_arrayComplement
High Priority: The two function interfaces of this module can be merged into a single generic interface.
Type pm_arrayCopy::setCopyStrided
Normal Priority: Benchmarks comparing this interface with LAPACK routines and conventional approach should be added to the documentation.
Type pm_arrayFill::getFilled
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to array arguments of higher ranks.
Type pm_arrayFind::getCountLoc

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-dimensional input arrays.

Critical Priority: Currently, the value of blindness is checked for being non-zero in the implementation.
However, the documentation of blindness requires it to be positive.
This conflict between the implementation and documentation must be resolved.

Normal Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended with an optional border argument as in getCountLoc.

Type pm_arrayFind::getLoc

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-dimensional input arrays.

Normal Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended with an optional border argument as in getCountLoc.

Critical Priority: Currently, the value of blindness is checked for being non-zero in the implementation.
However, the documentation of blindness requires it to be positive.
This conflict between the implementation and documentation must be resolved.

Type pm_arrayFind::setLoc

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-dimensional input arrays.

Critical Priority: Currently, the value of blindness is checked for being non-zero in the implementation.
However, the documentation of blindness requires it to be positive.
This conflict between the implementation and documentation must be resolved.

Module pm_arrayInit
Normal Priority: A separate module pm_arrayInitHalo should be added in future to handle initialization of halos exclusively (without changing array cores).
Type pm_arrayInit::getCoreHalo

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to array arguments of higher ranks.

Normal Priority: Unlike setCoreHalo, this functional generic interface lacks the option for scalar input core.
This is because of ambiguity created by scalar core for output array of ranks two and higher.
This can be resolved once the Fortran standard allows deferred rank function output.

Type pm_arrayInit::setCoreHalo

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to array arguments of higher ranks.

Critical Priority: The examples of this generic interface incorrectly call the functional interface.
This must be fixed before release of the library.

Normal Priority: The current interface requires the input core to be contiguous when it is an array.
This restriction can be lifted by either removing the contiguous attribute of the argument or adding additional lbcore, ubcore subsetting arguments to the interface.
The former offers a simple yet powerful solution.
However, a benchmark must be done to investigate the performance penalty of switching the contiguous attribute off.

Type pm_arrayInsert::getInserted

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of getInserted with and without positive, sorted should be added.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

Type pm_arrayInsert::setInserted

Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to accept an intent(inout), allocatable :: array instead of ArraNew to simplify in-place insertion. However, the potential resulting code bloat outweigh the slightly improved calling syntax benefits.

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of setInserted with and without positive, sorted should be added.

Module pm_arrayMerge
Low Priority: The examples of this module require an update.
Type pm_arrayMinMax::getMinMaxVal
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include the possibility of passing user-defined custom comparison.
Type pm_arrayMinMax::setMinMaxVal

Critical Priority: The dynamic character allocation due to the bug described above must be eliminated within the implementation of this module as soon as the Intel compilers bugs are resolved.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include the possibility of passing user-defined custom comparison.

Type pm_arrayPad::getPadded
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Type pm_arrayPad::getPaddedl
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Type pm_arrayPad::getPaddedr
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Type pm_arrayPad::setPadded
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Type pm_arrayPad::setPaddedl
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Type pm_arrayPad::setPaddedr
Normal Priority: Two new optional input scalar lbcold and ubcold arguments can be added to procedures to specify a subset of the contents of the original array that has to be kept in the newly allocated padded array.
Module pm_arrayRank

Low Priority: The relevant benchmarks comparing the functional and subroutine interfaces should be added here.

Critical Priority: Support for ranking of arrays of PDTs must be enabled again as soon as GNU Fortran Compiler gfortran supports PDTs.

High Priority: An optional argument sorted must be added to all interfaces within this module to allow fast computation of the rankings of previously sorted arrays without redundant resorting.

Normal Priority: The generic interfaces of this module must be extended to support rankings of matrices along a specified dimension.
Such a pattern occurs, for example, in computing the Spearman rank correlation matrix.

Normal Priority: The current implementation of the generic ranking interfaces of this module are separated from each other.
However, it may be preferrable to merge all generic interfaces into single interface bindings getRank() and setRank().
Consequently, an extra argument of class rank_type must be added to all procedure interfaces to make them distinguishable.
For now, the procedures for different ranking methods were are under separate generic interface names, because of the complexity in the merging of the fractional ranking procedures (which output real ranks of default kind RK) with the rest (which output integer ranks of default kind IK).

Type pm_arrayRank::getRankDense

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Type pm_arrayRank::getRankFractional

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Type pm_arrayRank::getRankModified

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::getRankOrdinal

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::getRankStandard

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::setRankDense

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::setRankFractional

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Type pm_arrayRank::setRankModified

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::setRankOrdinal

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Type pm_arrayRank::setRankStandard

Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug can be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.

Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.

Type pm_arrayRebill::setRebilled

Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to arrays of higher ranks.

Normal Priority: This generic interface should be extended to arrays of container type as done in pm_arrayResize.

Type pm_arrayRebind::setRebound

Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to arrays of higher ranks than currently supported.

Normal Priority: This generic interface should be extended to arrays of container type as done in pm_arrayResize.

Type pm_arrayRefill::setRefilled

Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to arrays of higher ranks than currently supported.

Normal Priority: This generic interface should be extended to arrays of container type as done in pm_arrayResize.

Module pm_arrayRefine
Normal Priority: Interfaces for real weights and without weights should be added in future.
Type pm_arrayRemap::getRemapped

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 1D input objects.

Critical Priority: The gfortran bugs in the implementations of this generic interface must be resolved in the future.

Type pm_arrayRemap::setRemapped

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 1D input objects.

Critical Priority: The gfortran bugs in the implementations of this generic interface must be resolved in the future.

Type pm_arrayRemove::getRemoved
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.
Type pm_arrayRemove::setRemoved
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.
Type pm_arrayReplace::getReplaced

The internal compiler error with Intel Classic Fortran Compiler ifort and GNU Fortran Compiler gfortran has to be fixed in the future versions.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

High Priority: This generic interface can be extended to scalar input pattern and replacement arguments.
Such an extension will likely lead to runtime performance gain for cases where pattern and replacement are arrays of length 1.
See pm_arraySplit for a relevant benchmark about this matter.

High Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of setReplaced with and without sorted, unique optional input arguments should be added.

Type pm_arrayReplace::setReplaced

High Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of setReplaced with and without sorted, unique optional input arguments should be added.

High Priority: This generic interface can be extended to scalar non-string input pattern and replacement arguments.
Such an extension will likely lead to runtime performance gain for cases where pattern and replacement are arrays of length 1. See pm_arraySplit for an example relevant benchmark about this matter.

Low Priority: This logic behind using intent(inout), allocatable :: array argument as opposed to returning the result in a new array is that the size of the output array is not known a priori, but is determined within the algorithm.
If the use of allocatable dummy arguments is to be truly avoided, a new interface can be added where the output is returned in a contiguous ArrayReplaced while the input array remains intact.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

Type pm_arrayResize::setResized
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to arrays of higher ranks than currently supported.
Type pm_arrayReverse::getReversed
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.
Type pm_arrayReverse::setReversed
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.
Type pm_arraySelect::getSelected
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input objects.
Type pm_arraySelect::setSelected
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input objects.
Type pm_arrayShuffle::getShuffled
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.
Type pm_arrayShuffle::setShuffled

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

High Priority: Update 2021: This task is now resolved.
The current random integer generator uses a simple double precision real conversion to integer values.
While this works fairly well for most use cases, it may biased for generating random integer of kind IK4.
A future remedy should use Bitmask with Rejection as described here.
As of 2021, the use of double precision (64-bit) vs. single-precision for random number generation increases the computational cost of the algorithms by about three times.

Module pm_arraySort
Very Low Priority: An equivalent functional versions of setSorted and setSorted could be added along with the relevant benchmarks.
Type pm_arraySort::isAscending
This interface can be extended to scalar containers of strings.
Type pm_arraySort::isAscendingAll
This interface can be extended to scalar containers of strings.
Type pm_arraySort::isDescendingAll
This interface can be extended to scalar containers of strings.
Type pm_arraySort::setSorted
Normal Priority: Low Priority: The current bypass for the PDT name aliasing bug should be reverted back to PDT name aliasing once the ifort bug is resolved.
Type pm_arraySpace::getLogSpace
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include procedures with real-valued input argument space instead of count.
Type pm_arraySpace::setLogSpace
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include procedures with real-valued input argument space instead of count.
Module pm_arraySplit
Normal Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of output index array vs. output jagged array would be informative here.
Type pm_arraySplit::setSplit

Low Priority: For now, all PDT name aliases have been removed to bypass the Intel Classic Fortran Compiler ifort bug.
This can be reverted back to the original aliasing approach in the future once the Intel ifort bug is resolved.
However, the whole point of using aliases was to make the development of the code easier and nicer.
With the use of explicit names, there might really be no point in reviving the aliases other than code aesthetics.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

Normal Priority: A backward optional argument can be added in the future to search for the input sep in the backward direction.

Module pm_arrayStrip
Low Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of indexing vs. allocating a modified array should be provided here.
Type pm_arrayUnique::getUnique

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

Critical Priority: The internal compiler error with ifort and gfortran has to be fixed in the future versions.

Type pm_arrayUnique::setUnique

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to 2D input objects.

High Priority: To avoid extra data copy and improve performance, an extra optional lenUnique output argument could be added to the procedures such that when it is present, the output arrays unique and count will not be resized from size(array) to the correct length lenUnique.
In such a case, the onus would be on the user to ensure only the elements (1:lenUnique) of the output arrays are used for any subsequent work as only these elements are meaningful. This would, however, come with the benefit of extra efficiency.

Module pm_arrayVerbose
Normal Priority: A generic subroutine interface corresponding to the generic function interface getVerbose might be added in future.
Type pm_bench::benchMulti_typer
Very Low Priority: The current construction of the name component of the output object relies on repeated allocation of name.
This can be improved by removing the redundant allocation in future, although any performance benefits are questionable.
Type pm_bench::getTiming
High Priority: The computation of the median, skewness, and kurtosis of the timing vector in the stat component must be implemented.
Type pm_bench::setTiming
High Priority: The computation of the median, skewness, and kurtosis of the timing vector in the stat component must be implemented.
Type pm_complexMinMax::maxloc
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended with optional mask and back arguments to match those of the intrinsic maxloc().
Type pm_complexMinMax::minloc
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended with optional mask and back arguments to match those of the intrinsic minloc().
Module pm_container
Normal Priority: Currently, only the following containers are exemplified:
(=) Type pm_container::assignment(=)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(/=) Type pm_container::operator(/=)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(<) Type pm_container::operator(<)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(<=) Type pm_container::operator(<=)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(==) Type pm_container::operator(==)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(>) Type pm_container::operator(>)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
(>=) Type pm_container::operator(>=)
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this generic interface can be extended to input arrays of higher rank.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityB10
This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityF18
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityH06
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityL08
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityM14
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityM17
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Type pm_cosmicRate::getLogRateDensityP15
This generic interface can be extended to higher-rank input arrays.
Module pm_cosmology
Normal Priority: A visualization comparison of all cosmological distances should be added here.
Type pm_cosmology::getDisComTransNormedWU10
High Priority: The origins of the glitch in the output of this algorithm at high redshifts (visible in the plots) must be investigated and corrected.
Module pm_dateTime

A subroutine equivalent of the performance-critical functions with allocatable output (e.g., getDateTime) should be added in the future.

High Priority: Most of the routines of this module are currently implemented for the default integer kind and the default real64 real kind.
The choice of kinds is primarily dictated by the output of the Fortran intrinsic date_and_time().
All routines should be extended to generic interfaces supporting multiple kinds in future.

Type pm_dateTime::getDateTime

Low Priority: Locale-dependent date and time formats can be added to this generic interface in the future, depending on the demand.

Normal Priority: This interface can be extended to add format input argument to all possible calling interfaces.

High Priority: The format specifiers \(\ms{%U}\) and \(\ms{%W}\) must be implemented.

Type pm_dateTime::getZoneAbbr
High Priority: Currently, the zone abbreviation is derived from a predefined list.
The zone abbreviation must be inferred directly from the operating system.
On Windows, this could be also be done via the Powershell command (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime() to test whether the daylight savings is activated.
On Unix, The command date +"\%Z" outputs the zone abbreviation.
Type pm_distanceBhat::getDisBhat
Critical Priority: The runtime checks for the complex input invCov must be implemented.
Module pm_distanceEuclid

High Priority: The connection between the different packing schemes of the distance matrix and the packing methods in pm_matrixPack must be further clarified.

Normal Priority: A comparison and benchmark with faster less numerically-stable computational methods for pairwise distances might be informative here.
See also a relevant discussion in stackexchange.

Type pm_distanceEuclid::getDisEuclid
Normal Priority: A benchmark comparison with the equivalent compiler implementations would be informative.
Type pm_distanceEuclid::getDisMatEuclid
High Priority: This generic interface must be extended to allow other packing and subsets of the output distance matrix.
Type pm_distanceEuclid::setDisEuclid
Normal Priority: A benchmark comparison with the equivalent compiler implementations would be informative.
Type pm_distanceEuclid::setDisMatEuclid
High Priority: This generic interface must be extended to allow other packing and subsets of the output distance matrix.
Type pm_distanceHellinger::getDisHellSq
Critical Priority: The runtime checks for the complex input invCov must be implemented.
Type pm_distanceMahal::getDisMahalSq
Critical Priority: The runtime checks for the complex input invCov must be implemented.
Type pm_distanceMahal::setDisMahalSq

Critical Priority: The runtime checks for the complex input invCov must be implemented.

High Priority: The performance of the implementation for complex input can be improved by using do_product on columns of invCov instead of the current implementation working with rows of invCov in matmul.

Type pm_distBand::distBand_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distBern::distBern_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Module pm_distBeta
Critical Priority: The quantile function must be implemented here.
Type pm_distBeta::distBeta_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distBeta::getBetaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distBeta::getBetaPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distBeta::setBetaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distBinom::distBinom_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distBinom::setBinomLogPMF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Module pm_distCosRaised
Normal Priority: Two additional interfaces for computing the quantiles and random values of Raised Cosine Distribution must be added.
The methodology employed for the [Beta distribution](@ pm_distBeta) might be useful here.
Type pm_distCosRaised::distCosRaised_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distCosRaised::getCosRaisedCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distCosRaised::getCosRaisedPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distCosRaised::setCosRaisedCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distCosRaised::setCosRaisedPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Module pm_distCov
Critical Priority: The output square matrices from the onion method are frequently non-positive-definite, particularly in higher dimensions.
A closer look into the root causes of this instability must be done.
Type pm_distCov::setCovRand

High Priority: The current implementation of this generic interface uses a naive method of computing the Cholesky factorization with a default matrix packing for the Onion method.
The RFP packing format must be also implemented for this generic interface.

High Priority: The current implementation of the Gram method can be significantly improved, both computationally and functionally.

Type pm_distExp::distExp_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distExp::getExpCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExp::getExpLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExp::setExpCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExp::setExpLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExp::setExpRand
Critical Priority: The Intel ifort bug (described below) appears to have been resolved in ifort 2021.4.
Therefore, once TACC and other relevant supercomputers have ifort >=2021.4 installed, the bug workaround must be resolved.
Type pm_distExpGamma::distExpGamma_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExpGamma::getExpGammaLogPDFNF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExpGamma::setExpGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distExpGamma::setExpGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGamma::distGamma_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distGamma::getGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGamma::getGammaLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGamma::getGammaLogPDFNF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGamma::setGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGamma::setGammaLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::distGenExpGamma_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::getGenExpGammaLogPDFNF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::setGenExpGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenExpGamma::setGenExpGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenGamma::distGenGamma_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenGamma::getGenGammaLogPDFNF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenGamma::setGenGammaCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGenGamma::setGenGammaLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGeom::distGeom_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distGeom::setGeomLogPMF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGeomCyclic::distGeomCyclic_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distGeomCyclic::setGeomCyclicLogCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distGeomCyclic::setGeomCyclicLogPMF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Module pm_distKolm
Normal Priority: Two additional interfaces for computing the quantiles and random values of Kolmogorov Distribution must be added.
The methodology employed for the [Beta distribution](@ pm_distBeta) might be useful here.
Type pm_distKolm::distKolm_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distKolm::getKolmCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::getKolmPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::getKolmQuan
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::getKolmRand
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::setKolmCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::setKolmPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distKolm::setKolmRand
Critical Priority: This interface can be extended to support vector-like rand arguments other than the elemental approach.
Such an extension would be sensible only if the new interface improves the performance against the elemental approach.
Type pm_distLogNorm::distLogNorm_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distLogNorm::setLogNormLogPDF
Normal Priority: A performant vectorized logPDF(:) version of the subroutines under this generic interface could be added in the future.
Type pm_distLogUnif::distLogUnif_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifLogQuan
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifPDFNF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::getLogUnifRand
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distLogUnif::setLogUnifPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distMultiNorm::distMultiNorm_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distMultiNorm::getMultiNormLogPDF
Normal Priority: When the input argument logPDFNF is missing and invCov is present, there is a possibility that the Cholesky Factorization in the computation of logSqrtDetInvCov fails.
In such cases, the procedure will halt the program by calling error stop.
An optional info output argument must be added in the future to handle such runtime failures gracefully.
Type pm_distMultiNorm::setMultiNormRand
Normal Priority: The access pattern for the upper-diagonal subset of chol is non contiguous in the current implementation.
The access pattern can be likely made contiguous by an appropriate implementation.
Type pm_distNegExp::distNegExp_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distNegExp::getNegExpCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distNegExp::getNegExpLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distNegExp::setNegExpCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distNegExp::setNegExpLogPDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distNegExp::setNegExpRand
Critical Priority: The Intel ifort bug (described below) appears to have been resolved in ifort 2021.4.
Therefore, once TACC and other relevant supercomputers have ifort >=2021.4 installed, the bug workaround must be resolved.
Module pm_distNorm
Very Low Priority: The performance of the current implementation of the Ziggurat RNG algorithm can be slightly improved for single-precision Normal RNG in the procedures that rely on xoshiro256ssw_type for uniform RNG.
This requires a customized implementation of the Ziggurat method for this real kind.
Type pm_distNorm::distNorm_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distNorm::getNormKLD
High Priority: The KLD implementation should be implemented with log1mexp for better accuracy.
Type pm_distNorm::setNormLogPDF
Normal Priority: A performant vectorized logPDF(:) version of the subroutines under this generic interface could be added in the future.
Type pm_distPareto::distPareto_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogCDFNF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogPDFNF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogQuan
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::getParetoLogRand
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::setParetoLogCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::setParetoLogPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPareto::setParetoLogRand
Critical Priority: This interface can be extended to support vector-like logRand arguments other than the elemental approach.
Such an extension would be sensible only if the new interface improves the performance against the elemental approach.
Module pm_distPiwiPoweto
Generic interfaces for computing the logarithm of CDF robustly (without numerical rounding) must be added in the future.
Type pm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPiwiPoweto::getPiwiPowetoLogPDFNF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPiwiPoweto::setPiwiPowetoCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPiwiPoweto::setPiwiPowetoLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPois::distPois_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distPois::setPoisLogPMF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::distPower_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogCDFNF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogPDFNF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogQuan
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::getPowerLogRand
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::setPowerLogCDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::setPowerLogPDF
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPower::setPowerLogRand
Critical Priority: This interface can be extended to support vector-like logRand arguments other than the elemental approach.
Such an extension would be sensible only if the new interface improves the performance against the elemental approach.
Module pm_distPoweto
Generic interfaces for computing the logarithm of CDF robustly (without numerical rounding) must be added in the future.
Type pm_distPoweto::distPoweto_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogCDFNF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogPDFNF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogQuan
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::getPowetoLogRand
Very Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogCDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogPDF
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogQuan
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to complex arguments.
Type pm_distPoweto::setPowetoLogRand
Low Priority: This interface can be extended to support vector-like logRand arguments other than the elemental approach.
Such an extension would be sensible only if the new interface improves the performance against the elemental approach.
Type pm_distUnif::distUnif_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distUnif::getUnifCDF
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to input string arguments to make it compatible with setUnifRand.
Type pm_distUnif::getUnifRand
The current random integer generator uses a simple double precision real conversion to integer values.
While this works fairly well for most use cases, it may biased for generating large random integer of kind IK4.
A future remedy should use Bitmask with Rejection as described here.
As of 2021, the use of double precision (64-bit) vs. single-precision for random number generation increases the computational cost of the algorithms by about three times.
Type pm_distUnif::setUnifCDF

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to input arguments with ranks higher than 1.

Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to input string arguments to make it compatible with setUnifRand.

Type pm_distUnif::splitmix64_type
High Priority: An illustration of the distribution of the probability of individual bits being 0 or 1 in the mantissa of real-valued random numbers and integer random numbers must be added to the example.
Type pm_distUnif::xoshiro256ssg_type
High Priority: An illustration of the distribution of the probability of individual bits being 0 or 1 in the mantissa of real-valued random numbers and integer random numbers must be added to the example.
Type pm_distUnif::xoshiro256ssw_type
High Priority: An illustration of the distribution of the probability of individual bits being 0 or 1 in the mantissa of real-valued random numbers and integer random numbers must be added to the example.
Type pm_distUnifEll::distUnifEll_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distUnifPar::distUnifPar_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Type pm_distUnifPar::getUnifParLogPDF
Critical Priority: The implementation of this generic interface with an input representative matrix repmat must be improved for better efficiency.
The current implementation computes the corresponding Gramian matrix which may be slower than directly computing the determinant of the representative matrix.
Type pm_distUnifSphere::distUnifSphere_type
Critical Priority: This derived type must be converted to PDT and the relevant components and methods must be added once PDTs are well supported.
Module pm_ellipsoid
Critical Priority: The excluded procedure getLogVolUnion() in this module needs cleanup and merging with this module.
Type pm_ellipsoid::getLogVolEll
High Priority: A positive-definiteness runtime check for the gramian input argument of this generic interface must be added.
Type pm_ellipsoid::isMemberEll

High Priority: A positive-definiteness runtime check for the invGram input argument of this generic interface must be added.

High Priority: The current implementation of this procedure hard-codes the computation of the Mahalanobis distance, whose current implementation relies on the Fortran intrinsic routines.
This hardcoding should be replaced with potential BLAS alternatives.

Type pm_err::getFile
Normal Priority: Adding an example usage to this interface can be helpful.
Type pm_err::getFine
Normal Priority: Adding an example usage to this interface can be helpful.
Type pm_err::getLine
Normal Priority: Adding an example usage to this interface can be helpful.
Type pm_err::note_type
Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.
Type pm_err::setAsserted
Normal Priority: Adding an example usage to this interface can be helpful.
Type pm_err::show
Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.
Type pm_err::stop_type
Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.
Type pm_err::warn_type
Low Priority: A test should be implemented for arrays of size that can be represented only by an IKD integer.
Type pm_except::isNAN
Critical Priority: The implementation of the test for NaN should be improved to a bitwise comparison that is also valid with non-IEEE-compliant processors.
Module pm_fftpack
Critical Priority: The sine and cosine forward and reverse transforms must be added to this module.
Type pm_fftpack::getFactorFFT
Low Priority: Extension to higher order factors may be worthwhile in future.
Type pm_io::display_type
Critical Priority: The public attributes of all components of this derived type must be converted to protected once the protected attribute of Fortran 2023 is supported by the Fortran compilers supported by the ParaMonte library.
Type pm_io::getCountRecord
This procedure can be converted to a generic interface to add the optional iseq() external comparison procedures for custom exclusion or inclusion of lines in the count.
Type pm_io::getCountRecordLeft
This procedure can be converted to a generic interface to add the optional iseq() external comparison procedures for custom exclusion or inclusion of lines in the count.
Type pm_io::getErrTableRead

Normal Priority: An optional input argument del must be added to optionally delete the input file or unit upon successful reading of the table.

Critical Priority: In the current implementation, the behavior under an empty sep with trans option present is vague and untested.
This must be clarified via testing and further improvements.

Normal Priority: The non-intrinsic values for the output error code err must be standardized.
Currently, the err is set to -1 if an error occurs other than what is diagnosed by the compiler.

Normal Priority: The behavior of this generic interface for empty tables is currently undefined, although the err code is non-zero.
This should be fixed.

High Priority: The optional input arguments deliml delimr must be added to allow parsing arbitrarily-delimited fields.

High Priority: When the user-specified sep contains a value other than " " or ,, the current implementation cannot handle the presence of new line characters within string single or double quote delimited fields in output tables of type character.
This limitation can be fixed by tracking the delimiters while reading the contents of table.

Type pm_io::getFieldSep

Normal Priority: An optional input argument maxlenfield must be added to return the maximum inferred length of a field in all records of the table.
This option is potentially useful for parsing tables of string fields, where the proper field lengths is unknown a priori.
Without this option, the read action may fail or otherwise, long fields would be truncated to fit the fixed length of table fields.

Normal Priority: The optional input arguments deliml and delimr of rank 1 of type css_type must be added to allow field recognition with arbitrary left/right delimiters within a record.

Type pm_io::setContentsTo
Normal Priority: This generic interface must be expanded to input unit in place of an input file.
There are potential complexities associated with an input unit that need inquire statement such as access, form, etc.
Type pm_io::show
Critical Priority: The syntax of the procedure interfaces must be fixed and reverted to the original aliasing style, as soon as the Intel Classic Fortran Compiler ifort version 2021.5 bug is resolved. Note that GNU Fortran Compiler gfortran version 10-11 has no problem compiling the code.
Type pm_knn::setKnnSorted
High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to support discrete distance matrices.
Type pm_mathCompare::isClose
The implementations of the procedures of this generic interface can be improved to ensure robustness against possible rare cases of overflows and underflow as discussed in the documentation of pm_mathCompare.
Module pm_mathConst
Low Priority: Th contents of this module can be expanded to include more mathematical constants.
Subprogram pm_mathConst::APERY_CONST
Critical Priority: The current implementation of this constant hardcodes the first 109 significant digits.
This is more than sufficient for all existing use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds supported by compilers as of 2022.
However, the situation may change in the distant future, where the precision of some use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds surpasses the number of decimal digits hardcoded here.
As such the implementation of this constant should be improved when better mechanisms of arbitrary precision implementation become available.

Subprogram pm_mathConst::EULER_CONST
Critical Priority: The current implementation of this constant hardcodes the first 99 significant digits.
This is more than sufficient for all existing use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds supported by compilers as of 2022.
However, the situation may change in the distant future, where the precision of some use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds surpasses the number of decimal digits hardcoded here.
As such the implementation of this constant should be improved when better mechanisms of arbitrary precision implementation become available.
Subprogram pm_mathConst::PRIME_CONST
Critical Priority: The current implementation of this constant hardcodes the first 105 significant digits.
This is more than sufficient for all existing use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds supported by compilers as of 2022.
However, the situation may change in the distant future, where the precision of some use pm_sampleCov, only: getCovMerged kinds surpasses the number of decimal digits hardcoded here.
As such the implementation of this constant should be improved when better mechanisms of arbitrary precision implementation become available.

Type pm_mathCumPropExp::setCumPropExp
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include input arrays with Weights.
Type pm_mathCumSum::getCumSum
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include input arrays with Weights.
Type pm_mathCumSum::setCumSum
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include input arrays with Weights.
Type pm_mathFactoring::getFactoring
High Priority: The performance of the procedures under this generic interface can be improved by using more efficient algorithms and lookup tables for various ranges of input values. The following schemes could be implemented,
Module pm_mathGammaAM
Critical Priority: The implementation of the algorithms of this module must be properly changed to allow reliable extended-precision computations of the incomplete Gamma function.
This would require significant investment in making the original algorithms of Gil et al. kind-agnostic.
Module pm_mathGammaGil
Critical Priority: The implementation of the algorithms of this module must be properly changed to allow reliable extended-precision computations of the incomplete Gamma function.
This would require significant investment in making the original algorithms of Gil et al. kind-agnostic.
Module pm_mathGammaNR
Critical Priority: The implementation of the algorithms of this module must be properly changed to allow reliable extended-precision computations of the incomplete Gamma function.
This would require significant investment in making the original algorithms of Gil et al. kind-agnostic.
Type pm_mathLogSumExp::getLogSumExp
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include input arrays with Weights.
Type pm_mathMinMax::getMinMax
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include the possibility of passing user-defined custom comparison.
Type pm_mathMinMax::setMinMax
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include the possibility of passing user-defined custom comparison.
Type pm_mathNumSys::getCountDigit
Normal Priority: The performance of this algorithm can be improved by invoking the proper approach to computing the number of digits.
Type pm_mathNumSys::getNumeral
Normal Priority: There is a dependency on the kind type parameter of the integer input arguments requiring range(0_IKG) < 1024.
The algorithm must be modified to become kind-agnostic.
Module pm_mathRoot
Normal Priority: The Muller method of root-finding should be implemented.
Type pm_mathRoot::setRoot
High Priority: The current implementation of the Schroder method does not converge for certain problems that the Halley method converges readily.
This may be due to the nature of the Schroder update.
Regardless, this should be further investigated.
For now, Schroder is diverted to Halley.
Module pm_mathRootTest
Critical Priority: Unfortunately, gfortran 12 and older versions do not properly support the parameterized derived types (PDTs).
As such, the example generic-real-kind PDT types could not be used here.
This creates significant complexities when using the examples of these modules,
because all real kinds in this module are set to the highest precision available.
The onus is then on the end user to write wrappers that convert the relevant components and function-returns to the desired real kinds.
In addition to being ugly, error-prone and verbose, this usage of the highest-precision real kind is also highly inefficient computationally.
Fortunately, once PDTs are supported in gfortran, the conversion of the example types of this module to PDTs is straightforward and non-breaking.
The migration to PDTs must be done as soon as gfortran supports for PDTs is complete.
Note that other compilers have full support of PDTs.
Type pm_mathRound::pnint

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to accept custom random number generators.

Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to output integer values of non-default kind.

Type pm_mathSqrt::getSqrt
Low Priority: A binary-representation calculation of the integer square root should be added in the future.
Module pm_matrixChol
High Priority: A benchmark comparing the performance of the two computational algorithms above should be implemented and gauge the impact of row vs. column major access pattern.
Module pm_matrixClass
High Priority: This module is a work in progress.
Various missing classifications of matrices should be added in the future and the existing classifications be refined.
Type pm_matrixClass::isMatClass

High Priority: This generic interface must be extended to all matrix classes documented in this module.

High Priority: The implementation for rfpack can be improved once the corresponding improvements to the auxiliary routines used are implemented.
For example, the current implementation for positive-definiteness check makes a copy of the input array which can be avoided if the corresponding setMatChol interface is implemented.

Type pm_matrixCopy::getMatCopy

Critical Priority: The testing and examples of this generic interface with respect to different RFP matrix packing formats are incomplete and must be done.

High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to also copy different RFP matrix packing formats directly to other RFP matrix packing formats.

High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to also copy the diagonals of matrices of different RFP formats and LFP formats.

High Priority: This generic interface can be extended to also accept operation argument for RFP matrix packing.

High Priority: The implementation for subset = dia must be extended to allow operation argument.

Type pm_matrixCopy::setMatCopy

High Priority: The implementation for subset = dia must be extended to allow operation argument.

High Priority: This generic interface can be extended to also accept operation argument for RFP matrix packing.

High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to also copy the diagonals of matrices of different RFP formats and LFP formats.

Critical Priority: The testing and examples of this generic interface with respect to different RFP matrix packing formats are incomplete and must be done.

High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to also copy different RFP matrix packing formats directly to other RFP matrix packing formats.

Type pm_matrixDet::getMatDet

Low Priority: This generic interface could be extended to accept different classes of matrices , for example,

Critical Priority: As soon as the Gfortran bug described above is resolved, the mat argument of the procedures under this generic interface can be changed to have the value attribute instead of the intent(in).
This will obviate the need for creating an additional copy of the array inside the routine, which has to be also modified subsequently.

Type pm_matrixIndex::getMatIndex

Normal Priority: The implementation of the procedures for converting indices from LFP to RDP could be likely improved for better performance.

High Priority: This generic interface should be extended to convert indices of matrices from Rectangular Standard Packing to Rectangular Band Packing and vice versa.

Type pm_matrixInit::getMatInit
Critical Priority: This generic interface should be extended to matrices of different packing formats besides the default.
Type pm_matrixInit::setMatInit
Critical Priority: This generic interface should be extended to matrices of different packing formats besides the default.
Type pm_matrixInv::setMatInv
High Priority: The functionality of this generic interface must be extended to fully dispatch to LAPACK inverse matrix routines where appropriate.
Module pm_matrixMulAdd
Critical Priority: The following BLAS Band-matrix routines must be added to this module:
Module pm_matrixMulTri

High Priority: The BLAS routines ?TPMV, ?TPSV, ?TBMV and ?TBSV for Linear Full and Band packing format of the triangular input matrix must be implemented.

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparison of the procedures of setMatMulTri with the optimized BLAS routine calls would be informative.

Type pm_matrixTrans::setMatTrans
Normal Priority: The performance of this algorithm could be possibly improved by converting the recursive procedure calls within the implementation to do-loops.
Module pm_matrixUpdate

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparison of the procedures of this module with the default BLAS/LAPACK implementation would be informative.

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparison of the procedures of this module with the default BLAS/LAPACK implementation would be informative.

Type pm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdate
Normal Priority: The input shape and offset arguments can be made optional by adding new interfaces to the module.
This should be done only after performing relevant benchmarks with the current interface to gauge whether the extension of this module is worth the effort.
Type pm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdateR1
Normal Priority: Benchmarks comparing this interface with LAPACK routines and conventional approach should be added to the documentation.
Type pm_matrixUpdate::setMatUpdateTriang
Normal Priority: The input shape and offset arguments can be made optional by adding new interfaces to the module.
This should be done only after performing relevant benchmarks with the current interface to gauge whether the extension of this module is worth the effort.
Module pm_optimization
High Priority: The Nedler-Mead algorithm must be implemented.
Module pm_physUnit
Normal Priority: Th contents of this module should be substantially expanded.
Conversion procedures for converting physical quantities in various units must be added.
Module pm_polation
High Priority: Routines for spline and higher-dimensional interpolation methods must be implemented.
Module pm_polynomial
High Priority: A generic interface setPolyCoef(coef, root) must be added that computes polynomial coefficients from its roots using recursive FFT-based polynomial multiplications.
See the commented-out generic interface setPolyCoef within this module as the starting point.
Type pm_polynomial::getPolyStr

Low Priority: The runtime performance of this algorithm can be improved by calling setStr() in the implementation and adding fixed symbols (variable name, ...) progressively.
In particular, the implied do-loop in the current implementation likely significantly stresses the compiler for high-degree polynomials.
The significance of the improvements should be weighed in the light of the relevance of such improvements.
Is this procedure going to be called frequently in numerically intensive applications? Unlikely.

Normal Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to include an option for the name of the polynomial variable and operator symbols.

Type pm_polynomial::setPolyRoot

Critical Priority: The current implementation relies on several local allocations, the most important of which are called workspace in the current implementation.
Although this generic interface used to accept a workspace argument, it was subsequently removed in favor of simplicity.
A new set of interfaces can be added in the future to allow specification of scratch space arguments to avoid repeated local allocations.
This could boost performance when this generic interface is called many times repeatedly.

Critical Priority: The generic interface for the Eigenvalue method internally uses the eigenvalue computing routine of EISPACK for upper Hessenberg matrices to compute the roots of the polynomial.
This internal implementation should be substituted with the corresponding external routine once it is implemented in the ParaMonte library.

Low Priority: The existing implementations of the algorithms for the Jenkins-Traub method contain relics of F77 coding style in the form of a few goto statements.
These remaining goto statements should be carefully removed in the future.

Critical Priority: The method of Skowron-Gould must be fully implemented.

Normal Priority: A benchmark comparing the runtime performances of the complex vs. real coefficient routines of this module should be added here.

Type pm_polynomial::setPolyRootPolished
Normal Priority: An optional reltol may be added in the future to allow control over the error in the refined root.
Module pm_quadTest
Critical Priority: Unfortunately, gfortran 12 and older versions do not properly support the parameterized derived types (PDTs).
As such, the example generic-real-kind PDT types could not be used here.
This creates significant complexities when using the examples of these modules,
because all real kinds in this module are set to the highest precision available.
The onus is then on the end user to write wrappers that convert the relevant components and function-returns to the desired real kinds.
In addition to being ugly, error-prone and verbose, this usage of the highest-precision real kind is also highly inefficient computationally.
Fortunately, once PDTs are supported in gfortran, the conversion of the example types of this module to PDTs is straightforward and non-breaking.
The migration to PDTs must be done as soon as gfortran supports for PDTs is complete.
Note that other compilers have full support of PDTs.
Type pm_sampleACT::getACT
High Priority: The performance of the implementations of this generic interface can be improved by minimizing allocations and converting function calls to subroutine calls.
Type pm_sampleAffinity::setAffinity
High Priority: The performance of the algorithm for the case dim = 1 can be further improved by looping over the sample in the innermost layer.
Module pm_sampleCor
High Priority: The procedures of this module should be extended to support samples of type complex of arbitrary kind type parameter, similar to procedures of pm_sampleVar.
Type pm_sampleCor::setCordance
Normal Priority: This generic interface should be extended to allow custom user-specified cordance criteria.
Module pm_sampleCov
Normal Priority: The inclusion of bias correction in the calculation of covariance is a frequentist abomination and shenanigan that must be eliminated in the future.
The correction factor should be computed separately from the actual covariance calculation.
Type pm_sampleCov::setCov
Normal Priority: The examples of this generic interface should be extended to corrected weighted covariance matrices.
Type pm_sampleCov::setCovMean
Normal Priority: The examples of this generic interface should be extended to corrected weighted covariance matrices.
Type pm_sampleNorm::getNormed
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include normalizing of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Type pm_sampleNorm::setNormed
Normal Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include normalizing of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Type pm_sampleScale::getScaled
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include scaling of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Type pm_sampleScale::setScaled
Normal Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include scaling of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Type pm_sampleShift::getShifted
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include shifting of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Type pm_sampleShift::setShifted
Normal Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded to include shifting of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape, although the latter is trivial using the Fortran array syntax.
Module pm_sampleVar
Normal Priority: The inclusion of bias correction in the calculation of variance is a frequentist abomination and shenanigan that must be eliminated in the future.
The correction factor should be computed separately from the actual variance calculation.
Type pm_sampleVar::getVar
Very Low Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded in the future to include the computation of the variance of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape.
Type pm_sampleVar::setVar

Normal Priority: The examples of this generic interface need to be extended to weighted samples.

Very Low Priority: The functionality of this interface can be expanded in the future to include the computation of the variance of higher dimensional input sample and whole sample input arrays of arbitrary shape.

Type pm_str::getMaxVal
High Priority: The restriction on the non-zero length of the input string can be lifted to make the behavior compatible with the corresponding intrinsic routine.
Type pm_str::getMinVal
High Priority: The restriction on the non-zero length of the input string can be lifted to make the behavior compatible with the corresponding intrinsic routine.
Module pm_strANSI
Critical Priority: The gfortran bug must be resolved as soon as possible.
Type pm_strASCII::getStrQuoted
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to include an optional argument delim of type character(1,SKG) that contains the user-specified quotation mark (other than double-quote).
Type pm_strASCII::setAsciiFromEscaped
High Priority: A performance benchmarking of the different interfaces of this generic interface should be added in the future.
Type pm_strASCII::setStrQuoted
Normal Priority: This generic interface can be extended to include an optional argument delim of type character(1,SKG) that contains the user-specified quotation mark (other than double-quote).
Type pm_swap::setSwapped
This generic interface can be extended to take an optional mask input argument that leads to selective swapping of array elements:
Module pm_sysPath
Normal Priority: The following functionalities need to be added to this module,
Type pm_sysPath::getBaseName
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getDirCurrent
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds.
Type pm_sysPath::getDirHome
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds.
Type pm_sysPath::getDirName
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getDirSep
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getDirSeps
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getExtName
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getFileName
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getIndexBaseName

Normal Priority: The examples should be extended to cover the optional argument style.

High Priority: This procedure should be extended to support non-default character kinds.

Type pm_sysPath::getIndexDirName

Normal Priority: The examples should be extended to cover the optional argument style.

High Priority: This procedure should be extended to support non-default character kinds.

Type pm_sysPath::getIndexExtName
High Priority: This procedure should be extended to support non-default character kinds.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathAbs
Very Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in the future to avoid allocations.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathExpandedUser
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathJoined
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathMatch
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathNew

High Priority: An optional suffix argument can be added in the future. Currently, the path suffix is hard-coded in the procedure, unlike prefix.

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

Type pm_sysPath::getPathPosix
Low Priority: The performance of this algorithm could be likely improved by reimplementing the function to remove the unnecessary copy pathPosix = path.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathPosixEscaped
Normal Priority: The implementation of this procedure can be improved by replacing the call to the subroutine version with the actual code.
Type pm_sysPath::getPathTemp

High Priority: An optional suffix argument can be added in the future. Currently, the path suffix is hard-coded in the procedure, unlike prefix.

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

Type pm_sysPath::getPathVerbatim
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::glob
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of the procedures of this generic interface for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::isDir

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

Critical Priority: This generic interface should be extended in the future to gracefully handle intrinsic inquire() exceptions.

Type pm_sysPath::isFailedChangeDir
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds.
Type pm_sysPath::isFailedCopy
Normal Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysPath::isFailedGlob

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of the procedures of this generic interface for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

High Priority: The current implementation of this generic interface recognizes only the two most popular wildcards ? and * for globing.
This must be expanded to other widely accepted wildcards (e.g., linux wildcards) or at least the wildcards supported on the respective platforms.

High Priority: The current implementation of this generic interface relies on access to supported runtime shells.
If the runtime shell is unrecognized, the algorithm falls back to bash if the shell is detected on the system, otherwise, the procedure fails.
This should be fixed by changing the approach to rely instead on scandir() and fnmatch() popular interfaces for cross-platform globing.

Type pm_sysPath::isFailedList

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of the procedures of this generic interface for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

Critical Priority: Support for Windows powershell must be added.

Critical Priority: Support for input wildcard patterns must be added with the help of isFailedGlob.

Type pm_sysPath::isFailedMakeDir
Normal Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysPath::isFailedMakeDirTemp
Normal Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysPath::isFailedMove
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::isFailedRemove
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::isFile

Critical Priority: This generic interface should be extended in the future to gracefully handle intrinsic inquire() exceptions.

High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.

Type pm_sysPath::ls
Normal Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of the procedures of this generic interface for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::setPathMatch
High Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to the intrinsic Fortran statements and procedures.
As such, the implementation of this procedure for non-default character kinds leads to compile-time kind mismatch errors.
This procedure should be converted back to a generic interface in the future when non-default character kinds are also fully supported by the intrinsic functions.
Type pm_sysPath::setPathPosix
High Priority: An optional argument external procedure iseq() should be added to the procedures of this generic interface to bring flexibility to searching for ignore patterns.
Type pm_sysPath::setPathPosixEscaped
Low Priority: This procedure can be converted to a generic interface with an input intent(inout), allocatable :: path interface for further convenience.
Type pm_sysPath::setPathWindows
High Priority: An optional argument external procedure iseq() should be added to the procedures of this generic interface to bring flexibility to searching for ignore patterns.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedExec
Low Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to Fortran intrinsic procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedGetDirTemp
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in the future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds (once the Fortran compilers fully support non-default characters).
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedGetOutput
Low Priority: This generic interface should be extended to support character output of non-default kind once non-default characters is support by all relevant Fortran compilers.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellHeight
Low Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to Fortran intrinsic procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellShape
Low Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to Fortran intrinsic procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedGetShellWidth
Low Priority: The current Fortran standard 202x does not allow passing characters of non-default kind to Fortran intrinsic procedures.
This generic interface should be extended to in the future to support non-default character kinds when they fully supported by the Fortran intrinsic procedures.
Type pm_sysShell::isFailedPutEnvVar
Low Priority: A subroutine version of this functional interface could be implemented in future to avoid allocations and allow for non-default character kinds.
Subprogram pm_timer::getTimeSYS (since)
Normal Priority: The performance of this procedure could be improved by avoiding the unnecessary retrieval of the count rate and computing its inverse to get the period (which is fixed in the entire runtime).
This requires redefining this procedure as a type-bound procedure of a parent timer type.
However, preliminary benchmarks indicate that the division (instead of multiplication) slows down the computation by at most 25 percent. On modern architecture, the extra cost is likely on the of 25 CPU cycles, approximately 25 nanoseconds. This is likely negligible in most practical scenarios. Here is a benchmark script for the cost of division vs. multiplication,
Type pm_timer::timer_type
Critical Priority: The start component of this derived type must become protected as soon as Fortran 2023 is supported by the compilers.
Type pm_val2complex::getComplex
Low Priority: This generic interface can be extended to support conversion to complex of arbitrary kind via an optional input mold argument whose type and kind dictates that of the output.
Type pm_val2str::getStr
Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to arrays of higher dimensions than two.
Type pm_val2str::setStr

Low Priority: This generic interface can be expanded to arrays of higher dimensions than two.

Critical Priority: The default length of fields must be generically defined.
Currently, the maximum length of the fields is set to 127.
While this number is more than enough precisions of much higher orders available by compilers, it is bound to fail in the distant future.
Therefore, it must be generically set based on the precision of the fields.

Type pm_ziggurat::getZig
Normal Priority: Examples should be added to the documentation of this generic interface in future.
Module runParaDRAM
Critical Priority: The current tests for long double interface fail with Intel LLVM Fortran Compiler ifx and Intel LLVM C/C++ Compiler icx compilers.
Apparently, there is a mismatch between long double and c_long_double storage.
This issue does not exist with GNU compilers, although the GNU definition of long double appears to yield incorrect values in some calculations, e.g., in isFailedGeomCyclicFit() of the ParaMonte library.