ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1%> \brief
2%> This is the CascadeLine class for generating
3%> instances of 2-dimensional Line [Cascade visualizations](@ref Cascade)
4%> based on the relevant MATLAB
5%> intrinsic functions.<br>
7%> \note
8%> See the list of class attributes below,
9%> also those of the superclass [pm.vis.Cascade](@ref Cascade).<br>
11%> \see
12%> [pm.vis.Cascade](@ref Cascade)<br>
13%> [pm.vis.Subplot](@ref Subplot)<br>
14%> [pm.vis.Figure](@ref Figure)<br>
15%> [pm.vis.Corner](@ref Corner)<br>
16%> [pm.vis.Plot](@ref Plot)<br>
17%> [pm.vis.Tile](@ref Tile)<br>
19%> \final
21%> \author
22%> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
23%> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
24classdef CascadeLine < pm.vis.Cascade
26 methods(Access = public)
28 %> \brief
29 %> Construct and return an object of class [pm.vis.CascadeLine](@ref CascadeLine).<br>
30 %>
31 %> \param[in] dfref : See the documentation of the corresponding input
32 %> argument of the class [pm.vis.Subplot](@ref Subplot).<br>
33 %>
34 %> \param[in] varargin : Any ``property, value`` pair of the parent object.<br>
35 %> If the property is a ``struct()``, then its value must be given as a cell array,
36 %> with consecutive elements representing the struct ``property-name, property-value`` pairs.<br>
37 %> Note that all of these property-value pairs can be also directly set via the
38 %> parent object attributes, before calling the ``make()`` method.<br>
39 %>
40 %> \return
41 %> ``self`` : The output scalar object of class [pm.vis.CascadeLine](@ref CascadeLine).<br>
42 %>
43 %> \interface{CascadeLine}
44 %> \code{.m}
45 %>
46 %> p = pm.vis.CascadeLine(dfref);
47 %> p = pm.vis.CascadeLine(dfref, varargin);
48 %>
49 %> \endcode
50 %>
51 %> \note
52 %> The input ``varargin`` can also contain the components
53 %> of the ``template`` component of the parent object.<br>
54 %>
55 %> \note
56 %> See the documentation of the attributes
57 %> of the superclass [pm.vis.Cascade](@ref Cascade).<br>
58 %>
59 %> \example{CascadeLine}
60 %> \include{lineno} example/vis/CascadeLine/main.m
61 %> \vis{CascadeLine}
62 %> \image html example/vis/CascadeLine/CascadeLine.window.1.png width=700
63 %> \image html example/vis/CascadeLine/CascadeLine.window.2.png width=700
64 %> \image html example/vis/CascadeLine/CascadeLine.window.3.png width=700
65 %>
66 %> \final{CascadeLine}
67 %>
68 %> \author
69 %> \JoshuaOsborne, May 21 2024, 7:33 AM, University of Texas at Arlington<br>
70 %> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
71 %> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
72 function self = CascadeLine(dfref, varargin)
73 if nargin < 1
74 dfref = [];
75 end
76 self = self@pm.vis.Cascade(pm.vis.PlotLine(dfref), varargin{:});
77 end
79 end
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Definition: CascadeLine.m:25
function CascadeLine(in dfref, in varargin)
Construct and return an object of class pm.vis.CascadeLine.
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Definition: Cascade.m:32
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Definition: Subplot.m:188
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Definition: Tile.m:9