ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Developer Remarks
Global abs (in path, in style)
A MEX version of this function developed by Jan Simon performs much faster on Windows.
Difference between M- and Mex-version:
Class Axes
While dynamic addition of class attributes is not ideal, the current design was deemed unavoidable and best, given the constraints of the MATLAB language and visualization tools.
Global bldtypes ()
The build names within this function must be regularly updated with the latest build names available in the ParaMonte installation guide.
Class Cascade
While dynamic addition of class attributes is not ideal, the current design was deemed unavoidable and best, given the constraints of the MATLAB language and visualization tools.
Global clstypes ()
The CS names within this function must be regularly updated with the latest CS names available in the ParaMonte installation guide.
Class FileContents
The handle superclass of this class is critical for the class functionality.
See the documentation of the class constructor.
Global Sampler::clstype
The attribute name clstype stands for Compiler/Linker Suit type.
Global SpecBase::doc (in self, in specification)
The underlying reason for unifying documentation of object attributes within a single online page is to significantly reduce duplication and work required for generating and maintaining such documentation across all supported programming language environments.
Class Spinner
The handle superclass is essential to allow object modification by the object methods.
Class Subplot
While dynamic addition of class attributes is not ideal, the current design was deemed unavoidable and best, given the constraints of the MATLAB language and visualization tools.
Class Timer
The handle superclass is essential to allow object modification by the object methods.
Global verify (in varval, in vartype, in maxlen, in varname)
The input argument maxlen is named so (instead of varlen) to signify the fundamental difference between the length type parameter of scalars and the size of array as rightly defined in the Fortran programming language.