ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
pm_clustering::setKmeans Interface Reference

Compute and return an iteratively-refined set of cluster centers given the input sample using the k-means approach.

Detailed Description

Compute and return an iteratively-refined set of cluster centers given the input sample using the k-means approach.

The k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that aims to partition n observations into \(k\) clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean (cluster centers or cluster centroid), serving as a prototype of the cluster.
This results in a partitioning of the data space into Voronoi cells.
The k-means clustering minimizes within-cluster variances (squared Euclidean distances), but not regular Euclidean distances, which would be the more difficult Weber problem:
the mean optimizes squared errors, whereas only the geometric median minimizes Euclidean distances.
For instance, better Euclidean solutions can be found using k-medians and k-medoids.
The problem is computationally difficult (NP-hard); however, efficient heuristic algorithms converge quickly to a local optimum.
These are usually similar to the expectation-maximization algorithm for mixtures of Gaussian distributions via an iterative refinement approach employed by both k-means and Gaussian mixture modeling.
They both use cluster centers to model the data; however, k-means clustering tends to find clusters of comparable spatial extent, while the Gaussian mixture model allows clusters to have different shapes.


Given a set of observations \((x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)\), where each observation is a \(d\)-dimensional real vector, the k-means clustering aims to partition the \(n\) observations into \(k\) ( \(\leq n\)) sets \(S = \{S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_k\}\) so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS) (i.e. variance).
Formally, the objective is to find:

\begin{equation} \underset{\mathbf{S}}{\up{arg\,min}} \sum_{i=1}^{k} \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in S_{i}} \left\|\mathbf{x} -{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{i}\right\|^{2} = {\underset{\mathbf{S}}{\up{arg\,min}}}\sum_{i=1}^{k}|S_{i}|\up{Var}S_{i} ~, \end{equation}

where \(\mu_i\) is the mean (also called centroid) of points in \(S_{i}\), i.e.

\begin{equation} {\boldsymbol {\mu_{i}}} = {\frac{1}{|S_{i}|}} \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in S_{i}} \mathbf{x} ~, \end{equation}

where \(|S_{i}|\) is the size of \(S_{i}\), and \(\|\cdot\|\) is the \(L^2\)-norm.
This is equivalent to minimizing the pairwise squared deviations of points in the same cluster:

\begin{equation} \underset{\mathbf{S}}{\up{arg\,min}} \sum_{i=1}^{k}\,{\frac {1}{|S_{i}|}}\,\sum_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in S_{i}}\left\|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y} \right\|^{2} ~, \end{equation}

The equivalence can be deduced from identity

\begin{equation} |S_{i}|\sum_{\mathbf{x} \in S_{i}}\left\|\mathbf{x} -{\boldsymbol{\mu}}_{i}\right\|^{2} = {\frac{1}{2}}\sum _{\mathbf {x} ,\mathbf {y} \in S_{i}}\left\|\mathbf {x} -\mathbf {y} \right\|^{2} ~. \end{equation}

Since the total variance is constant, this is equivalent to maximizing the sum of squared deviations between points in different clusters.
This deterministic relationship is also related to the law of total variance in probability theory.

Performance improvements

The k-means++ seeding method yields considerable improvement in the final error of k-means algorithm.
For more information, see the documentation of setKmeansPP.

The metric used within this generic interface is the Euclidean distance.
[in,out]rng: The input/output scalar that can be an object of,
  1. type rngf_type, implying the use of intrinsic Fortran uniform RNG.
  2. type xoshiro256ssw_type, implying the use of xoshiro256** uniform RNG.
(optional, If this argument is present, then all intent(inout) arguments below have intent(out) argument and will be initialized using the k-means++ algorithm.
If this argument is missing, then the user must initialize all of the following arguments with intent(inout) via k-means++ or any other method before passing them to this generic interface.)
[in,out]membership: The input/output vector of shape (1:nsam) of type integer of default kind IK, containing the membership of each input sample in sample from its nearest cluster center, such that cluster(membership(i)) is the nearest cluster center to the ith sample sample(:, i) at a squared-distance of disq(i).
If the argument rng is missing, then membership has intent(inout) and must be properly initialized before calling this routine.
If the argument rng is present, then membership has intent(out) and will contain the final cluster memberships on output.
[in,out]disq: The input/output vector of shape (1:nsam) of the same type and kind as the input argument sample, containing the Euclidean squared distance of each input sample in sample from its nearest cluster center.
If the argument rng is missing, then disq has intent(inout) and must be properly initialized before calling this routine.
If the argument rng is present, then disq has intent(out) and will contain the final squared-distances from cluster centers on output.
[in]sample: The input vector, or matrix of,
  1. type real of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., RK, RK32, RK64, or RK128),
containing the sample of nsam points in a ndim-dimensional space whose corresponding cluster centers must be computed.
  1. If sample is a vector of shape (1 : nsam) and center is a vector of shape (1 : ncls), then the input sample must be a collection of nsam points (in univariate space).
  2. If sample is a matrix of shape (1 : ndim, 1 : nsam) and center is a matrix of shape (1 : ndim, 1 : ncls), then the input sample must be a collection of nsam points (in ndim-dimensional space).
[in,out]center: The input/output vector of shape (1:ncls) or matrix of shape (1 : ndim, 1 : ncls) of the same type and kind as the input argument sample, containing the set of ncls unique cluster centers (centroids) computed based on the input sample memberships and minimum distances.
If the argument rng is missing, then center has intent(inout) and must be properly initialized before calling this routine.
If the argument rng is present, then center has intent(out) and will contain the final cluster centers on output.
[in,out]size: The input/output vector of shape (1:ncls) type integer of default kind IK, containing the sizes (number of members) of the clusters with the corresponding centers output in the argument center.
If the argument rng is missing, then size has intent(inout) and must be properly initialized before calling this routine.
If the argument rng is present, then size has intent(out) and will contain the final cluster sizes (member counts) on output.
[in,out]potential: The input/output vector of shape (1:ncls) of the same type and kind as the input argument sample, the ith element of which contains the sum of squared distances of all members of the ith cluster from the cluster center as output in the ith element of center.
If the argument rng is missing, then potential has intent(inout) and must be properly initialized before calling this routine (although its values are not explicitly referenced).
If the argument rng is present, then potential has intent(out) and will contain the final cluster potentials (sums of squared distances from cluster centers) on output.
[out]failed: The output scalar of type logical of default kind LK that is .true. if and only if the algorithm fails to converge within the user-specified or default criteria for convergence.
Failure occurs only if any(size < minsize) .or. maxniter < niter.
[out]niter: The output scalar of type integer of default kind IK, containing the number of refinement iterations performed within the algorithm to achieve convergence.
An output niter value larger than the input maxniter implies lack of convergence before return.
(optional. If missing, the number of refinement iterations will not be output.)
[in]maxniter: The input non-negative scalar of type integer of default kind IK, containing the maximum number of refinement iterations allowed within the algorithm to achieve convergence.
If convergence does not occur within the maximum specified value, the output arguments can be passed again as is to the generic interface (without the optional rng argument) to continue the refinement iterations until convergence.
A reasonable choice can be 300 or comparable values.
(optional, default = 300.)
[in]minsize: The input non-negative scalar of type integer of default kind IK, containing the minimum allowed size of each cluster.
If any cluster has any number of members below the specified minsize, the algorithm will return without achieving convergence.
The situation can be detected of any element of the output size is smaller than the specified minsize.
A reasonable choice can be ndim = ubound(sample, 1) or comparable values although any non-negative value including zero is possible.
(optional, default = 1.)
[in]nfail: The input non-negative scalar of type integer of default kind IK, containing the number of times the k-means algorithm is allowed to fail before returning without convergence.
(optional. It can be present only if the argument rng is also present, allowing random initializations in case of failures.)

Possible calling interfaces

call setKmeansPP(membership(1 : nsam) , disq(1 : nsam), sample(1 : nsam) , center(1 : ncls) , size(1 : ncls), potential(1 : ncls), failed, niter = niter, maxniter = maxniter, minsize = minsize)
call setKmeansPP(membership(1 : nsam) , disq(1 : nsam), sample(1 : ndim, 1 : nsam), center(1 : ndim, 1 : ncls), size(1 : ncls), potential(1 : ncls), failed, niter = niter, maxniter = maxniter, minsize = minsize)
call setKmeansPP(rng, membership(1 : nsam) , disq(1 : nsam), sample(1 : nsam) , center(1 : ncls) , size(1 : ncls), potential(1 : ncls), failed, niter = niter, maxniter = maxniter, minsize = minsize, nfail = nfail)
call setKmeansPP(rng, membership(1 : nsam) , disq(1 : nsam), sample(1 : ndim, 1 : nsam), center(1 : ndim, 1 : ncls), size(1 : ncls), potential(1 : ncls), failed, niter = niter, maxniter = maxniter, minsize = minsize, nfail = nfail)
Compute and return an asymptotically optimal set of cluster centers for the input sample,...
Compute and return an iteratively-refined set of cluster centers given the input sample using the k-m...
This module contains procedures and routines for the computing the Kmeans clustering of a given set o...
If the argument rng is present, then all arguments associated with setKmeansPP equally apply to this generic interface.
The condition ubound(center, rank(center)) > 0 must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition ubound(sample, rank(sample)) == ubound(disq, 1) must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition ubound(center, rank(center)) == ubound(size, 1) must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition ubound(center, rank(center)) == ubound(potential, 1) must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition ubound(sample, rank(sample)) == ubound(membership, 1) must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition ubound(center, rank(center)) <= ubound(sample, rank(sample)) must hold for the corresponding input arguments (the number of clusters must be less than or equal to the sample size).
The condition ubound(sample, 1) == ubound(center, 1) must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition 0 <= maxniter must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition 0 <= minsize must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
The condition 0 <= nfail must hold for the corresponding input arguments.
These conditions are verified only if the library is built with the preprocessor macro CHECK_ENABLED=1.
The pure procedure(s) documented herein become impure when the ParaMonte library is compiled with preprocessor macro CHECK_ENABLED=1.
By default, these procedures are pure in release build and impure in debug and testing builds. The procedures of this generic interface are always impure when the input rng argument is set to an object of type rngf_type.
The functionality of this generic interface is highly similar to setCenter, with the major difference being that setKmeans simultaneously computes the new cluster centers and sample memberships, whereas setCenter computes the new cluster centers based on given sample membership.
See also
k-means clustering

Example usage

1program example
3 use pm_kind, only: SK, IK, LK
4 use pm_kind, only: RKG => RKS ! all other real kinds are also supported.
5 use pm_io, only: display_type
6 use pm_distUnif, only: getUnifRand
11 implicit none
13 logical(LK) :: failed
14 integer(IK) :: ndim, nsam, ncls, itry, niter
15 real(RKG) , allocatable :: sample(:,:), center(:,:), disq(:), potential(:)
16 integer(IK) , allocatable :: membership(:), size(:)
17 type(display_type) :: disp
19 disp = display_type(file = "main.out.F90")
21 call disp%skip
22 call disp%show("!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
23 call disp%show("! Compute cluster centers based on an input sample and cluster memberships and member-center distances.")
24 call disp%show("!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
25 call disp%skip
27 do itry = 1, 10
28 call disp%skip()
29 call disp%show("ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);")
30 ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
31 call disp%show("[ndim, nsam, ncls]")
32 call disp%show( [ndim, nsam, ncls] )
33 call disp%show("sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.")
34 sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
35 call disp%show("sample")
36 call disp%show( sample )
37 call disp%show("call setResized(disq, nsam)")
38 call setResized(disq, nsam)
39 call disp%show("call setResized(membership, nsam)")
40 call setResized(membership, nsam)
41 call disp%show("call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])")
42 call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
43 call disp%show("call setResized(potential, ncls)")
44 call setResized(potential, ncls)
45 call disp%show("call setResized(size, ncls)")
46 call setResized(size, ncls)
47 call disp%skip()
49 call disp%show("call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.")
50 call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
51 call disp%show("failed")
52 call disp%show( failed )
53 call disp%show("niter")
54 call disp%show( niter )
55 call disp%show("disq")
56 call disp%show( disq )
57 call disp%show("membership")
58 call disp%show( membership )
59 call disp%show("potential")
60 call disp%show( potential )
61 call disp%show("center")
62 call disp%show( center )
63 call disp%show("size")
64 call disp%show( size )
65 call disp%skip()
66 end do
68 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
69 ! Output an example for visualization.
70 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
72 block
73 integer(IK) :: funit, i
74 ndim = 2
75 ncls = 5
76 nsam = 5000
77 center = getUnifRand(0., 1., ndim, ncls)
78 sample = getUnifRand(0., 1., ndim, nsam)
79 call setResized(disq, nsam)
80 call setResized(membership, nsam)
81 call setResized(potential, ncls)
82 call setResized(size, ncls)
83 ! output the sample and the initial centers.
84 call setKmeansPP(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential)
85 open(newunit = funit, file = "")
86 do i = 1, ncls
87 write(funit, "(*(g0,:,','))") i, center(:,i)
88 end do
89 close(funit)
90 open(newunit = funit, file = "setKmeansPP.sample.txt")
91 do i = 1, nsam
92 write(funit, "(*(g0,:,','))") membership(i), sample(:,i)
93 end do
94 close(funit)
95 call setKmeans(membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed)
96 open(newunit = funit, file = "")
97 do i = 1, ncls
98 write(funit, "(*(g0,:,','))") i, center(:,i)
99 end do
100 close(funit)
101 open(newunit = funit, file = "setKmeans.sample.txt")
102 do i = 1, nsam
103 write(funit, "(*(g0,:,','))") membership(i), sample(:,i)
104 end do
105 close(funit)
106 end block
108end program example
Allocate or resize (shrink or expand) an input allocatable scalar string or array of rank 1....
Generate and return a scalar or a contiguous array of rank 1 of length s1 of randomly uniformly distr...
This is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
Definition: pm_io.F90:11726
This is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
Definition: pm_io.F90:11508
This module contains procedures and generic interfaces for resizing allocatable arrays of various typ...
This module contains classes and procedures for computing various statistical quantities related to t...
type(rngf_type) rngf
The scalar constant object of type rngf_type whose presence signified the use of the Fortran intrinsi...
This module contains classes and procedures for input/output (IO) or generic display operations on st...
Definition: pm_io.F90:252
type(display_type) disp
This is a scalar module variable an object of type display_type for general display.
Definition: pm_io.F90:11393
This module defines the relevant Fortran kind type-parameters frequently used in the ParaMonte librar...
Definition: pm_kind.F90:268
integer, parameter LK
The default logical kind in the ParaMonte library: kind(.true.) in Fortran, kind(....
Definition: pm_kind.F90:541
integer, parameter IK
The default integer kind in the ParaMonte library: int32 in Fortran, c_int32_t in C-Fortran Interoper...
Definition: pm_kind.F90:540
integer, parameter SK
The default character kind in the ParaMonte library: kind("a") in Fortran, c_char in C-Fortran Intero...
Definition: pm_kind.F90:539
integer, parameter RKS
The single-precision real kind in Fortran mode. On most platforms, this is an 32-bit real kind.
Definition: pm_kind.F90:567
Generate and return an object of type display_type.
Definition: pm_io.F90:10282

Example Unix compile command via Intel ifort compiler
1#!/usr/bin/env sh
2rm main.exe
3ifort -fpp -standard-semantics -O3 -Wl,-rpath,../../../lib -I../../../inc main.F90 ../../../lib/libparamonte* -o main.exe

Example Windows Batch compile command via Intel ifort compiler
1del main.exe
2set PATH=..\..\..\lib;%PATH%
3ifort /fpp /standard-semantics /O3 /I:..\..\..\include main.F90 ..\..\..\lib\libparamonte*.lib /exe:main.exe

Example Unix / MinGW compile command via GNU gfortran compiler
1#!/usr/bin/env sh
2rm main.exe
3gfortran -cpp -ffree-line-length-none -O3 -Wl,-rpath,../../../lib -I../../../inc main.F90 ../../../lib/libparamonte* -o main.exe

Example output
3! Compute cluster centers based on an input sample and cluster memberships and member-center distances.
7ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
8[ndim, nsam, ncls]
9+5, +2, +2
10sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
12+3.09051657, +1.26056886
13+2.13868189, +2.20415926
14+0.165876448, +4.62417698
15+3.33872294, +4.93674469
16+4.05802822, +0.188024044
17call setResized(disq, nsam)
18call setResized(membership, nsam)
19call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
20call setResized(potential, ncls)
21call setResized(size, ncls)
23call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
29+0.00000000, +0.00000000
31+2, +1
33+0.00000000, +0.00000000
35+1.26056886, +3.09051657
36+2.20415926, +2.13868189
37+4.62417698, +0.165876448
38+4.93674469, +3.33872294
39+0.188024044, +4.05802822
41+1, +1
44ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
45[ndim, nsam, ncls]
46+4, +4, +2
47sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
49+0.964425206, +2.01776719, +0.694973171, +2.03159618
50+2.78230238, +4.44708538, +2.54506230, +3.24920464
51+2.11412859, +4.58920431, +3.20349455, +2.51365948
52+0.577360690, +2.93278432, +3.28652120, +3.56598997
53call setResized(disq, nsam)
54call setResized(membership, nsam)
55call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
56call setResized(potential, ncls)
57call setResized(size, ncls)
59call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
65+0.00000000, +2.69745898, +1.59492815, +1.17197776
67+1, +2, +2, +2
69+0.00000000, +8.98029804
71+0.964425206, +1.58144557
72+2.78230238, +3.41378403
73+2.11412859, +3.43545294
74+0.577360690, +3.26176524
76+1, +3
79ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
80[ndim, nsam, ncls]
81+3, +4, +2
82sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
84+3.49306345, +4.84981823, +0.482063591, +1.34671211
85+2.88380194, +1.71131730, +1.93086922, +0.324480832
86+2.77829385, +0.889991820, +0.842357278, +0.735339522E-1
87call setResized(disq, nsam)
88call setResized(membership, nsam)
89call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
90call setResized(potential, ncls)
91call setResized(size, ncls)
93call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
99+1.69529724, +1.69529688, +0.979797423, +0.979797602
101+1, +1, +2, +2
103+6.78118849, +3.91918969
105+4.17144108, +0.914387822
106+2.29755974, +1.12767506
107+1.83414280, +0.457945615
109+2, +2
112ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
113[ndim, nsam, ncls]
114+5, +3, +2
115sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
117+2.67365503, +1.73565805, +1.08126378
118+0.780725479, +3.58734083, +2.24011850
119+3.19889784, +4.77777624, +4.48111963
120+0.197524428, +4.13293648, +1.16237903
121+1.01525640, +2.67101073, +1.36856318
122call setResized(disq, nsam)
123call setResized(membership, nsam)
124call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
125call setResized(potential, ncls)
126call setResized(size, ncls)
128call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
134+0.00000000, +3.21295643, +3.21295691
136+2, +1, +1
138+12.8518257, +0.00000000
140+1.40846086, +2.67365503
141+2.91372967, +0.780725479
142+4.62944794, +3.19889784
143+2.64765787, +0.197524428
144+2.01978683, +1.01525640
146+2, +1
149ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
150[ndim, nsam, ncls]
151+2, +7, +4
152sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
154+3.36679554, +2.60843635, +3.53108978, +0.765241981, +4.52701473, +1.37547374, +2.27166533
155+0.216679573, +2.14455223, +0.186871588, +4.49863815, +0.525346994, +3.02717018, +4.27078485
156call setResized(disq, nsam)
157call setResized(membership, nsam)
158call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
159call setResized(potential, ncls)
160call setResized(size, ncls)
162call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
168+0.203566492, +0.00000000, +0.919158086E-1, +0.580307066, +0.563083470, +0.00000000, +0.580307126
170+2, +4, +2, +1, +2, +3, +1
172+2.32122850, +1.13431323, +0.00000000, +0.00000000
174+1.51845360, +3.80830002, +1.37547374, +2.60843635
175+4.38471127, +0.309632719, +3.02717018, +2.14455223
177+2, +3, +1, +1
180ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
181[ndim, nsam, ncls]
182+2, +3, +3
183sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
185+3.42633343, +4.87914419, +4.52042580
186+0.704374611, +3.36541390, +2.75196648
187call setResized(disq, nsam)
188call setResized(membership, nsam)
189call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
190call setResized(potential, ncls)
191call setResized(size, ncls)
193call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
199+0.00000000, +0.00000000, +0.00000000
201+2, +3, +1
203+0.00000000, +0.00000000, +0.00000000
205+4.52042580, +3.42633343, +4.87914419
206+2.75196648, +0.704374611, +3.36541390
208+1, +1, +1
211ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
212[ndim, nsam, ncls]
213+5, +7, +4
214sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
216+0.335005224, +3.19071317, +1.81889749, +4.55224800, +2.48839808, +3.59679031, +1.09610105
217+1.55076122, +2.90543056, +1.28109694, +1.30711412, +3.08899903, +0.990077555, +4.96392870
218+0.603176951, +2.59593105, +2.10227966, +4.72403002, +1.45300925, +4.23028374, +3.30410004
219+3.65917563, +4.09179115, +3.23305631, +1.01636267, +1.72277927, +4.31291151, +4.91639090
220+0.135381818, +2.18604064, +1.21946192, +0.665618479, +0.938138664, +1.07311583, +2.86370158
221call setResized(disq, nsam)
222call setResized(membership, nsam)
223call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
224call setResized(potential, ncls)
225call setResized(size, ncls)
227call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
233+0.00000000, +1.07133758, +0.00000000, +4.67686510, +4.67686462, +6.47388220, +7.29835606
235+3, +2, +4, +1, +1, +2, +2
237+18.7074585, +18.0575886, +0.00000000, +0.00000000
239+3.52032304, +2.62786818, +0.335005224, +1.81889749
240+2.19805670, +2.95314574, +1.55076122, +1.28109694
241+3.08851957, +3.37677169, +0.603176951, +2.10227966
242+1.36957097, +4.44036484, +3.65917563, +3.23305631
243+0.801878572, +2.04095268, +0.135381818, +1.21946192
245+2, +3, +1, +1
248ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
249[ndim, nsam, ncls]
250+5, +3, +2
251sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
253+2.67327094, +4.58450317, +2.33191395
254+4.88044834, +3.23485970, +4.64746809
255+4.03332853, +2.09349895, +3.93679595
256+0.102661848, +1.45601845, +4.11710501
257+3.25221419, +2.74718666, +0.947423279
258call setResized(disq, nsam)
259call setResized(membership, nsam)
260call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
261call setResized(potential, ncls)
262call setResized(size, ncls)
264call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
270+3.05258465, +3.05258369, +0.00000000
272+2, +2, +1
274+0.00000000, +12.2103367
276+2.33191395, +3.62888718
277+4.64746809, +4.05765390
278+3.93679595, +3.06341362
279+4.11710501, +0.779340148
280+0.947423279, +2.99970055
282+1, +2
285ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
286[ndim, nsam, ncls]
287+1, +2, +1
288sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
290+4.38341188, +3.85437036
291call setResized(disq, nsam)
292call setResized(membership, nsam)
293call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
294call setResized(potential, ncls)
295call setResized(size, ncls)
297call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
303+0.699711740E-1, +0.699713007E-1
305+1, +1
314ndim = getUnifRand(1, 5); ncls = getUnifRand(1, 5); nsam = getUnifRand(ncls, 2 * ncls);
315[ndim, nsam, ncls]
316+2, +7, +4
317sample = getUnifRand(0., 5., ndim, nsam) ! Create a random sample.
319+4.91269827, +3.94869113, +3.45396805, +0.466822684, +2.31161690, +3.39903259, +2.29473591
320+4.38696861, +3.01287937, +3.21296883, +0.671095252, +1.87571108, +2.92932224, +2.89692926
321call setResized(disq, nsam)
322call setResized(membership, nsam)
323call setResized(center, [ndim, ncls])
324call setResized(potential, ncls)
325call setResized(size, ncls)
327call setKmeans(rngf, membership, disq, sample, center, size, potential, failed, niter) ! compute the new clusters and memberships.
333+0.00000000, +0.122701362, +0.474904366E-1, +0.00000000, +0.260792822, +0.555969737E-1, +0.260792941
335+1, +4, +4, +2, +3, +4, +3
337+0.00000000, +0.00000000, +1.04317153, +0.593893051
339+4.91269827, +0.466822684, +2.30317640, +3.60056400
340+4.38696861, +0.671095252, +2.38632011, +3.05172348
342+1, +1, +2, +3

Postprocessing of the example output
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4import pandas as pd
5import numpy as np
6import glob
7import sys
10fontsize = 17
12prefixes = { "setKmeansPP" : "Memberships based on k-means++."
13 , "setKmeans" : "k-means refinement of k-means++ memberships."
14 }
15for prefix in list(prefixes.keys()):
17 legends = []
18 fig = plt.figure(figsize = 1.25 * np.array([6.4, 4.8]), dpi = 200)
19 ax = plt.subplot()
21 fileList = glob.glob(prefix + ".*.txt")
22 if len(fileList) == 2:
24 for file in fileList:
26 kind = file.split(".")[1]
27 df = pd.read_csv(file, delimiter = ",", header = None)
29 if kind == "center":
30 ax.scatter ( df.values[:,1]
31 , df.values[:,2]
32 , zorder = 100
33 , marker = "*"
34 , c = "red"
35 , s = 50
36 )
37 legends.append("center")
38 elif kind == "sample":
39 ax.scatter ( df.values[:,1]
40 , df.values[:,2]
41 , c = df.values[:, 0]
42 , s = 10
43 )
44 legends.append("sample")
45 else:
46 sys.exit("Ambiguous file exists: {}".format(file))
48 ax.legend(legends, fontsize = fontsize)
49 plt.xticks(fontsize = fontsize - 2)
50 plt.yticks(fontsize = fontsize - 2)
51 ax.set_xlabel("X", fontsize = 17)
52 ax.set_ylabel("Y", fontsize = 17)
53 ax.set_title(prefixes[prefix], fontsize = fontsize)
55 plt.axis('equal')
56 plt.grid(visible = True, which = "both", axis = "both", color = "0.85", linestyle = "-")
57 ax.tick_params(axis = "y", which = "minor")
58 ax.tick_params(axis = "x", which = "minor")
59 ax.set_axisbelow(True)
60 plt.tight_layout()
62 plt.savefig(prefix + ".png")
64 else:
66 sys.exit("Ambiguous file list exists.")

Visualization of the example output

Final Remarks

If you believe this algorithm or its documentation can be improved, we appreciate your contribution and help to edit this page's documentation and source file on GitHub.
For details on the naming abbreviations, see this page.
For details on the naming conventions, see this page.
This software is distributed under the MIT license with additional terms outlined below.

  1. If you use any parts or concepts from this library to any extent, please acknowledge the usage by citing the relevant publications of the ParaMonte library.
  2. If you regenerate any parts/ideas from this library in a programming environment other than those currently supported by this ParaMonte library (i.e., other than C, C++, Fortran, MATLAB, Python, R), please also ask the end users to cite this original ParaMonte library.

This software is available to the public under a highly permissive license.
Help us justify its continued development and maintenance by acknowledging its benefit to society, distributing it, and contributing to it.

Amir Shahmoradi, September 1, 2012, 12:00 AM, National Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin

Definition at line 1292 of file pm_clustering.F90.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: