ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
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1%> \brief
2%> Compute the Gaussian kernel density estimate of the input bivariate data.
4%> \details
5%> This function offers a fast and accurate bivariate
6%> kernel density estimator with diagonal bandwidth matrix.<br>
7%> The kernel is assumed to be Gaussian.<br>
8%> The two bandwidth parameters are chosen optimally without ever
9%> using/assuming a parametric model for the data or any *rules of thumb*.<br>
10%> Particularly, this algorithm is immune to accuracy failures in the estimation
11%> of multimodal densities with widely separated modes (see examples below).<br>
13%> \param[in] data : The input matrix of shape ``[nobs, 2]`` containing the
14%> continuous data whose density estimate is to be returned.<br>
15%> \param[in] resol : The input scalar whole number representing the size of
16%> the ``resol`` by ``resol`` grid over which the density
17%> is computed where ``resol`` has to be a power of ``2``,
18%> otherwise ``resol = 2 ^ ceil(log2(resol))`` will be used.<br>
19%> (**optional**. If missing or empty, it will be set to ``2^8``.)
20%> \param[in] xymin : The input vector of size ``2`` containing the lower limits
21%> of the bounding box over which the density is computed.<br>
22%> (**optional**. If missing or empty, it will be set to an appropriate value as prescribed in the note below.)
23%> \param[in] xymax : The input vector of size ``2`` containing the upper limits
24%> of the bounding box over which the density is computed.<br>
25%> (**optional**. If missing or empty, it will be set to an appropriate value as prescribed in the note below.)
27%> \return
28%> ``bandwidth`` : The output row vector with the two optimal bandwidths for a bivaroate Gaussian kernel.<br>
29%> The format of the vector is ``bandwidth = [bandwidth_x, bandwidth_y]``.<br>
30%> <br>
31%> ``density`` : The output ``resol`` by ``resol`` matrix containing
32%> the density values over the ``resol`` by ``resol`` grid.<br>
33%> This argument is not computed unless the output argument is present.<br>
34%> <br>
35%> ``meshx`` : The x-axis meshgrid over which the variable "density" has been computed.<br>
36%> This output is particularly useful in combination with MATLAB intrinsic ``surf``.<br>
37%> The intended usage is ``surf(meshx, meshy, density)``.<br>
38%> <br>
39%> ``meshy`` : The y-axis meshgrid over which the variable "density" has been computed.<br>
40%> This output is particularly useful in combination with MATLAB intrinsic ``surf``.<br>
41%> The intended usage is ``surf(meshx, meshy, density)``.<br>
43%> \interface{kde2d}
44%> \code{.m}
46%> [bandwidth, density, meshx, meshy] = pm.stats.hist.kde2d(data);
47%> [bandwidth, density, meshx, meshy] = pm.stats.hist.kde2d(data, resol);
48%> [bandwidth, density, meshx, meshy] = pm.stats.hist.kde2d(data, resol, xymin);
49%> [bandwidth, density, meshx, meshy] = pm.stats.hist.kde2d(data, resol, xymin, xymax);
51%> \endcode
53%> \note
54%> The procedure for computing the default values for the
55%> input arguments ``xymin`` and ``xymax`` are as follows:<br>
56%> \code{.m}
57%> dmax = max(data, [], 1);
58%> dmin = min(data, [], 1);
59%> dlim = dmax - dmin;
60%> xymax = dmax + dlim / 4;
61%> xymin = dmin - dlim / 4;
62%> \endcode
64%> \see
65%> Kernel density estimation via diffusion, Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski,
66%> and D. P. Kroese (2010) Annals of Statistics, Volume 38, Number 5, pages 2916-2957.<br>
67%> [pm.vis.SubplotContour](@ref SubplotContour)<br>
68%> [pm.vis.CascadeContour](@ref CascadeContour)<br>
69%> [pm.vis.PlotContour](@ref PlotContour)<br>
70%> [pm.vis.TileContour](@ref TileContour)<br>
71%> [pm.vis.SubplotContourf](@ref SubplotContourf)<br>
72%> [pm.vis.CascadeContourf](@ref CascadeContourf)<br>
73%> [pm.vis.PlotContourf](@ref PlotContourf)<br>
74%> [pm.vis.TileContourf](@ref TileContourf)<br>
75%> [pm.vis.SubplotContour3](@ref SubplotContour3)<br>
76%> [pm.vis.CascadeContour3](@ref CascadeContour3)<br>
77%> [pm.vis.PlotContour3](@ref PlotContour3)<br>
78%> [pm.vis.TileContour3](@ref TileContour3)<br>
80%> \example{mvnmix}
81%> \include{lineno} example/stats/hist/kde2d/mvnmix/main.m
82%> \vis{mvnmix}
83%> \image html example/stats/hist/kde2d/mvnmix/pm.stats.hist.kde2d.mvnmix.png width=700
85%> \example{mvnmixfar}
86%> \include{lineno} example/stats/hist/kde2d/mvnmixfar/main.m
87%> \vis{mvnmixfar}
88%> \image html example/stats/hist/kde2d/mvnmixfar/pm.stats.hist.kde2d.mvnmixfar.png width=700
90%> \example{sincos}
91%> \include{lineno} example/stats/hist/kde2d/sincos/main.m
92%> \vis{sincos}
93%> \image html example/stats/hist/kde2d/sincos/pm.stats.hist.kde2d.sincos.png width=700
95%> \final{kde2d}
97%> Copyright (c) 2015, Dr. Zdravko Botev
98%> All rights reserved.
100%> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
101%> modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
102%> met:
104%> * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
105%> notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
106%> * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
107%> notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
108%> the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
109%> * Neither the name of the The University of New South Wales nor the names
110%> of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
111%> from this software without specific prior written permission.
113%> This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is"
114%> and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
115%> implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
116%> are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be
117%> liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or
118%> consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of
119%> substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
120%> interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
121%> contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise)
122%> arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the
123%> possibility of such damage.
125%> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
126function [bandwidth, density, meshx, meshy] = kde2d(data, resol, xymin, xymax)
128 %global nobs asq rangesq
130 if nargin < 2
131 resol = 2 ^ 8;
132 end
134 %%%% round up resol to the next power of 2;
136 resol = 2 ^ ceil(log2(resol));
138 nobs = size(data, 1);
139 if nargin < 3
140 dmax = max(data, [], 1);
141 dmin = min(data, [], 1);
142 dlim = dmax - dmin;
143 xymax = dmax + dlim / 2;
144 xymin = dmin - dlim / 2;
145 end
146 scaling = xymax - xymin;
147 if nobs <= size(data, 2)
148 error('data has to be a ``nobs`` by ``2`` array where each row represents a two dimensional observation.');
149 end
150 transformed_data = (data - repmat(xymin, nobs, 1)) ./ repmat(scaling, nobs, 1);
152 %%%% Bin the data uniformly using regular grid.
154 initial_data = ndhist(transformed_data, resol);
156 %%%% Discrete cosine transform of initial data.
158 a = dct2d(initial_data);
160 %%%% Now compute the optimal bandwidth^2.
162 asq = a .^ 2;
163 rangesq = (0 : resol - 1) .^ 2;
164 t_star = getRoot(@(t)(t - evolve(t, nobs, asq, rangesq)), nobs);
165 p_02 = func([0,2], t_star, nobs, asq, rangesq);
166 p_20 = func([2,0], t_star, nobs, asq, rangesq);
167 p_11 = func([1,1], t_star, nobs, asq, rangesq);
168 t_y = (p_02 ^ (3 / 4) / (4 * pi * nobs * p_20 ^ (3 / 4) * (p_11 + sqrt(p_20 * p_02)))) ^ (1 / 3);
169 t_x = (p_20 ^ (3 / 4) / (4 * pi * nobs * p_02 ^ (3 / 4) * (p_11 + sqrt(p_20 * p_02)))) ^ (1 / 3);
171 %%%% Smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial data using t_star.
173 a_t = exp(-(0 : resol - 1)' .^ 2 * pi ^ 2 * t_x / 2) * exp(-(0 : resol - 1) .^ 2 * pi ^ 2 * t_y / 2) .* a;
175 %%%% Now apply the inverse discrete cosine transform.
177 if nargout > 1
178 density = idct2d(a_t) * (numel(a_t) / prod(scaling));
179 %%%% remove any negative density values
180 density(density < 0) = eps;
181 [meshx,meshy] = meshgrid(xymin(1) : scaling(1) / (resol - 1) : xymax(1), xymin(2) : scaling(2) / (resol - 1) : xymax(2));
182 end
184 bandwidth = sqrt([t_x, t_y]) .* scaling;
189%> \cond excluded
192function [out, time] = evolve(t, nobs, asq, rangesq)
193 sumFunc = func([0, 2], t, nobs, asq, rangesq) ...
194 + func([2, 0], t, nobs, asq, rangesq) ...
195 + func([1, 1], t, nobs, asq, rangesq) * 2;
196 time = (2 * pi * nobs * sumFunc) ^ (-1 / 3);
197 out = (t - time) / time;
202function out = func(s, t, nobs, asq, rangesq)
203 if sum(s) <= 4
204 sumFunc = func([s(1) + 1, s(2)], t, nobs, asq, rangesq) ...
205 + func([s(1), s(2) + 1], t, nobs, asq, rangesq);
206 const = (1 + 1 / 2 ^ (sum(s) + 1)) / 3;
207 time = (-2 * const * K(s(1)) * K(s(2)) / nobs / sumFunc) ^ (1 / (2 + sum(s)));
208 out = psi(s, time, asq, rangesq);
209 else
210 out = psi(s, t, asq, rangesq);
211 end
216function out = psi(s, time, asq, rangesq)
217 %global asq rangesq
218 %%%% The input ``s`` is a vector.
219 w = exp(-rangesq * pi ^ 2 * time) .* [1, .5 * ones(1, length(rangesq) - 1)];
220 wx = w .* (rangesq .^ s(1));
221 wy = w .* (rangesq .^ s(2));
222 out = (-1) ^ sum(s) * (wy * asq * wx') * pi ^ (2 * sum(s));
227function out = K(s)
228 out = (-1) ^ s * prod((1 : 2 : 2 * s - 1)) / sqrt(2 * pi);
233function data = dct2d(data)
234 %%%%
235 %%%% Compute the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform of data data is an ``ndim`` cube.
236 %%%%
237 [nrow, ncol] = size(data);
238 if nrow ~= ncol
239 error('data is not a square array!')
240 end
241 %%%% Compute weights to multiply DFT coefficients.
242 w = [1; 2 * (exp(-i * (1 : nrow - 1) * pi / (2 * nrow))).'];
243 weight = w(:, ones(1, ncol));
244 data = dct1d(dct1d(data)')';
245 function transform1d = dct1d(x)
246 %%%% Re-order the elements of the columns of x.
247 x = [x(1 : 2 : end, :); x(end : -2 : 2, :)];
248 %%%% Multiply FFT by weights.
249 transform1d = real(weight .* fft(x));
250 end
255function data = idct2d(data)
256 %%%% Computes the 2 dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform.
257 [nrow, ncol] = size(data);
258 % Compute weights.
259 w = exp(i * (0 : nrow - 1) * pi / (2 * nrow)).';
260 weights = w(:, ones(1, ncol));
261 data = idct1d(idct1d(data)');
262 function out = idct1d(x)
263 y = real(ifft(weights .* x));
264 out = zeros(nrow, ncol);
265 out(1 : 2 : nrow, :) = y(1 : nrow / 2, :);
266 out(2 : 2 : nrow, :) = y(nrow : -1 : nrow / 2 + 1, :);
267 end
272function binned_data = ndhist(data, nbin)
273 %%%% This function computes the histogram of an ndim-dimensional data set.
274 %%%% 'data' is ``ndat`` rows by ``ndim`` columns.
275 %%%% The input ``nbin`` is the number of bins used in each dimension.
276 %%%% The output ``binned_data`` is a hypercube of length ``nbin``.
277 [ndat, ncol] = size(data);
278 bins = zeros(ndat, ncol);
279 for icol = 1 : ncol
280 [dum, bins(:, icol)] = histc(data(:, icol), [0 : 1 / nbin : 1], 1);
281 bins(:, icol) = min(bins(:, icol), nbin);
282 end
283 %%%% Combine the vectors of 1D bin counts into a grid of ND bin counts.
284 binned_data = accumarray(bins(all(bins > 0, 2), :), 1 / ndat, nbin(ones(1, ncol)));
289function root = getRoot(getFunc, nobs)
290 %%%% Find smallest root whenever there is more than one.
291 nobs = 50 * (nobs <= 50) + 1050 * (nobs >= 1050) + nobs * ((nobs < 1050) & (nobs > 50));
292 tol = 10^ -12 + 0.01 * (nobs - 50) / 1000;
293 flag = 0;
294 while flag == 0
295 try
296 root = fzero(getFunc, [0, tol]);
297 flag = 1;
298 catch
299 %%%% double search interval.
300 tol = min(tol * 2, .1);
301 end
302 %%%% if all else fails:
303 if tol == .1
304 root = fminbnd(@(x) abs(getFunc(x)), 0, .1);
305 flag = 1;
306 end
307 end
311%> \endcond
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