ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1%> \brief
2%> This is the base class for the ParaMonte sampler routines.
4%> \note
5%> See below for information on the attributes (properties).
7%> \note
8%> See below for information on the methods.
10%> \note
11%> Given the basic primitive nature of this class, it does not have a custom constructor.<br>
12%> Users should always use the subclasses of this base class.<br>
14%> \final{Sampler}
16%> \author
17%> \JoshuaOsborne, May 21 2024, 12:43 AM, University of Texas at Arlington<br>
18%> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
19%> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
20classdef Sampler < pm.matlab.Handle
22 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
24 properties(Access = public)
25 %>
26 %> ``input`` : Optional scalar MATLAB string representing the path to an external
27 %> input file that contains the simulation specification namelist(s).
28 %>
29 %> \warning
30 %> <b>Use this optional argument only if you know what you are doing</b>.<br>
31 %> Specifying an input simulation file will force the ParaMonte sampler
32 %> to ignore all other simulation specifications set by the user via
33 %> the ``spec`` component of the sampler instance.<br>
34 %>
35 input = "";
36 %>
37 %> ``checked`` : Optional scalar MATLAB logical.<br>
38 %> If set to ``true``, then the checked (verified) versions of the
39 %> ParaMonte MATLAB shared libraries will be used for simulations.<br>
40 %> This means that most function calls and computations will be
41 %> checked at runtime to ensure correctness, at the cost of
42 %> noticeably slower runtime simulation speeds.<br>
43 %> Set this option to ``true`` only for diagnostics, testing, and development.<br>
44 %> If set to empty, the sampler will first search for the non-checked version
45 %> and if none found, will search for a checked version of the library.<br>
46 %>
47 checked = [];
48 %>
49 %> ``mpiname`` : Optional scalar MATLAB string representing the (vendor) name of the
50 %> MPI runtime library. The following three library names are supported:<br>
51 %> <ol>
52 %> <li> ``"impi"`` : The Intel MPI runtime library (Windows/Linux).<br>
53 %> <li> ``"mpich"`` : The MPICH MPI runtime library (Linux/macOS).<br>
54 %> <li> ``"openmpi"`` : The OpenMPI runtime library (Linux/macOS).<br>
55 %> </ol>
56 %> By default, you should set this argument to [pm.lib.mpi.choice()](@ref choice)
57 %> to enable the right preferred choice of MPI-enabled ParaMonte libraries.<br>
58 %> If for any reason, you want to use a non-preferred non-default MPI library,
59 %> you can set the MPI library name explicitly as in the above list.<br>
60 %> Beware that you must launch MATLAB with an ``mpiexec`` binary that
61 %> comes from the same MPI library vendor specified for ``mpiname``.<br>
62 %> Note that the MPI-parallel ParaMonte shared libraries
63 %> corresponding to the specified value for ``mpiname``
64 %> may not exist in the ParaMonte package.<br>
65 %> For example,<br>
66 %> <ol>
67 %> <li> On Windows, only ParaMonte library
68 %> builds with Intel MPI are supported.<br>
69 %> <li> On Linux, the ParaMonte library builds with
70 %> all MPI libraries listed above are supported,
71 %> but there is no guarantee of their availability in
72 %> the package. Only the ParaMonte library builds with
73 %> Intel MPI (``"impi"``) are guaranteed to exist,
74 %> unless user builds the ParaMonte MATLAB package
75 %> from GitHub source for the desired MPI library.<br>
76 %> <li> On Darwin (macOS), only the ParaMonte shared library
77 %> builds with MPICH and OpenMPI libraries are supported,
78 %> but there is no guarantee of their availability in the
79 %> package. Only the ParaMonte library builds with OpenMPI
80 %> (``"openmpi"``) are guaranteed to exist, unless user
81 %> builds the ParaMonte MATLAB package from GitHub
82 %> source for the desired specified MPI library.<br>
83 %> </ol>
84 %> \warning
86 %> This option should rarely be needed in any normal simulation.<br>
87 %> The default value for ``mpiname`` is an empty string, implying
88 %> no use of MPI-enabled ParaMonte library routines.<br>
89 %>
90 mpiname = "";
91 %>
92 %> ``silent`` : Optional logical (Boolean) indicator which is ``false`` by default.<br>
93 %> If it is set to ``true``, it will silence all output postprocessing messages.<br>
94 %>
95 %> \note
96 %> Setting ``mpiname`` to a non-empty string
97 %> will automatically set ``silent`` to ``true``.<br>
98 %>
99 silent = false;
100 %>
101 %> ``spec`` : A MATLAB structure containing all simulation specifications.<br>
102 %> All specifications are set to appropriate default values at runtime.<br>
103 %> Set the `spec` attributes to the desired values of your choice
104 %> to override the default simulation specifications.<br>
105 %>
106 spec = [];
107 end
109 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
111 properties(Access = public, Hidden)
112 mexname = "pm_sampling";
113 libtype = "shared";
114 partype = "serial";
115 memtype = "heap";
116 bldtype = ""; % build type
117 clstype = ""; % compiler/linker suite
118 name = "self";
119 weblinks = [];
120 matpath = []; % MATLAB paths.
121 method = "";
122 ndim = [];
123 %njob = [];
124 nml = [];
125 %>
126 %> ``libspec`` : Optional scalar MATLAB string containing a list of colon-(:)-separated
127 %> configurations of the kernel shared library to be used for the sampling task.<br>
128 %> The most important of all is the compiler suite with which the library is built.<br>
129 %>
130 %> \warning
131 %> <b>Use this optional argument only if you know what you are doing</b>.<br>
132 %> The specified value for ``libspec`` is parsed internally to match a
133 %> corresponding library path name within the ParaMonte library.<br>
134 %> The simulations will fail if no such directory can be found.<br>
135 %>
136 libspec = "nocheck";
137 end
139 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
141 methods(Access = public)
142 %> \brief
143 %> Return a scalar object of class [pm.sampling.Sampler``.<br>
144 %>
145 %> \details
146 %> This is the constructor of the class [pm.sampling.Sampler](@ref Sampler).<br>
147 %> This class is not meant to be accessed by the end users.<br>
148 %> It merely serves as the blueprint for the sampler subclasses
149 %> accessible to the end users.<br>
150 %>
151 %> \param[in] method : The input scalar MATLAB string containing
152 %> the name of the target ParaMonte sampler.<br>
153 %>
154 %> \return
155 %> ``self`` : The output scalar object of class [pm.sampling.Sampler](@ref Sampler).<br>
156 %>
157 %> \interface{Sampler}
158 %> \code{.m}
159 %>
160 %> sampler = pm.sampling.Sampler();
161 %> sampler = pm.sampling.Sampler([]);
162 %> sampler = pm.sampling.Sampler(method);
163 %>
164 %> \endcode
165 %>
166 %> \final{Sampler}
167 %>
168 %> \author
169 %> \JoshuaOsborne, May 21 2024, 12:52 AM, University of Texas at Arlington<br>
170 %> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
171 %> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
172 function self = Sampler(method)
173 if nargin < 1
174 self.method = "sampler";
175 else
176 self.method = string(method);
177 end
178 self.weblinks = pm.lib.weblinks();
179 if self.method == "ParaDRAM"
180 self.spec = pm.sampling.SpecDRAM(self.method);
181 elseif self.method == "ParaNest"
182 self.spec = pm.sampling.SpecNest(self.method);
183 elseif self.method == "sampler"
184 self.spec = pm.sampling.SpecBase(self.method);
185 else
186 error ( newline ...
187 + "Unrecognized or unsupported ParaMonte sampler: " + self.method + newline ...
188 + newline ...
189 );
190 end
191 %filePath = mfilename("fullpath"); addpath(genpath(filePath),"-begin");
192 = inputname(1);
193 end
195 reportList = readReport(self, pattern)
196 restartList = readRestart(self, pattern)
197 chainList = readChain(self, pattern, sep)
198 sampleList = readSample(self, pattern, sep)
199 progressList = readProgress(self, pattern, sep)
201 end
203 methods(Hidden)
204 finalize(self);
205 run(self, getLogFunc, ndim)
206 fileList = findfile(self, ftype, pattern);
207 end
function name(in vendor)
Return the MPI library name as used in naming the ParaMonte MATLAB shared libraries.
function list()
Return a list of MATLAB strings containing the names of OS platforms supported by the ParaMonte MATLA...
function version(in silent)
Return a scalar MATLAB string containing the latest available ParaMonte MATLAB version newer than the...
function choice()
Return the ParaMonte-preferred MPI library vendor name as used in naming the ParaMonte MATLAB shared ...
This is the base class for generating subclass of MATLAB handle superclass whose annoying methods are...
Definition: Handle.m:24
This is the base class for the ParaMonte sampler routines.
Definition: Sampler.m:21
function readSample(in self, in pattern, in sep)
Return a list of objects of class pm.sampling.FileContentsSample containing the content(s) of the Par...
function run(in self, in getLogFunc, in ndim)
Perform the basic runtime checks for the sampler and return nothing.
Property mexname
Definition: Sampler.m:120
function getLogFuncConcurrent(in state)
function Sampler(in method)
Return a scalar object of class [pm.sampling.Sampler``.
Property matpath
Definition: Sampler.m:136
Property method
Definition: Sampler.m:138
Property weblinks
Definition: Sampler.m:134
Property partype
Definition: Sampler.m:124
function readReport(in self, in pattern)
Return a list of objects of class pm.sampling.FileContentsReport containing the content(s) of the Par...
Property libtype
Definition: Sampler.m:122
function readChain(in self, in pattern, in sep)
Return a list of objects of class pm.sampling.FileContentsChain containing the content(s) of the Para...
Property spec
Definition: Sampler.m:113
Property libspec
Definition: Sampler.m:156
Property nml
Definition: Sampler.m:143
Property ndim
Definition: Sampler.m:140
Property name
Definition: Sampler.m:132
Property bldtype
Definition: Sampler.m:128
function getLogFuncWrapped(in state)
Property silent
Definition: Sampler.m:105
Property clstype
Definition: Sampler.m:130
function findfile(in self, in ftype, in pattern)
Return a vector of MATLAB strings containing the fully-resolved paths matching the input pattern.
function readRestart(in self, in pattern)
Return a list of objects of class pm.sampling.FileContentsRestartDRAM containing the content(s) of th...
Property checked
Definition: Sampler.m:51
function readProgress(in self, in pattern, in sep)
Return a list of objects of class pm.sampling.FileContentsProgress containing the content(s) of the P...
Property mpiname
Definition: Sampler.m:95
function finalize(in self)
Finalize the ParaMonte MATLAB sampler simulation run and return nothing.
Property input
Definition: Sampler.m:38
Property memtype
Definition: Sampler.m:126
function compiler()
Return a scalar MATLAB logical that is true if and only if the current installation of MATLAB contain...
function getLogFunc(in point)
function parallel()
Return a scalar MATLAB logical that is true if and only if the current installation of MATLAB contain...
function vendor(in path)
Return the a MATLAB string containing the MPI library vendor name corresponding to the input mpiexec ...
function which(in vendor)
Return the a MATLAB string containing the path to the first mpiexec executable binary found in system...