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pm_strASCII.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  pm_strASCII::getLocSpace
 Generate and return the location of the first occurrence of the whitespace character in the input string, from left to right.
Otherwise, return 0 if the input string does not contain a whitespace character.
interface  pm_strASCII::getLocNonSpace
 Generate and return the location of the first occurrence of a non-whitespace character in the input string, from left to right.
Otherwise, return 0 if the input string is all whitespace characters.
interface  pm_strASCII::isCharDigit
 Generate and return .true. if the input character of length 1 is a digit as in DIGIT_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrDigitAll
 Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string are numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrDigitAny
 Generate and return .true. if any character of the input string is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrDigit
 Generate and return a vector of logical values of the same size as the length of the input scalar string str, whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding character in the input str is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrReal
 Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a real number.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrComplex
 Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a complex number.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrInteger
 Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent an integer.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrNumber
 Generate and return .true. if the input string collectively represents an integer, a real, or a complex number.
interface  pm_strASCII::isCharUpper
 Generate and return .true. if the input single character contains an uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isCharLower
 Generate and return .true. if the input single character contains an lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrUpperAll
 Generate and return .true. if the input string contains only uppercase English alphabets ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrUpperAny
 Generate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrUpper
 Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrLowerAll
 Generate and return .true. if the input string contains only lowercase English alphabets ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrLowerAny
 Generate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrLower
 Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isCharAlphaNum
 Generate and return .true. if the input (single) character is a digit or an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAll
 Generate and return .true. if the input string is all alphanumeric, containing only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAny
 Generate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphanumeric, that is, only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNum
 Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isCharAlpha
 Generate and return .true. if the input (single) character is an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAll
 Generate and return .true. if the input string is all alphabetic, containing only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAny
 Generate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphabetic, that is, only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::isStrAlpha
 Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.
interface  pm_strASCII::getCharUpper
 Generate and return the input character where the lowercase English alphabet is converted to uppercase letter.
interface  pm_strASCII::setCharUpper
 Replace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase English letter.
interface  pm_strASCII::getCharLower
 Generate and return the input character where the uppercase English alphabet is converted to lowercase letter.
interface  pm_strASCII::setCharLower
 Replace any uppercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding lowercase English letter.
interface  pm_strASCII::getStrUpper
 Generate and return the input string where the lowercase English alphabets are all converted to uppercase letters.
interface  pm_strASCII::setStrUpper
 Replace all lowercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding uppercase English letters.
interface  pm_strASCII::getStrLower
 Generate and return the input string where the uppercase English alphabets are all converted to lowercase letters.
interface  pm_strASCII::setStrLower
 Replace all uppercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding lowercase English letters.
interface  pm_strASCII::getStrQuoted
 Generate and return the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style.
interface  pm_strASCII::setStrQuoted
 Return the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style.
interface  pm_strASCII::getAsciiFromEscaped
 Generate and return the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible.
interface  pm_strASCII::setAsciiFromEscaped
 Return the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible.


module  pm_strASCII
 This module contains the uncommon and hardly representable ASCII characters as well as procedures for operating on strings that exclusively contain the 128 ASCII characters.



character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::MODULE_NAME = SK_"@pm_strASCII"
integer(IK), parameter pm_strASCII::MAX_ASCII_CODE = 127_IK
 The scalar integer constant of default kind IK representing the maximum standard ASCII code.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::NUL = achar(0, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Null character.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SOH = achar(1, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Start of Heading.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::STX = achar(2, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Start of Text.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ETX = achar(3, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Text.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::EOT = achar(4, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Transmission.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ENQ = achar(5, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Enquiry.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ACK = achar(6, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Acknowledgment.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::BEL = achar(7, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Bell (ring character).
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::BS = achar(8, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Back Space.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::HT = achar(9, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Horizontal Tab.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::LF = achar(10, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Line Feed (new line character).
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::VT = achar(11, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Vertical Tab.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::FF = achar(12, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Form Feed.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::CR = achar(13, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Carriage Return.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SO = achar(14, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Shift Out / X-On.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SI = achar(15, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Shift In / X-Off.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DLE = achar(16, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Data Line Escape.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DC1 = achar(17, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 1 (oft. XON).
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DC2 = achar(18, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 2.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DC3 = achar(19, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF).
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DC4 = achar(20, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 4.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::NAK = achar(21, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Negative Acknowledgement.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SYN = achar(22, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Synchronous Idle.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ETB = achar(23, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Transmit Block.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::CAN = achar(24, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Cancel.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::EM = achar(25, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Medium.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SUB = achar(26, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Substitute.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ESC = achar(27, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Escape.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::FS = achar(28, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: File Separator.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::GS = achar(29, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Group Separator.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::RS = achar(30, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Record Separator.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::US = achar(31, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Unit Separator.
character(2, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::CRLF = CR//LF
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 2 representing ASCII characters Carriage Return and Line Feed that together form the line terminator on Windows systems.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::SPC = achar(32, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Space.
character(1, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DEL = achar(127, SK)
 The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Delete.
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase English letters.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK = [(ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the uppercase English letters.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK = SK_"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII lowercase English letters.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK = [(ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the lowercase English letters.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHA_STR_SK = ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK//ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase and lowercase English letters.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHA_VEC_SK = [ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK, ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase and lowercase English letters.
integer(IK), parameter pm_strASCII::UPPER_MINUS_LOWER_IK = ichar(SK_"A", kind = IK) - ichar(SK_"a", kind = IK)
 The constant scalar of type integer of default kind IK representing the distance between A and a in the processor collating sequence.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::DIGIT_STR_SK = SK_"0123456789"
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::DIGIT_VEC_SK = [(DIGIT_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(DIGIT_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHANUM_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//ALPHA_STR_SK
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers and alphabets.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::ALPHANUM_VEC_SK = [DIGIT_VEC_SK, ALPHA_VEC_SK]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers and alphabets.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::INTEGER_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//SK_"-+"
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for integer number representation.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::INTEGER_VEC_SK = [(INTEGER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(INTEGER_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for integer number representation.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::REAL_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//SK_".edED"
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for real number representation.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::REAL_VEC_SK = [(REAL_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(REAL_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for real number representation.
character(*, SK), parameter pm_strASCII::COMPLEX_STR_SK = REAL_STR_SK//SK_"(),"
 The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for complex number representation.
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter pm_strASCII::COMPLEX_VEC_SK = [(COMPLEX_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(COMPLEX_STR_SK))]
 The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for complex number representation.