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ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation. |
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Data Types | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getLocSpace |
Generate and return the location of the first occurrence of the whitespace character in the input string, from left to right. Otherwise, return 0 if the input string does not contain a whitespace character.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getLocNonSpace |
Generate and return the location of the first occurrence of a non-whitespace character in the input string, from left to right. Otherwise, return 0 if the input string is all whitespace characters.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isCharDigit |
Generate and return .true. if the input character of length 1 is a digit as in DIGIT_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrDigitAll |
Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string are numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrDigitAny |
Generate and return .true. if any character of the input string is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrDigit |
Generate and return a vector of logical values of the same size as the length of the input scalar string str , whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding character in the input str is numeric (digits as in DIGIT_VEC_SK).More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrReal |
Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a real number.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrComplex |
Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent a complex number.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrInteger |
Generate and return .true. if all characters of the input string collectively represent an integer.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrNumber |
Generate and return .true. if the input string collectively represents an integer, a real, or a complex number.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isCharUpper |
Generate and return .true. if the input single character contains an uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isCharLower |
Generate and return .true. if the input single character contains an lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrUpperAll |
Generate and return .true. if the input string contains only uppercase English alphabets ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrUpperAny |
Generate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrUpper |
Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrLowerAll |
Generate and return .true. if the input string contains only lowercase English alphabets ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrLowerAny |
Generate and return .true. if the input string contains at least one lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrLower |
Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isCharAlphaNum |
Generate and return .true. if the input (single) character is a digit or an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAll |
Generate and return .true. if the input string is all alphanumeric, containing only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNumAny |
Generate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphanumeric, that is, only digits or the English alphabet ALPHANUM_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaNum |
Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isCharAlpha |
Generate and return .true. if the input (single) character is an uppercase or lowercase English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAll |
Generate and return .true. if the input string is all alphabetic, containing only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlphaAny |
Generate and return .true. if any characters of the input string are alphabetic, that is, only the English alphabet ALPHA_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::isStrAlpha |
Generate and return a logical vector whose elements are .true. if and only if the corresponding characters in the input string belong to the uppercase English alphabet ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK.More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getCharUpper |
Generate and return the input character where the lowercase English alphabet is converted to uppercase letter. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setCharUpper |
Replace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase English letter. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getCharLower |
Generate and return the input character where the uppercase English alphabet is converted to lowercase letter. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setCharLower |
Replace any uppercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding lowercase English letter. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getStrUpper |
Generate and return the input string where the lowercase English alphabets are all converted to uppercase letters. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setStrUpper |
Replace all lowercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding uppercase English letters. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getStrLower |
Generate and return the input string where the uppercase English alphabets are all converted to lowercase letters. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setStrLower |
Replace all uppercase English alphabets in the input string with the corresponding lowercase English letters. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getStrQuoted |
Generate and return the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setStrQuoted |
Return the input string quoted with double-quotation marks where all instances of double-quotations within the input string are escaped in the Fortran-style. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::getAsciiFromEscaped |
Generate and return the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible. More... | |
interface | pm_strASCII::setAsciiFromEscaped |
Return the input C-style escaped string where all instances of C-style escape sequences are converted to the corresponding ASCII characters or left intact if they are not convertible. More... | |
Modules | |
module | pm_strASCII |
This module contains the uncommon and hardly representable ASCII characters as well as procedures for operating on strings that exclusively contain the 128 ASCII characters. | |
Variables | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::MODULE_NAME = SK_"@pm_strASCII" |
integer(IK), parameter | pm_strASCII::MAX_ASCII_CODE = 127_IK |
The scalar integer constant of default kind IK representing the maximum standard ASCII code.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::NUL = achar(0, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Null character.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SOH = achar(1, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Start of Heading.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::STX = achar(2, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Start of Text.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ETX = achar(3, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Text.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::EOT = achar(4, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Transmission.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ENQ = achar(5, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Enquiry.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ACK = achar(6, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Acknowledgment.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::BEL = achar(7, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Bell (ring character).More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::BS = achar(8, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Back Space.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::HT = achar(9, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Horizontal Tab.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::LF = achar(10, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Line Feed (new line character).More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::VT = achar(11, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Vertical Tab.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::FF = achar(12, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Form Feed.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::CR = achar(13, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Carriage Return.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SO = achar(14, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Shift Out / X-On.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SI = achar(15, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Shift In / X-Off.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DLE = achar(16, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Data Line Escape.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DC1 = achar(17, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 1 (oft. XON).More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DC2 = achar(18, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 2.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DC3 = achar(19, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF).More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DC4 = achar(20, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Device Control 4.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::NAK = achar(21, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Negative Acknowledgement.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SYN = achar(22, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Synchronous Idle.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ETB = achar(23, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Transmit Block.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::CAN = achar(24, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Cancel.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::EM = achar(25, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: End of Medium.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SUB = achar(26, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Substitute.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ESC = achar(27, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Escape.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::FS = achar(28, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: File Separator.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::GS = achar(29, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Group Separator.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::RS = achar(30, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Record Separator.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::US = achar(31, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Unit Separator.More... | |
character(2, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::CRLF = CR//LF |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 2 representing ASCII characters Carriage Return and Line Feed that together form the line terminator on Windows systems.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::SPC = achar(32, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Space.More... | |
character(1, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DEL = achar(127, SK) |
The scalar character constant of default kind SK of length 1 representing ASCII character: Delete.More... | |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase English letters.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK = [(ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the uppercase English letters.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK = SK_"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII lowercase English letters.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK = [(ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the lowercase English letters.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHA_STR_SK = ALPHA_UPPER_STR_SK//ALPHA_LOWER_STR_SK |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase and lowercase English letters.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHA_VEC_SK = [ALPHA_UPPER_VEC_SK, ALPHA_LOWER_VEC_SK] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the ASCII uppercase and lowercase English letters.More... | |
integer(IK), parameter | pm_strASCII::UPPER_MINUS_LOWER_IK = ichar(SK_"A", kind = IK) - ichar(SK_"a", kind = IK) |
The constant scalar of type integer of default kind IK representing the distance between A and a in the processor collating sequence.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::DIGIT_STR_SK = SK_"0123456789" |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::DIGIT_VEC_SK = [(DIGIT_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(DIGIT_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHANUM_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//ALPHA_STR_SK |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers and alphabets.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::ALPHANUM_VEC_SK = [DIGIT_VEC_SK, ALPHA_VEC_SK] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing the English numbers and alphabets.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::INTEGER_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//SK_"-+" |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for integer number representation.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::INTEGER_VEC_SK = [(INTEGER_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(INTEGER_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for integer number representation.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::REAL_STR_SK = DIGIT_STR_SK//SK_".edED" |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for real number representation.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::REAL_VEC_SK = [(REAL_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(REAL_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for real number representation.More... | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_strASCII::COMPLEX_STR_SK = REAL_STR_SK//SK_"()," |
The constant scalar of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for complex number representation.More... | |
character(1, SK), dimension(*), parameter | pm_strASCII::COMPLEX_VEC_SK = [(COMPLEX_STR_SK(i:i), i = 1, len(COMPLEX_STR_SK))] |
The constant array of type character of default kind SK containing characters that might be used for complex number representation.More... | |