ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
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pm_physUnit.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  pm_physUnit::uncertain_type
 This the derived type for constructing physical constants or unit conversions that are uncertain. More...


module  pm_physUnit
 This module contains relevant physical constants.


character(*, SK), parameter pm_physUnit::MODULE_NAME = "@pm_physUnit"
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::PI = acos(-1._RKB)
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing the irrational number \(\pi\).
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::NAPIER = exp(1._RKB)
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing the Napier constant (a.k.a. Euler number) \(e = \exp(1)\). More...
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::AU2METER = 149597870700._RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one astronomical unit unit of length in meters.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::DEGREE2RADIAN = PI / 180._RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one degree in radians.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::ARCMIN2RADIAN = PI / 10800._RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one arcminute in radians.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::ARCSEC2RADIAN = PI / 648000._RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one arcsecond in radians.
type(uncertain_type), parameter pm_physUnit::DALTON2KG = uncertain_type(1.660539040e-27_RKB, 2.e-35_RKB)
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one Dalton in kilograms.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::EV2JOULES = 1.602176634e-19_RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one electronvolt in Joules.
An electronvolt is the amount of kinetic energy gained or lost by a single electron accelerating from rest through an electric potential difference of one volt in vacuum. Hence, it has a value of one volt, \(1 J/C\), multiplied by the elementary charge \(e = 1.602176634\times10−19 C\).
Therefore, one electronvolt is equal to \(1.602176634×10−19 J\).
The electronvolt ( \(\ms{eV}\)) is a unit of energy, but is not an SI unit.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::JOULES2ERGS = 1.e+7_RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one Joules of energy in ergs.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::ERGS2JOULES = 1.e-7_RKB
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one ergs of energy in Joules.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::KEV2ERGS = 1000 * EV2JOULES * JOULES2ERGS
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one kilo-electronvolts of energy in ergs.
real(RKB), parameter pm_physUnit::ERGS2KEV = 1._RKB / KEV2ERGS
 The scalar constant of type real of kind RKB representing one ergs of energy in kilo-electronvolts.