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ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
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Data Types | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getSizeUnivNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological size (or equivalently, the age) of the Universe at the desired redshift normalized to Hubble Distance (or equivalently, to Hubble Time), given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisLookbackNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Lookback Distance (or equivalently, the Lookback Time) at the desired redshift normalized to Hubble Distance (or equivalently, to Hubble Time), given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisComNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological line-of-sight Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisComTransNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Transverse Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisAngNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Angular Diameter Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisLumNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Luminosity Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getDisComTransNormedWU10 |
Generate and return the approximate to the cosmological Transverse Comoving Distance normalized to Hubble Distance, given the user-specified cosmological parameters with negligible Curvature ( \Omega_K) and Radiation ( \Omega_R) density parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getHubbleParamNormedSq |
Generate and return the square of the dimensionless Hubble Parameter E(z)^2 = \big(\frac{H(z)}{H_0}\big)^2 for the default or the specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getVolComDiffNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Comoving Volume Element per unit solid angle of the sky (i.e., 1 Steradian normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::setVolComDiffNormed |
Generate and return the cosmological Comoving Volume Differential (Element) per unit solid angle of the sky (i.e., 1 Steradian normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
interface | pm_cosmology::getVolComNormed |
Generate and return the full-sky ( 4\pi Steradian) cosmological Comoving Volume normalized to Hubble Volume, given the user-specified cosmological parameters. More... | |
Modules | |
module | pm_cosmology |
This module contains procedures and generic interfaces and constants for cosmological calculations. | |
Variables | |
character(*, SK), parameter | pm_cosmology::MODULE_NAME = "@pm_cosmology" |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::YR2SEC = 31557600._RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact number of seconds in a year, based on the definition of the light year. See also MEAN_SECONDS_PER_YEAR. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LIGHT_SPEED = 2.99792458e5_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact speed of light (km/s). More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LYR2CM = 946073047258080000._RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of one light-year to centimeters. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::PIPC2M = 9.6939420213600000e16_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of \pi Parsecs to meters. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::MPC2CM = PIPC2M * 1.e8_RKB / acos(-1._RKB) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of one Mega-Parsec (Mpc) to Centimeters. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::MPC2KM = MPC2CM / 1.e5_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of one Mega-Parsec (Mpc) to Kilometers. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::MPC2LY = MPC2CM / LYR2CM |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of one Mega-Parsec (Mpc) to light years LY . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::MPC2GLY = MPC2LY / 1.e9_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact conversion of one Mega-Parsec (Mpc) to Giga light years GLY . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_MPC2CM = log(MPC2CM) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of MPC2CM. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::OMEGA_M = 0.31_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the current best estimate of the normalized Dark Matter density in the \lambdaCDM Cosmology. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::OMEGA_L = 0.69_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the current best estimate of the normalized Dark Energy density in the \lambdaCDM Cosmology. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::OMEGA_R = 0.0_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the current best estimate of the normalized Radiation density in the \lambdaCDM Cosmology. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::OMEGA_K = 0.0_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the current best estimate of the normalized Curvature density in the \lambdaCDM Cosmology. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_CONST = 67.7_RKB |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the Hubble constant in units of km/s/Mpc . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_LIGHT_SPEED = log(LIGHT_SPEED) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the speed of light. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_HUBBLE_CONST = log(HUBBLE_CONST) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the Hubble constant in units of km/s/Mpc . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::INV_HUBBLE_CONST = 1._RKB / HUBBLE_CONST |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the inverse of the Hubble constant in units of Mpc*s/km . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC = LIGHT_SPEED / HUBBLE_CONST |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the Hubble Distance in units of Mpc (defined as the speed of light divided by the Hubble constant).See also HUBBLE_DISTANCE_GLY. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_DISTANCE_GLY = HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC * MPC2GLY |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the Hubble Distance in units of Giga light years GLY .See also HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC = log(HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the Hubble Distance in units of Mpc . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_HUBBLE_DISTANCE_CM = LOG_HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC + LOG_MPC2CM |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the Hubble Distance in units of cm . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3 = HUBBLE_DISTANCE_MPC**3 |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the Hubble Volume in units of Mpc^3 .See also HUBBLE_VOLUME_GLY3. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_VOLUME_GLY3 = HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3 * MPC2GLY**3 |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the Hubble Volume in units of Giga light years cubed GLY^3 .See also HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3 = log(HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3) |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the Hubble Volume in units of Mpc^3 . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::LOG_HUBBLE_VOLUME_CM3 = LOG_HUBBLE_VOLUME_MPC3 + LOG_MPC2CM * 3 |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the natural logarithm of the Hubble Volume in units of cm^3 . More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_TIME_SEC = MPC2KM / HUBBLE_CONST |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the exact Hubble time in units of seconds.This the time the Universe needed to expand to its present size, assuming that the Hubble constant has remained unchanged since the Big Bang. It is defined as the reciprocal of the Hubble constant, \frac{1}{H_0}. See "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology", Liddle 2003, page 57. More... | |
real(RKB), parameter | pm_cosmology::HUBBLE_TIME_GYR = HUBBLE_DISTANCE_GLY |
The scalar real constant of kind with highest available precision RKB representing the approximate Hubble time in units of Giga-years.This the time the Universe needed to expand to its present size, assuming that the Hubble constant has remained unchanged since the Big Bang. It is defined as the reciprocal of the Hubble constant, \frac{1}{H_0}. See "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology", Liddle 2003, page 57. More... | |