ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
pm_bench.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  pm_bench::exec_proc
 This is the abstract interface of the exec static type-bound procedure pointer component of bench_type derived type that points to the user-supplied procedure to be timed. More...
type  pm_bench::timing_type
 This is the base class for creating objects that hold the timing information of a benchmark and the timing statistics. More...
type  pm_bench::benchBase_type
 This is the base class for creating low-level benchmark objects. More...
interface  pm_bench::benchBase_typer
 Construct and return an object of type benchBase_type. More...
type  pm_bench::bench_type
 This is the class for creating benchmark and performance-profiling objects. More...
interface  pm_bench::bench_typer
 Construct and return an object of type bench_type. More...
interface  pm_bench::getTiming
 Generate and return an object of type timing_type containing the benchmark timing information and statistics. More...
interface  pm_bench::setTiming
 Time the user-specified procedure wrapper in the parent object of type bench_type and store the output benchmark timing information and statistics implicitly in the timing component of the input/output bench_type object.
interface  pm_bench::benchMulti_type
 This is the class for creating object to perform multiple benchmarks and performance-profiling. More...
interface  pm_bench::benchMulti_typer
 Construct, perform multiple benchmarking, and return the multiple benchmarking results as an object of type benchMulti_type. More...
interface  pm_bench::showsum
 Time the user-specified procedure wrappers in the case vector component of the parent object of type benchMulti_type and store the output benchmark timing information and statistics implicitly in the timing component of the object. More...


module  pm_bench
 This module contains abstract interfaces and types that facilitate benchmarking of different procedures.


subroutine pm_bench::finalizeBench (self)
impure subroutine pm_bench::doNothing ()
 Take nothing, do nothing, and return nothing.


character(*, SK), parameter pm_bench::MODULE_NAME = SK_"@pm_bench"