ParaMonte Fortran 2.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
pm_arrayCopy.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

interface  pm_arrayCopy::setCopyIndexed
 Copy an input scalar string or vector of arbitrary intrinsic type, kind, and size to another scalar string or vector of the same type, kind, and compatible size.
interface  pm_arrayCopy::setCopyStrided
 Copy the strided elements of an input scalar string or vector of arbitrary intrinsic type, kind, and size to the strided elements of another scalar string or vector of the same type, kind, and compatible size.


module  pm_arrayCopy
 This module contains procedures and generic interfaces for copying strided or indexed elements of one scalar string or vector of arbitrary intrinsic type and kind to strided or indexed elements of another scalar string or vector of the same type and kind.



character(*, SK), parameter pm_arrayCopy::MODULE_NAME = "@pm_arrayCopy"