This note aims at explaining the concepts of branching statements and if-blocks.


The normal flow of control in procedural programming paradigm is in general, sequential. So is the flow of control in MATLAB.

Normal sequential control flow in imperative/procedural programming paradigms.
The conditional control flow in imperative/procedural programming paradigms.

In MATLAB, you can achieve conditional flow control, using either if-block or switch-case.

MATLAB if-blocks

a = input('Enter a number:');
if isnumeric(a) && (a >= 0)
    root = sqrt(a);
    disp(['Square root(',num2str(a),') = ', num2str(root)]);
elseif isnumeric(a) && (a < 0)
    disp(['The input number is negative, there is no square root.']);
    disp(['Please enter a real number!']);
Enter a number:13
Square root = 3.6056

Enter a number:-11
The input number is negative, there is no square root

Enter a number:i
Square root = 0.70711+0.70711i

Note in the above example, how MATLAB treats complex variables. More information on operators that can be used to construct or combine logical conditions for if-statements can be found here.


1.  Write a MATLAB script that takes two predefined matrices A and B as input and determines whether they have equal size. If so, then it concatenates the two matrices in a column-wise manner.


if isequal(size(A),size(B))
   C = [A; B];
   disp('A and B are not the same size.')
   C = [];

2.  Write a script that checks if it (the script itself) exists!


if exist('myScript.m','file')
    disp('Your file exists! Did you expect otherwise?')
    disp('Your file does not exist! Then perhaps you don''t exist either??')

3.  Write a script that takes an input predefined number $x$ and calculates the following function,


x = input('input the value of x: ')
if x >= -1 && x <= 1
    y = x
    y = x^2
disp(['y(x=',num2str(x),') = ',num2str(y)])

MATLAB switch-case

Sometimes we may have many if statements which all use conditions based on the same variable. It is not incorrect to use if statements in such cases, but it can lead to a large number of consecutive if statements in our code, making it harder to read and more prone to errors. In this case, it is preferable to use a switch statement. The switch statement offers an easy way of writing code where the same variable needs to be checked against a number of different values.

day = input('Enter a day number:');
switch day
    case 1
        day_name = 'Monday';
    case 2
        day_name = 'Tuesday';
    case 3
        day_name = 'Wednesday';
    case 4
        day_name = 'Thursday';
    case 5
        day_name = 'Friday';
    case 6
        day_name = 'Saturday';
    case 7
        day_name = 'Sunday';
        day_name = 'Unknown';
disp(['The corresponding weekday is ',day_name,'.'])
Enter a day number:4
The corresponding weekday is Thursday.

MATLAB will compare the switch expression (in this case, day) with each case expression in turn (the numbers 1–7). When a comparison evaluates to true, MATLAB executes the corresponding statements and then exits the switch statement, i.e. control flow passes to after the end statement. The otherwise block is optional and executes only when no comparison evaluates to true. Note that the switch statement is used only for equality tests – we cannot use it for other types of comparison (e.g. >, <, etc.).

A switch statement may also take a cell array as one of its cases,

day = input('Enter a day number:');
switch day
    case {1,2,3,4,5}
        day_name = 'Weekday';
    case {6,7}
        day_name = 'Weekend';
        day_name = 'Unknown';
disp(['The input day number corresponds to ',day_name,'.'])
Enter a day number:6
The input day number corresponds to Weekend.

Non-boolean conditions in if-statements

There is a rather interesting feature of conditions for if-statements in MATLAB (also in Python language), that allows the programmer to use a non-boolean variable or non-boolean value type directly in place of the condition in if-statement. What really happens here is that, MATLAB interpreter converts the non-boolean type to a boolean value, when it occurs in place of an if-statement condition.

if 5.6
    disp('The condition in this if statement is automatically converted from float to boolean')
The condition in this if statement is automatically converted from float to boolean
if ~0.0
    disp('A float value of zero is converted to false')
A float value of zero is converted to false
if 0.0
    disp('A float value of zero is converted to false')
if 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
    disp('Any non-zero float value of any precision is converted to true')
Any non-zero float value of any precision is converted to true
if 1.e-323
    disp('Any non-zero float value of any precision is converted to true')
Any non-zero float value of any precision is converted to true
if 1.e-324 % make sure you don't go beyond computer precision
    disp('Any non-zero float value smaller than the computer precision will be set to 0')
if ~1.e-324 % make sure you don't go beyond computer precision
    disp('Any non-zero float value smaller than the computer precision will be set to 0')
Any non-zero float value smaller than the computer precision will be set to 0
if 12
    disp('The same rules also hold for integers.')
The same rules also hold for integers.
if ''
    disp('An empty string is always converted to boolean false, because it is considered an empty logical vector.')
if ''
    disp('An empty string is always converted to boolean false, because it is considered an empty logical vector.')
An empty string is always converted to boolean false, because it is considered an empty logical vector.
if []
    disp('An empty vector is always converted to boolean false, because it is considered an empty logical vector.')
An empty vector is always converted to boolean false, because it is considered an empty logical vector.

But note that conversion from cell to logical is not possible in MATLAB:

if {}
    disp('An empty cell cannot be converted to boolean value, because MATLAB wants it that way!')
Conversion to logical from cell is not possible. 
if ['amir']
    disp('A non-empty vector is converted to boolean true.')
A non-empty vector is converted to boolean true.
if ' '
    disp('A non-empty string is converted to boolean true.')
A non-empty string is converted to boolean true.

MATLAB’s built-in logical functions

MATLAB has a wide range of functions whose names begins with is, and their output is a logical value type, which can be used in if-blocks. These functions are extremely useful in MATLAB coding, and you will encounter them frequently in your computational life. Here is a rather comprehensive list of them,

Table of MATLAB's is-functions and description of their functionality.
Expression Description
isa()Detect object of given MATLAB class or Java® class
isappdata()Determine if object has specific application-defined data
isbetween()Array elements occurring within date and time interval
iscalendarduration()Determine if input is duration array
iscategorical()Determine whether input is categorical array
iscategory()Test for categorical array categories
iscell()Determine if input is cell array
iscellstr()Determine if input is cell array of strings
ischar()Determine if input is character array
iscolumn()Determine whether input is column vector
iscom()Determine if input is Component Object Model (COM) object
isdatetime()Determine if input is datetime array
isdir()Determine if input is folder
isdst()Datetime values occurring during daylight saving time
isduration()Determine if input is duration array
isempty()Determine if input is empty array
isequal()Determine if arrays are numerically equal
isequaln()Determine if arrays are numerically equal, treating NaNs as equal
isevent()Determine if input is Component Object Model (COM) object event
isfield()Determine if input is MATLAB structure array field
isfinite()Detect finite elements of array
isfloat()Determine if input is floating-point array
ishandle()Detect valid graphics object handles
ishold()Determine if graphics hold state is on
isinf()Detect infinite elements of array
isinteger()Determine if input is integer array
isinterface()Determine if input is Component Object Model (COM) interface
isjava()Determine if input is Java object
iskeyword()Determine if input is MATLAB keyword
isletter()Detect elements that are alphabetic letters
islogical()Determine if input is logical array
ismac()Determine if running MATLAB for Macintosh OS X platform
ismatrix()Determine whether input is matrix
ismember()Detect members of specific set
ismethod()Determine if input is object method
ismissing()Find table elements with missing values
isnan()Detect elements of array that are not a number (NaN)
isnumeric()Determine if input is numeric array
isobject()Determine if input is MATLAB object
isordinal()Determine whether input is ordinal categorical array
ispc()Determine if running MATLAB for PC (Windows®) platform
isprime()Detect prime elements of array
isprop()Determine if input is object property
isprotected()Determine whether categories of categorical array are protected
isreal()Determine if all array elements are real numbers
isrow()Determine whether input is row vector
isscalar()Determine if input is scalar
issorted()Determine if set elements are in sorted order
isspace()Detect space characters in array
issparse()Determine if input is sparse array
isstrprop()Determine if string is of specified category
isstruct()Determine if input is MATLAB structure array
isstudent()Determine if Student Version of MATLAB
istable()Determine whether input is table
isundefined()Find undefined elements in categorical array
isunix()Determine if running MATLAB for UNIX®[a] platform.
isvarname()Determine if input is valid variable name
isvector()Determine if input is vector
isweekend()Datetime values occurring during weekend

For more information on each individual function, see MATLAB’s use manual.