- Homework 6: Solutions - MATLAB data analysis and optimization
- Homework 6: Problems - MATLAB data analysis and optimization
- Homework 5: Solutions - MATLAB IO, plotting, and Monte Carlo methods
- Homework 5: Problems - MATLAB IO, plotting, and Monte Carlo methods
- Homework 4: Solutions - loops, IO
- Homework 4: Problems - loops, IO
- Homework 3: Solutions - structures, branching and functions in MATLAB
- Homework 3: Problems - structures, branching and functions in MATLAB
- Homework 2: Solutions - Variables, Values, and Types
- Homework 2: Problems - Variables, Values, and Types
- Homework 1: Solutions - Version Control Using Git and Github
- Homework 1: Problems - Version Control Using Git and Github
- Lecture 12: MATLAB - plotting and Monte Carlo methods
- Lecture 11: MATLAB - Input/Output (IO)
- Lecture 10: MATLAB - loops and vectorization
- Lecture 8-9: MATLAB - functions II & III
- Lecture 7: MATLAB - functions I
- Lecture 6: MATLAB - operators, branching, and control statements
- Lecture 5: MATLAB - values, variables, types - II
- Lecture 4: MATLAB - values, variables, types - I
- Lecture 3: MATLAB for beginners
- Lecture 2: Programming history
- Lecture 1: Advanced Git concepts
- Lecture 0: A professional programmer uses Version Control System (VCS)
- Quiz 6: Solutions - MATLAB plotting and Monte Carlo methods
- Quiz 6: Problems - MATLAB plotting and Monte Carlo methods
- Quiz 5: Solutions - MATLAB IO and plotting
- Quiz 5: Problems - MATLAB IO and plotting
- Quiz 4: Solutions - MATLAB loops
- Quiz 4: Problems - MATLAB loops
- Quiz 3: Solutions - MATLAB branching, functions
- Quiz 3: Problems - MATLAB branching, functions
- Quiz 2: Solutions - Programming history, MATLAB variables
- Quiz 2: Problems - Programming history, MATLAB variables
- Quiz 1: Solutions - Version control system
- Quiz 1: Problems - Version control system