The mathematical objective function
Suppose we want to sample random vectors
\[\mathbf{x}=[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4] ~~,\]from a 4-dimensional Multivariate Normal (MVN) Probability Density Function (PDF),
\[\mathrm{PDF}_\mathrm{MVN} \equiv \pi ( \mathbf{x} ~|~ \mu, \Sigma) = (2\pi)^{-\frac{k}{2}} \sqrt{|\Sigma|} \exp\bigg( -\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf{x}-\mu)^\mathrm{T}\Sigma^{-1}(\mathbf{x}-\mu) \bigg) ~~,\]that has a mean vector,
\[\mu = [0,0,0,0]\]with a covariance matrix,
\[\Sigma = \begin{bmatrix} 1.0 & 0.5 & 0.5 & 0.5 \\ 0.5 & 1.0 & 0.5 & 0.5 \\ 0.5 & 0.5 & 1.0 & 0.5 \\ 0.5 & 0.5 & 0.5 & 1.0 \end{bmatrix}\]This will serve as our mathematical objective function. Clearly, all of the four dimensions of this MVN are correlated with each other with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient of $0.5$.
Working with the natural logarithm of the objective function
In general, since probabilities are often tiny numbers, we’d want to always work with their natural logarithms in the world of computers to avoid unwanted overflow or underflow of numbers, which can crash our simulations. To highlight the importance of taking the natural logarithms of all input objective functions to the ParaMonte routines, we always name them like getLogFunc()
Implementing the objective function in Fortran
Here is a minimalistic implementation of the 4-D multivariate normal distribution objective function in Fortran, which can also be downloaded as logfunc.f90.
!% Description:
!% + Return the natural logarithm of an ndim-dimensional Multivariate Normal (MVN)
!% probability density function (PDF) with the Mean and Covariance Matrix as defined below.
!% Reference:
!% Input:
!% + ndim: The number of dimensions of the domain of the objective function.
!% + point: The input 64-bit real-valued vector of length ndim,
!% at which the natural logarithm of objective function is computed.
!% Output:
!% + logFunc: A 64-bit real scalar number representing the natural logarithm of the objective function.
!% Author:
!% + Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin
!% Visit:
!% +
module LogFunc_mod
use paramonte, only: IK, RK
implicit none
! The number of dimensions of the domain of the objective function
integer(IK), parameter :: NDIM = 4_IK
! The mean vector of the MVN
real(RK), parameter :: MEAN(NDIM) = [0._RK, 0._RK, 0._RK, 0._RK]
! The coefficient of the Multivariate Normal Distribution: log(1/sqrt(2*Pi)^ndim)
real(RK), parameter :: LOG_INVERSE_SQRT_TWO_PI = log(1._RK/sqrt(2._RK*acos(-1._RK)))
! The covariance matrix of the MVN
real(RK), parameter :: COVMAT(NDIM,NDIM) = reshape([ 1.0_RK,0.5_RK,0.5_RK,0.5_RK &
, 0.5_RK,1.0_RK,0.5_RK,0.5_RK &
, 0.5_RK,0.5_RK,1.0_RK,0.5_RK &
, 0.5_RK,0.5_RK,0.5_RK,1.0_RK ], shape=shape(COVMAT))
! The inverse covariance matrix of the MVN
real(RK), parameter :: INVCOVMAT(NDIM,NDIM) = reshape( [ +1.6_RK, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK &
, -0.4_RK, +1.6_RK, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK &
, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK, +1.6_RK, -0.4_RK &
, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK, -0.4_RK, +1.6_RK ], shape=shape(INVCOVMAT))
! The logarithm of square root of the determinant of the inverse covariance matrix of the Multivariate Normal Distribution
real(RK), parameter :: LOG_SQRT_DET_INV_COV = 0.581575404902840_RK
function getLogFunc(ndim,Point) result(logFunc)
! Return the negative natural logarithm of MVN distribution evaluated at the input vector point.
implicit none
integer(IK), intent(in) :: ndim
real(RK), intent(in) :: Point(ndim)
real(RK) :: NormedPoint(ndim)
real(RK) :: logFunc
NormedPoint = Point - MEAN
logFunc = MVN_COEF - 0.5_RK * ( dot_product(NormedPoint,matmul(INVCOVMAT,NormedPoint)) )
end function getLogFunc
end module LogFunc_mod
Calling the ParaMonte samplers
Suppose we want to randomly sample the above objective function via the Delayed-Rejection Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler of ParaMonte (the ParaDRAM sampler).
Depending on whether you have already built the ParaMonte library from scratch on your system or you intend to use the prebuilt ParaMonte libraries, as well as the compiler you are using to build your application, there are two interfaces to the ParaDRAM sampler. These two interfaces are separated via the compiler preprocessor flag IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
in the main.f90 code below,
!% Description:
!% + Run the Monte Carlo sampler of the ParaMonte library given the input log-target density function `getLogFunc()`.
!% Output:
!% + The simulation output files.
!% Author:
!% + Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin
!% Visit:
!% +
! Keep in mind that Fortran is case-insensitive, except for character values and string values.
! So, feel free to use upper-case or lower-case for the Fortran syntax and entity names.
! The ParaMonte library uses camelCase convention for variable naming.
program main
! This is the Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP) style interface to the ParaMonte routines.
! This is more flexible but less portable, as its compilation requires the same compiler
! brand and version with which the ParaMonte library has been built.
use paramonte, only: ParaDRAM, IK
use LogFunc_mod, only: getLogFunc, NDIM
implicit none
type(ParaDRAM) :: pmpd
call pmpd%runSampler( ndim = NDIM &
, getLogFunc = getLogFunc &
, inputFile = "./" & ! this is optional argument
! You can also specify simulation specifications as input arguments, like
! the following. This is possible only from the OOP interface to ParaDRAM.
, greedyAdaptationCount = 0_IK & ! this is optional argument
, description = "an example run" & ! this is optional argument
! More optional arguments can appear here.
! See the ParaDRAM routine's list of input arguments.
end program main
! This is the default simple procedural interface to the ParaMonte routines.
! The first two arguments to the sampler routines are mandatory.
! The inputFile argument is optional.
program main
use paramonte, only: runParaDRAM
use LogFunc_mod, only: getLogFunc, NDIM
implicit none
call runParaDRAM( NDIM &
, getLogFunc &
, "./" & ! this is optional argument
end program main
Therefore, if you intend to use the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) calling interface, you will have to define and pass the preprocessor flag IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
at compile-time to your compiler (to be discussed later). If this flag is not defined at compile-time, the compiler will automatically use the latter procedural-style calling method enclosed between #else
and #endif
Fortran preprocessor directives in the main code above.
Calling the ParaMonte samplers: The signature module file
Here is the contents of the Fortran paramonte.90
signature module file for the ParaMonte library routines,
!!!! MIT License
!!!! ParaMonte: plain powerful parallel Monte Carlo library.
!!!! Copyright (C) 2012-present, The Computational Data Science Lab
!!!! This file is part of the ParaMonte library.
!!!! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
!!!! copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
!!!! to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
!!!! the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
!!!! and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
!!!! Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
!!!! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
!!!! included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
!!!! ParaMonte is an honor-ware and its currency is acknowledgment and citations.
!!!! As per the ParaMonte library license agreement terms, if you use any parts of
!!!! this library for any purposes, kindly acknowledge the use of ParaMonte in your
!!!! work (education/research/industry/development/...) by citing the ParaMonte
!!!! library as described on this page:
! Description:
! - The Fortran module source file containing the prototypes of the ParaMonte library routines to be called from Fortran.
! Prototypes:
! - runParaDRAM : The procedural interface to the ParaDRAM sampler routine. This is the basic default interface.
! - ParaDRAM_type : The ParaDRAM sampler class (derived type).
! - ParaDRAM : An alias for ParaDRAM_type().
! Author:
! - Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin
module paramonte
! ParaMonte default integer, real, and complex kinds are defined by IK, RK, and CK below.
! Use IK and RK from this module for integer and real kind specifications in your Fortran codes
! to ensure the highest level of consistency with the integer and real kinds of the ParaMonte library.
! Use the identifiers here to access the Object-Oriented interface to the ParaMonte routines.
! To enable the object-oriented interface, you must pass the IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
! preprocessor flag to the compiler at the time of compiling this module.
use ParaDRAM_mod, only: IK, RK, CK
use ParaDRAM_mod, only: getLogFunc_proc
use ParaDRAM_mod, only: getLogFunc_interface => getLogFunc_proc
use ParaDRAM_mod, only: ParaDRAM => ParaDRAM_type
use ParaDRAM_mod, only: ParaDRAM_type
! This is the procedural interface to the ParaDRAM sampler routine of the ParaMonte library.
! By default, if the preprocessor flag IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER is not passed to the compiler,
! the following procedural interfaces will be used, depending on the choice of Fortran compiler.
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: IK => int32, RK => real64
implicit none
public :: runParaDRAM, getLogFunc_proc
! The Fortran objective function interface (getLogFunc). Here, `proc` stands for the procedure interface.
abstract interface
function getLogFunc_proc(ndim,Point) result(logFunc)
import :: IK, RK
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: ndim
real(RK) , intent(in) :: Point(ndim)
real(RK) :: logFunc
end function getLogFunc_proc
end interface
#if defined __WIN64__ && __GFORTRAN__
! NOTE: __WIN64__ is not automatically predefined by GNU Fortran compiler.
! NOTE: The onus is on the user to define __WIN64__ at the time of compiling this code.
! This is the procedural interface to the ParaDRAM sampler routine of the ParaMonte library,
! to be used by the GNU Fortran compiler in combination with the ParaMonte library prebuilt
! via the Intel compiler suite on Windows. This particular separate interface exists here
! because of the fundamental symbol exporting convention differences of the GNU and Intel
! Fortran compilers, with Intel making all symbols uppercase, while GNU making all
! symbols lowercase.
abstract interface
! C-style Fortran interface for the the objective function
! This is to be used only to bind the ParaMonte library compiled by the
! Intel Compilers with Fortran applications compiled with GNU compilers on Windows.
function getLogFuncIntelGNU_proc(ndim,Point) result(logFunc) bind(C)
import :: IK, RK
integer(IK), intent(in) :: ndim
real(RK), intent(in) :: Point(ndim)
real(RK) :: logFunc
end function getLogFuncIntelGNU_proc
end interface
subroutine runParaDRAMIntelGNU ( ndim &
, getLogFuncIntelGNU &
, inputFileVec &
, inputFileLen &
) bind(C, name = "runParaDRAMIntelGNU")
import :: IK, getLogFuncIntelGNU_proc
implicit none
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: ndim
procedure(getLogFuncIntelGNU_proc) :: getLogFuncIntelGNU
character(1), dimension(*), intent(in) :: inputFileVec
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: inputFileLen
end subroutine runParaDRAMIntelGNU
end interface
subroutine runParaDRAM ( ndim &
, getLogFunc &
, inputFile &
implicit none
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: ndim
procedure(getLogFunc_proc) :: getLogFunc
character(*), intent(in), optional :: inputFile
character(1) :: inputFileVec(10000) ! (kind=c_char)
integer(IK) :: inputFileLen
integer(IK) :: i
if (present(inputFile)) then
inputFileLen = len(inputFile)
do i = 1, inputFileLen
inputFileVec(i) = inputFile(i:i)
end do
inputFileLen = 0
end if
call runParaDRAMIntelGNU( ndim = ndim & ! int(ndim, kind=CIK) &
, getLogFuncIntelGNU = getLogFuncIntelGNU &
, inputFileVec = inputFileVec(1:inputFileLen) &
, inputFileLen = inputFileLen &
function getLogFuncIntelGNU(ndim,Point) result(logFunc) bind(C)
! The C-style Fortran objective function wrapper.
implicit none
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: ndim
real(RK) , intent(in) :: Point(ndim)
real(RK) :: logFunc
logFunc = getLogFunc(ndim,Point)
end function getLogFuncIntelGNU
end subroutine runParaDRAM
subroutine runParaDRAM ( ndim &
, getLogFunc &
, inputFile &
import :: IK, getLogFunc_proc
implicit none
integer(IK) , intent(in) :: ndim
procedure(getLogFunc_proc) :: getLogFunc
character(*), intent(in), optional :: inputFile
end subroutine runParaDRAM
end interface
end module paramonte
Again, note that there are two interfaces to the ParaMonte library routines, separated via the compiler preprocessor flag IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
in the signature module file.
In the following sections, we will describe which interface is suitable for what circumstances.
Calling the ParaMonte samplers: The modern object-oriented style
The Object-Oriented-Programing (OOP) style interface is the parts of the codes in the above that are enclosed by the IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
preprocessor flag. The OOP interface can be used only if,
- you have built the ParaMonte library from scratch on your system using a Fortran compiler installed on your system (ideally, the Intel
Fortran compiler), or, - you intend to use the prebuilt ParaMonte libraries which can be downloaded from the ParaMonte release page on GitHub, but you promise that you are using a compatible compiler to compile your example. Typically this means using the same compiler/library suite and version that has been used to build ParaMonte.
If one of the above two scenarios describes your situation, then you can safely use the OOP-style interface (enclosed between the two preprocessor directives #if defined IS_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER
and #else
) in the above code.
in the above program) which belongs to the ParaDRAM_type class. This information can be then readily used and processed for other purposes within your simulation at runtime.Using this modern Fortran style, you can also provide optional arguments at the time of calling the ParaMonte routines. For example, the variables chainSize
, adaptiveUpdateCount
, …, specified in the OOP-style interface of the runSampler()
method in the above code would overwrite any values for the corresponding variables specified taken from the input file: ./
(unless you set the input specification variable inputFileHasPriority to true
from within the input file).
In addition to being able to assign simulation specifications from within an input file, the current major release the ParaMonte library also enables the assignment of all simulation specifications from the Fortran Object-Oriented interface to the ParaMonte sampler routines (except the input specification variable inputFileHasPriority which is always available only from within the input file).
method of the ParaDRAM_type
sampler class in the ParaMonte samplers: The old, less flexible, but more portable style
If you intend to use the prebuilt ParaMonte libraries to build your application (or for some reason, you are building your example with a compiler other than the one you used for building the ParaMonte library), then the modern object-oriented style of calling ParaMonte routines described in the previous section may not work for you. This is mainly due to the potential mismatch between the existing symbols in the ParaMonte library and the symbols that your different compiler expects to see in the ParaMonte library.
In such a case, you can use the simpler procedural Fortran interface to the ParaMonte library routines as shown in the above main code, enclosed between #else
and #endif
Fortran preprocessor directives. You can view the runParaDRAM()
sampler routine’s interface in the signature module file paramonte.f90
shown in the previous sections in the above.
Calling the ParaMonte samplers: The input file
We will store the simulation specifications in a separate external input file whose path "./"
is given by the variable inputFile
in the main code above. See this page for a detailed description of the structure and convention rules of the input files. Also, see this page for detailed descriptions of the simulation specifications of the ParaDRAM sampler.
of the ParaMonte routines, instead of passing the-path-to-this-input-file.Here is the contents of this
input file,
!% Description:
!% + Run the Monte Carlo sampler of the ParaMonte library given the input log-target density function `getLogFunc()`.
!% Output:
!% + The simulation output files.
!% Author:
!% + Computational Data Science Lab, Monday 9:03 AM, May 16 2016, ICES, UT Austin
!% Visit:
!% +
! -- Comments must begin with an exclamation mark (!).
! -- Comments can appear anywhere on an empty line or, after a value assignment.
! -- All variable assignments are optional and can be commented out. In such cases, appropriate default values will be assigned.
! -- Use ParaDRAM namelist (group) name to group a set of ParaDRAM simulation specification variables.
! -- The order of the input variables in the namelist groups is irrelevant and unimportant.
! -- Variables can be defined multiple times, but only the last definition will be considered as input.
! -- All variable names are case insensitive. However, for clarity, this software follows the camelCase code-writing practice.
! -- String values must be enclosed with either single or double quotation marks.
! -- Logical values are case-insensitive and can be either .true., true, or t for a TRUE value, and .false., false, or f for a FALSE value.
! -- All vectors and arrays in the input file begin with index 1. This is following the convention of
! the majority of science-oriented programming languages: Fortran, Julia, Mathematica, MATLAB, and R.
! For comprehensive guidelines on the input file organization and rules, visit:
! To see detailed descriptions of each of variables, visit:
! Base specifications
description = "
is a\n
description." ! strings must be enclosed with "" or '' and can be continued on multiple lines.
! No comments within strings are allowed.
!outputColumnWidth = 25 ! this is an example of a variable that is commented out and
! therefore, its value won't be read by the sampler routine.
! To pass it to the routine, simply remove the ! mark at
! the beginning of the line.
outputRealPrecision = 17
!outputDelimiter = ","
outputFileName = "./out/" ! the last forward-slash character indicates that this
! is the folder where the output files will have to stored.
! However, since no output filename prefix has been specified,
! the output filenames will be assigned a randomly-generated prefix.
!sampleSize = 111
randomSeed = 2136275,
chainFileFormat = "compact"
variableNameList = "variable1" ! Notice the missing fourth variable name here.
, "variable2" ! Any missing variable name will be automatically assigned an appropriate name.
, "variable3"
domainLowerLimitVec = 4*-1.e300 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values.
domainUpperLimitVec = 4*1.e300 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values.
parallelizationModel = "single chain" ! "singleChain" would also work. Similarly, "multichain", "multi chain", or "multiChain".
!targetAcceptanceRate = 0.23e0
progressReportPeriod = 1000
maxNumDomainCheckToWarn = 100
maxNumDomainCheckToStop = 1000
restartFileFormat = "binary"
overwriteRequested = true ! FALSE, false, .false., .f., and f would be also all valid logical values representing False
silentModeRequested = false ! FALSE, false, .false., .f., and f would be also all valid logical values representing False
!mpiFinalizeRequested = true ! TRUE, true, .true., .t., and t would be also all valid logical values representing True
! MCMC specifications
chainSize = 30000
startPointVec = 4*1.e0 ! four values of 1.e0 are specified here by the repetition pattern symbol *
!sampleRefinementCount = 10
sampleRefinementMethod = "BatchMeans"
randomStartPointDomainLowerLimitVec = 4*-100.e0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values.
randomStartPointDomainUpperLimitVec = 4*100.0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values.
randomStartPointRequested = false
! DRAM specifications
scaleFactor = "2*0.5*Gelman" ! The asterisk here means multiplication since it is enclosed within quotation marks.
proposalModel = "normal" ! or "uniform" as you wish.
adaptiveUpdateCount = 10000000
adaptiveUpdatePeriod = 35
greedyAdaptationCount = 0
!delayedRejectionCount = 5
!delayedRejectionScaleFactorVec = 5*1.
!burninAdaptationMeasure = 1.
!proposalStartStdVec = 4*1.0 ! repetition pattern rules apply again here. 4 dimensions => 4-element vector of values.
!proposalStartCorMat = 1,0,0,0, ! 2-dimensional correlation-matrix definition, although it is commented out and won't be read.
! 0,1,0,0,
! 0,0,1,0,
! 0,0,0,1,
!proposalStartCovMat = 100,0,0,0,
! 0,100,0,0,
! 0,0,100,0,
! 0,0,0,100,
Compiling and linking to generate the executable
Now, follow the instructions on this page on how to build your Fortran example for serial and parallel simulations on the Operating System (OS) of you choice: Windows
, Linux
, or macOS
/ Darwin
Running the ParaMonte simulations
Once you have built your application, running the simulation is as simple as calling the generated executable on the command-prompt for serial applications, or invoking the MPI/Coarray launcher on the command-prompt for MPI/Coarray parallel simulations. Follow the instructions and tips on this page on how to run your Fortran example on either Windows
, Linux
, or macOS
/ Darwin
Operating System (OS), on either a single processor or in parallel, on multiple processors or clusters of nodes of processors.
main.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directorySuch an error message imply that the shared runtime library mentioned in the error message is missing from the known search paths to application. To resolve such runtime errors, you will have to add the path to the required runtime shared library to your Bash environmental variable
. For example, the following will prepend the current directory to the list of paths for the runtime library search.
Running the ParaMonte simulations on a single processor
If the executable main.exe
has been built for serial simulations (using one processor), simply call the executable on the command line. The calling method is identical on all three Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, and Darwin (macOS). Here is an example call on Windows OS,
**** ****
**** ****
**** ParaMonte ****
**** Version 1.0.0 ****
**** May 23 2018 ****
**** ****
**** Department of Physics ****
**** Computational & Data Science Lab ****
**** Data Science Program, College of Science ****
**** The University of Texas at Arlington ****
**** ****
**** originally developed at ****
**** ****
**** Multiscale Modeling Group ****
**** Center for Computational Oncology (CCO) ****
**** Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences ****
**** Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics ****
**** Department of Neurology, Dell-Seton Medical School ****
**** Department of Biomedical Engineering ****
**** The University of Texas at Austin ****
**** ****
**** For questions and further information, please contact: ****
**** ****
**** Amir Shahmoradi ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** Setting up ParaDRAM environment ****
**** ****
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Variable outputFileName detected among the input variables to ParaDRAM:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: ./out/
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Absolute path to the current working directory:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: D:\example
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the requested directory for ParaDRAM output files:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\
ParaDRAM - NOTE: No user-input filename prefix for ParaDRAM output files detected.
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating appropriate filenames for ParaDRAM output files from the current date and time...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: ParaDRAM output files will be prefixed with:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200322_002335_512
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Searching for previous runs of ParaDRAM...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: No pre-existing ParaDRAM run detected.
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Starting a fresh ParaDRAM run...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the output report file:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200322_002335_512_process_1_report.txt
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Please see the output report and progress files for further realtime simulation details.
Accepted/Total Func. Call Dynamic/Overall Acc. Rate Elapsed/Remained Time [s]
========================= ========================= =========================
30000 / 130490 0.179 / 0.2291 2.2880 / 0.000
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the Markov chain's statistical properties...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the final decorrelated sample size...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the output sample file:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200322_002335_512_process_1_sample.txt
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the output sample's statistical properties...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Mission Accomplished.
Running the ParaMonte simulations in parallel on multiple processors
If the executable main.exe
has been built for MPI-enabled parallel simulations (on multiple processors), you will need to invoke the MPI launcher to start the simulation.
- On Windows
For parallel simulations on a single node (of multiple processors), for example on a single computer, the command typically looks like the following,mpiexec -localonly -n 3 main.exe
where the flag
ensures the simulation is run only on a single node. This option avoids the invocation of the Hydra service which would require prior registration. The flag-n 3
assigns three MPI tasks to three physical processors for the simulation. To run your simulation on a cluster of nodes, follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the Intel MPI library development team. - On Linux / Darwin (Mac)
The MPI launcher command for parallel simulations on Linux and Darwin are identical and look very similar to the Windows command (except for the flag-localonly
which is not needed),mpiexec -n 3 main.exe
where the flag
-n 3
assigns three MPI tasks to three physical processors for the simulation.
For example, the following command will launch the simulation on 3 processors on a Windows OS,
D:\example>mpiexec -localonly -n 3 main.exe
**** ****
**** ****
**** ParaMonte ****
**** Version 1.0.0 ****
**** May 23 2018 ****
**** ****
**** Department of Physics ****
**** Computational & Data Science Lab ****
**** Data Science Program, College of Science ****
**** The University of Texas at Arlington ****
**** ****
**** originally developed at ****
**** ****
**** Multiscale Modeling Group ****
**** Center for Computational Oncology (CCO) ****
**** Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences ****
**** Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics ****
**** Department of Neurology, Dell-Seton Medical School ****
**** Department of Biomedical Engineering ****
**** The University of Texas at Austin ****
**** ****
**** For questions and further information, please contact: ****
**** ****
**** Amir Shahmoradi ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** ****
**** Setting up ParaDRAM environment ****
**** ****
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Variable outputFileName detected among the input variables to ParaDRAM:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: ./out/
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Absolute path to the current working directory:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: D:\example
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the requested directory for ParaDRAM output files:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\
ParaDRAM - NOTE: No user-input filename prefix for ParaDRAM output files detected.
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating appropriate filenames for ParaDRAM output files from the current date and time...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: ParaDRAM output files will be prefixed with:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200321_193047_392
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Searching for previous runs of ParaDRAM...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: No pre-existing ParaDRAM run detected.
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Starting a fresh ParaDRAM run...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the output report file:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200321_193047_392_process_1_report.txt
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Please see the output report and progress files for further realtime simulation details.
Accepted/Total Func. Call Dynamic/Overall Acc. Rate Elapsed/Remained Time [s]
========================= ========================= =========================
30000 / 130260 0.200 / 0.2298 1.3140 / 0.000
ParaDRAM - NOTE: The time cost of calling the user-provided objective function must be at least 52.5143 times more
ParaDRAM - NOTE: (that is, ~24.6651 microseconds) to see any performance benefits from singlechain parallelization
ParaDRAM - NOTE: model for this simulation. Consider simulating in the serial mode in the future (if used within the
ParaDRAM - NOTE: same computing environment and with the same configuration as used here).
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the Markov chain's statistical properties...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the final decorrelated sample size...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Generating the output sample file:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: .\out\ParaDRAM_run_20200321_193047_392_process_1_sample.txt
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Computing the output sample's statistical properties...
ParaDRAM - NOTE: Mission Accomplished.
You may have noticed the following note in the above simulation output,
ParaDRAM - NOTE: The time cost of calling the user-provided objective function must be at least 52.5143 times more
ParaDRAM - NOTE: (that is, ~24.6651 microseconds) to see any performance benefits from singlechain parallelization
ParaDRAM - NOTE: model for this simulation. Consider simulating in the serial mode in the future (if used within the
ParaDRAM - NOTE: same computing environment and with the same configuration as used here).
This indicates that the simulation in parallel does not lead to any efficiency gain. Given the computer specifications on which the above simulation is performed (a decently powerful computer), this may not be surprising. Based on the CPU power and inter-processor communication costs, our example simulation in the above seems to be a good candidate for serial simulations instead.
for MCMC simulations performed via ParaDRAM sampler). In general, the number of sampled points should be small enough to finish the test-simulation in a few minutes. Then, check the contents of the output file for this small simulation that has the suffix _report.txt
and look up the part corresponding to the following simulation information near the bottom of the file,
Average time cost of inter-process communications per used (accepted or rejected or delayed-rejection) function call, in seconds:
Average pure time cost of each function call, in seconds:
Number of processes (images):
Estimated maximum speedup gained via singlechain parallelization model compared to serial mode:
Predicted optimal number of physical computing processes for singlechain parallelization model, given the current MCMC sampling efficiency:
Predicted optimal maximum speedup gained via singlechain parallelization model, given the current MCMC sampling efficiency:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: The time cost of calling the user-provided objective function must be at least 52.5143 times more
ParaDRAM - NOTE: (that is, ~24.6651 microseconds) to see any performance benefits from singlechain parallelization
ParaDRAM - NOTE: model for this simulation. Consider simulating in the serial mode in the future (if used within the
ParaDRAM - NOTE: same computing environment and with the same configuration as used here).
Predicted absolute optimal number of physical computing processes for singlechain parallelization model, under any MCMC sampling efficiency:
Predicted absolute optimal maximum speedup gained via singlechain parallelization model, under any MCMC sampling efficiency:
ParaDRAM - NOTE: This simulation will likely NOT benefit from any additional computing processor beyond the predicted
ParaDRAM - NOTE: absolute optimal number, 1, in the above. This is true for any value of MCMC sampling efficiency.
1. The predicted optimal number of physical computing processes gives the simulation's best estimate for the optimal number of processes that could give you the highest speed-up, given the current sampling efficiency of your sampler. This is important because if your sampler's efficiency is high, then much of the work will be performed by only the very few first processors and all the work done by the rest of processors is wasted. Therefore, if you believe that your sampler's efficiency in the production mode will remain at the same level as in the test run, you may want to set the number of MPI tasks equal to the predicted optimal number by your test simulation.
2. The predicted absolute optimal number of physical computing processes gives the simulation's best estimate for the absolute-maximum number of processes that could give you the highest speed-up, for any conceivable sampling efficiency of your sampler. You may want to make sure that whatever number of processors you request for your production simulation, it would not go beyond this number as it will gradually become detrimental to your simulation's overall performance. Beyond this predicted absolute processor count, the cost of inter-processor communications gradually becomes comparable and eventually more than any time-savings that could be earned by simulating in parallel.
Keep in mind that these predictions for the optimal number of processors are only estimates and can vary widely depending on the runtime setup of your simulation, or the topology of the inter-processor network and communications.
Final notes
Mission accomplished. We have now used the adaptive Markov chain sampler routine of the ParaMonte library to generate random numbers from our objective function of interest. This simulation will generate five files in a folder named ./out/
in the current directory, each of which contains some specific information about the simulation. The purpose of each file is indicated by the suffix at the end of its name: _chain
, _sample
, _report
, _progress
, _restart
. If multichain
parallelism is requested via the input simulation specification variable parallelizationModel = 'multiChain'
, then there will be five simulation output files generated for each processor separately and independently of each other. This is as if we have simulated several independent but simultaneous ParaDRAM simulations of our objective function. More details about the contents of each of the ParaDRAM simulation output files can be found on this page.
Post-processing the ParaMonte simulation results
The post-processing of the output files generated by the ParaMonte routines can be nicely and quickly done via either the ParaMonte Python library or the ParaMonte MATLAB library.