
Module Contents


EllipsoidPlot(matrix: tp.Union[np.ndarray, tp.List[np.ndarray]], plotType: str, methodName: tp.Optional[str] = 'ParaMonte', reportEnabled: tp.Optional[bool] = True, resetPlot=None)

This is the EllipsoidPlot class for generating instances of

class paramonte.vis.EllipsoidPlot.EllipsoidPlot(matrix: tp.Union[np.ndarray, tp.List[np.ndarray]], plotType: str, methodName: tp.Optional[str] = 'ParaMonte', reportEnabled: tp.Optional[bool] = True, resetPlot=None)[source]

Bases: paramonte.vis._BasePlot.BasePlot

This is the EllipsoidPlot class for generating instances of ellipsoid-evolution plots via matplotlib’s builtin function plot(). It generates a plot of 2D ellipsoids corresponding to the input list of covariance/correlation matrices.


This is a low-level ParaMonte class and is NOT meant to be directly instantiated by the users, although it is possible.



A 3D numpy array representing the covariance/correlation matrices of the ellipsoids to plot. The size of the array is (count, ndim, ndim) where count represents the number of ellipsoids and ndim is in the number of dimensions of the (hyper-)ellipsoids.


A string indicating the type of the plot to be made. Possible values include:

"covmat2" "covmat3" "cormat2" "cormat3"

methodName (optional)

A string indicating the ParaMonte sampler that is instantiating this EllipsoidPlot object. This variable is solely used for progress reporting and has no relevance to the plotting. The default value is "ParaMonte".

reportEnabled (optional)

A logical input parameter indicating whether the ParaMonte automatic guidelines to the standard output should be provided or not. The default value is True.

resetPlot (optional)

An user-specified function that can be later called to reset the settings of the instantiated Ellipsoid plot. If None is provided, then the reset()` of the Ellipsoid object will be set to the default _reset() function of the Ellipsoid object. The default value is None.



An integer, representing the number of dimensions of the domain of the objective function as inferred from the contents of the dataFrame. It is the rank of the input matrix.


The same as the corresponding input parameter matrix to the EllipsoidPlot class constructor in the above.


A 2D numpy array representing the centers of the ellipsoids to plot. The size of the array is (count, ndim) where count represents the number of ellipsoids and ndim is in the number of dimensions of the (hyper-)ellipsoids.

zdata (optional, exists only in the case of 3D Ellipsoid plots)

Optional property that, if provided, results in the creation of 3D ellipsoid plots and its data represents the z-axis values of the plot. It must be a numeric vector of the same length as center and matrix.

The default value is the index of the covariance/correlation matrices in the input data frame.


A pair of indices (vector of length 2) whose value determine the rows and columns from the covariance/correlation matrix which will be plotted. The default value is dimensionPair = [1,2] (corresponding to Python indices of [0,1]).

Example usage:

  1. dimensionPair = [1,2]

  2. dimensionPair = [3,1]


In all cases, the indices must be distinct from each other and less than ndim where ndim is the rank of the covariance/correlation matrices.


The number of points used to represent the ellipsoids. The higher the value of npoint, the higher-resolution the resulting ellipsoids will look like.

The default value is 100.

colorbar (exists only for plots that require colorbar)

A structure with two attributes:


A boolean indicating whether a call to the colorbar() function of the matplotlib library should be made or not. If a call is made, a new figure will be generated. Otherwise, the current active figure will be used.


A structure whose components are directly passed as keyword arguments to the colorbar() function of the matplotlib library.


If a desired property is missing among the kws attributes, simply add the field and its value to the component.

A colorbar will be added to a plot only if a color-mappings is requested in the plot.


A structure with the following components:


A logical value indicating whether the ellipsoids must be color-mapped or not.


A string representing the name of the color mapping from the matplotlib library’s cm class, to be applied to the plot.


A numeric vector of the same length as the number of ellipsoids in matrix, each element of which will determine the color of the corresponding ellipsoid in the plot.

If the values are set to None or an empty list, then a range of values corresponding to the count of ellipsoids will be used.


The RGB vector corresponding to the values. This is not meant to be directly manipulated by the user.

Example usage:

  1. colormap.enabled = True

  2. = "winter"

legend (may not exist for some types of plots)

A structure with two attributes:


A boolean indicating whether a call to the legend() function of the matplotlib library should be made or not. If a call is made, a new figure will be generated. Otherwise, the current active figure will be used.


A structure whose components are directly passed as keyword arguments to the legend() function.

Example usage:

legend.kws.labels = ["Variable1", "Variable2"]


If a desired property is missing among the kws attributes, simply add the field and its value to the component.

A legend will be added to a plot only if no color-mappings are requested in the plot.


A structure with two components:


A logical value. If true, the ellipsoids will be plotted.


A structure whose components will be passed to the plot() function of the matplotlib library.

Example usage:

plot.kws.linewidth = 2


If a desired property is missing among the kws attributes, simply add the field and its value to the component.


A structure with the following components:


A logical value. If true, a title will be added to the plot.


A string representing the content of the title to be added to the plot.


A structure whose components will be passed to the title() function of the matplotlib library.


If a desired property is missing among the kws attributes, simply add the field and its value to the component.


An object of class Target for adding target values to the plots. For more information, see the documentation of the Target() class.

Superclass Attributes

See the documentation for the BasePlot class.


An object of EllipsoidPlot class.

__call__(self, reself: tp.Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs)[source]

Call the make() method of the current instance of the class.


Any arguments that can be passed to the make() method of the plot object.


Any return value from the make() method of the plot object.

make(self, reself: tp.Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs)[source]

Generate an EllipsoidPlot from the input data the EllipsoidPlot object.



A logical variable. If True, an instance of the object will be returned upon exit to the calling routine. The default value is False.


the object self if reself = True otherwise, None. However, this method causes side-effects by manipulating the existing attributes of the object.

getEllipsoidBoundary(self, covMat, meanVec, npoint=50)[source]

Return the coordinates of the boundary of an ellipsoid represented by the input covMat covariance matrix and the meanVec center.



The representative covariance matrix of the ellipsoid.


A vector representing the center of the ellipsoid.


The number of points with which the ellipsoid is represented. The more, the higher the resolution will be. The default value is 50.


A matrix of size (2, npoint) that contains the boundary points of the generated ellipsoid corresponding to the input matrix.

helpme(self, topic=None)[source]

Print the documentation for the input string topic. If the topic does not exist, the documentation for the object will be printed.


topic (optional)

A string containing the name of the object for which help is needed.



