ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1%> \brief
2%> Return a copy of the input ``object``
3%> whose property (or field) values are overwritten
4%> with the corresponding ``(key, val)`` pairs in the
5%> input ``hashmap`` cell array.
7%> \details
8%> This functionality is useful for converting
9%> the variadic arguments of functions to the
10%> corresponding property values of objects
11%> with the functions.
13%> \param[in] hashmap : The input cell array of even number of elements
14%> containing the field names and values of the input ``object``
15%> as ``(key, val)`` pairs stored sequentially as the cell elements.<br>
16%> All keys in the input ``hashmap`` must already exist as
17%> fields/properties of the input object.<br>
18%> \param[in] object : The input scalar MATLAB struct
19%> or object whose property/field values
20%> are to be overwritten with the corresponding
21%> values from the input ``hashmap`` cell.<br>
22%> \param[in] insensitive : The input scalar MATLAB logical.
23%> If ``false``, then keys within the input ``hashmap`` will be matched
24%> against the input ``object`` properties(or fields) case-sensitively.<br>
25%> (**optional**, default = ``false``)
26%> \param[in] extensible : The input scalar MATLAB logical.<br>
27%> If ``true``, then keys in the input ``hashmap`` that are missing in the
28%> input ``object`` properties(or fields) will be added to output ``objnew``.<br>
29%> This functionality requires the input ``object`` to be either a MATLAB ``struct``
30%> or an object whose ultimate superclass is the MATLAB ``handle`` class,
31%> which allows adding new properties via ``addprop()`` method.<br>
32%> (**optional**, default = ``false``)
33%> \param[in] recursive : The input scalar MATLAB logical.<br>
34%> If ``true``, then key-val pairs in the input ``hashmap`` that match struct-cell
35%> or match object-cell pattern will be also converted recursively like the parent
36%> input ``object`` until all sub-components are obtained recursively.<br>
37%> (**optional**, default = ``false``)
39%> \return
40%> objnew : The output copy of the input object whose
41%> property/field values are overwritten with the
42%> corresponding values from the input ``hashmap`` cell.<br>
44%> \interface{hash2comp}
45%> \code{.m}
47%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object)
48%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [])
49%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [], [])
50%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [], [], [])
51%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [], [], recursive)
52%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [], extensible, [])
53%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, insensitive, [], [])
54%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, [], extensible, recursive)
55%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, insensitive, [], recursive)
56%> objnew = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap, object, insensitive, extensible, recursive)
58%> \endcode
60%> \example{hash2comp}
61%> \include{lineno} example/matlab/hashmap/hash2comp/main.m
62%> \output{hash2comp}
63%> \include{lineno} example/matlab/hashmap/hash2comp/main.out.m
65%> \todo
66%> \pvhigh
67%> Is the last condition ``~isempty(properties(objnew.(key)))`` in the implementation of this procedure necessary?<br>
68%> Its presence contradicts the function behavior at the zeroth level of iteration and subsequent iterations.<br>
69%> This issue must be addressed as soon as the correction is verified to not change the behavior of other
70%> functions calling this function.<br>
72%> \final{hash2comp}
74%> \author
75%> \JoshuaOsborne, May 21 2024, 10:47 PM, University of Texas at Arlington<br>
76%> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
77%> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
78function objnew = hash2comp(hashmap, object, insensitive, extensible, recursive)
79 objnew = object;
80 hashmapLen = length(hashmap);
81 if rem(hashmapLen, 2) ~= 0
82 help("pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp");
83 disp("length(hashmap)");
84 disp( length(hashmap) );
85 error ( newline ...
86 + "The input argument ``hashmap`` must be a cell array of even length." + newline ...
87 + "For more information, see the documentation displayed above." + newline ...
88 + newline ...
89 );
90 end
91 if ~isstruct(objnew)
92 fieldList = properties(objnew);
93 fieldListLen = length(fieldList);
94 else
95 fieldList = fieldnames(objnew);
96 fieldListLen = length(fieldList);
97 end
98 if nargin < 5
99 recursive = [];
100 end
101 if nargin < 4
102 extensible = [];
103 end
104 if nargin < 3
105 insensitive = [];
106 end
107 if isempty(recursive)
108 recursive = false;
109 end
110 if isempty(extensible)
111 extensible = false;
112 end
113 if isempty(insensitive)
114 insensitive = false;
115 end
116 for i = 1 : 2 : hashmapLen
117 keyfound = false;
118 key = string(hashmap{i});
119 for ip = 1 : fieldListLen
120 if ~insensitive
121 keyfound = strcmp(key, string(fieldList(ip)));
122 else
123 keyfound = strcmpi(key, string(fieldList(ip)));
124 end
125 if keyfound
126 key = fieldList{ip};
127 break;
128 end
129 end
130 if ~keyfound
131 if ~extensible
132 error ( newline ...
133 + "The requested ``object`` property:" + newline ...
134 + newline ...
135 + + """" + string(hashmap{i}) + """" + newline ...
136 + newline ...
137 + "does not exist in the specified input ``object``." + newline ...
138 + newline ...
139 );
140 elseif ~isstruct(objnew)
141 objnew.addprop(key);
142 end
143 end
144 % \todo:
145 % Is the last condition ``~isempty(properties(objnew.(key)))`` necessary?
146 % Its presence contradicts the function behavior at the zeroth level of iteration and subsequent iterations.
147 % This issue must be addressed as soon as it is clear the correction does not change the behavior of other
148 % functions calling this function.
149 if recursive && isa(hashmap{i + 1}, "cell") && (isa(objnew.(key), "struct") || isa(objnew.(key), "handle") || ~isempty(properties(objnew.(key))))
150 objnew.(key) = pm.matlab.hashmap.hash2comp(hashmap{i + 1}, objnew.(key), insensitive, extensible, recursive);
151 else
152 objnew.(key) = hashmap{i + 1};
153 end
154 end
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