ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1function eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray, quality, gs_options) %#ok<*RGXPI>
2%EPS2PDF Convert an eps file to pdf format using ghostscript
4% Examples:
5% eps2pdf source dest
6% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop)
7% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append)
8% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray)
9% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray, quality)
10% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray, quality, gs_options)
12% This function converts an eps file to pdf format. The output can be
13% optionally cropped and also converted to grayscale. If the output pdf
14% file already exists then the eps file can optionally be appended as a new
15% page on the end of the eps file. The level of bitmap compression can also
16% optionally be set.
18% This function requires that you have ghostscript installed on your system.
19% Ghostscript can be downloaded from:
21% Inputs:
22% source - filename of the source eps file to convert. The filename is
23% assumed to already have the extension ".eps".
24% dest - filename of the destination pdf file. The filename is assumed
25% to already have the extension ".pdf".
26% crop - boolean indicating whether to crop the borders off the pdf.
27% Default: true.
28% append - boolean indicating whether the eps should be appended to the
29% end of the pdf as a new page (if the pdf exists already).
30% Default: false.
31% gray - boolean indicating whether the output pdf should be grayscale
32% or not. Default: false.
33% quality - scalar indicating the level of image bitmap quality to
34% output. A larger value gives a higher quality. quality > 100
35% gives lossless output. Default: ghostscript prepress default.
36% gs_options - optional ghostscript options (e.g.: '-dNoOutputFonts'). If
37% multiple options are needed, enclose in call array: {'-a','-b'}
39% Copyright (C) Oliver Woodford 2009-2014, Yair Altman 2015-
41% Suggestion of appending pdf files provided by Matt C at:
44% Thank you Fabio Viola for pointing out compression artifacts, leading to the quality setting.
45% Thank you Scott for pointing out the subsampling of very small images, which was fixed for lossless compression settings.
47% 09/12/11: Pass font path to ghostscript
48% 26/02/15: If temp dir is not writable, use the dest folder for temp destination files (Javier Paredes)
49% 28/02/15: Enable users to specify optional ghostscript options (issue #36)
50% 01/03/15: Upon GS error, retry without the -sFONTPATH= option (this might solve
51% some /findfont errors according to James Rankin, FEX Comment 23/01/15)
52% 23/06/15: Added extra debug info in case of ghostscript error; code indentation
53% 04/10/15: Suggest a workaround for issue #41 (missing font path; thanks Mariia Fedotenkova)
54% 22/02/16: Bug fix from latest release of this file (workaround for issue #41)
55% 20/03/17: Added informational message in case of GS croak (issue #186)
56% 16/01/18: Improved appending of multiple EPS files into single PDF (issue #233; thanks @shartjen)
57% 18/10/19: Workaround for GS 9.51+ .setpdfwrite removal problem (issue #285)
58% 18/10/19: Warn when ignoring GS fontpath or quality options; clarified error messages
59% 15/01/20: Added information about the GS/destination filepath in case of error (issue #294)
60% 20/01/20: Attempted fix for issue #285: unsupported patch transparency in some Ghostscript versions
61% 12/02/20: Improved fix for issue #285: add -dNOSAFER and -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY (thanks @linasstonys)
62% 26/08/21: Added GS version to error message; fixed some problems with PDF append (issue #339)
63% 20/02/23: Added GS fixes suggested by @scholnik (issues #285, #368)
65 % Intialise the options string for ghostscript
66 downsampleOptions = ['-dDownsampleColorImages=false ' ...
67 '-dDownsampleGrayImages=false ' ...
68 '-dDownsampleMonoImages=false']; %issue #368
69 options = ['-q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress ' ...
70 downsampleOptions ' -sOutputFile="' dest '"'];
72 % Set crop option
73 if nargin < 3 || crop
74 options = [options ' -dEPSCrop'];
75 end
77 % Set the font path
78 fp = font_path();
79 if ~isempty(fp)
80 options = [options ' -sFONTPATH="' fp '"'];
81 end
83 % Set the grayscale option
84 if nargin > 4 && gray
85 options = [options ' -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray'];
86 end
88 % Set the bitmap quality
89 qualityOptions = '';
90 if nargin > 5 && ~isempty(quality)
91 qualityOptions = ' -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false';
92 if quality > 100
93 qualityOptions = [qualityOptions ' -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode'];
94 qualityOptions = [qualityOptions ' -c ".setpdfwrite << /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 10 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 10 >> setdistillerparams"'];
95 else
96 qualityOptions = [qualityOptions ' -dColorImageFilter=/DCTEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/DCTEncode'];
97 v = 1 + (quality < 80);
98 quality = 1 - quality / 100;
99 s = sprintf('<< /QFactor %.2f /Blend 1 /HSample [%d 1 1 %d] /VSample [%d 1 1 %d] >>', quality, v, v, v, v);
100 qualityOptions = [qualityOptions ' -c ".setpdfwrite << /ColorImageDict ' s ' /GrayImageDict ' s ' >> setdistillerparams"'];
101 end
102 options = [options qualityOptions];
103 end
105 % Enable users to specify optional ghostscript options (issue #36)
106 if nargin > 6 && ~isempty(gs_options)
107 if iscell(gs_options)
108 gs_options = sprintf(' %s',gs_options{:});
109 elseif ~ischar(gs_options)
110 error('gs_options input argument must be a string or cell-array of strings');
111 else
112 gs_options = [' ' gs_options];
113 end
114 options = [options gs_options];
115 end
117 % Check if the output file exists
118 if nargin > 3 && append && exist(dest, 'file') == 2
119 % Store the original filesize for later use below
120 try
121 file_info = dir(dest);
122 orig_bytes = file_info.bytes;
123 catch
124 orig_bytes = [];
125 end
126 % File exists - append current figure to the end
127 tmp_nam = [tempname '.pdf'];
128 [fpath,fname,fext] = fileparts(tmp_nam);
129 try
130 % Ensure that the temp dir is writable (Javier Paredes 26/2/15)
131 fid = fopen(tmp_nam,'w');
132 fwrite(fid,1);
133 fclose(fid);
134 delete(tmp_nam);
135 catch
136 % Temp dir is not writable, so use the dest folder
137 fpath = fileparts(dest);
138 tmp_nam = fullfile(fpath,[fname fext]);
139 end
140 % Copy the original (dest) pdf file to temporary folder
141 copyfile(dest, tmp_nam);
142 % Produce an interim pdf of the source eps, rather than adding the eps directly (issue #233)
143 % this will override the original (dest) pdf file
144 orig_options = options;
145 ghostscript([options ' -f "' source '"']);
146 [~,fname] = fileparts(tempname);
147 tmp_nam2 = fullfile(fpath,[fname fext]); % ensure using a writable folder (not necessarily tempdir)
148 copyfile(dest, tmp_nam2);
149 % Add the original pdf (tmp_nam) and interim pdf (dest=>tmp_nam2) as inputs to ghostscript
150 %options = [options ' -f "' tmp_nam '" "' source '"']; % append the source eps to dest pdf
151 options = [options ' -f "' tmp_nam '" "' tmp_nam2 '"']; % append the interim pdf to dest pdf
152 try
153 % Convert to pdf using ghostscript
154 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
155 % The output pdf should now be in dest
157 % If the returned message is non-empty, a possible error may have
158 % occured, so check the file size to ensure whether the file grew
159 if ~isempty(message) && ~isempty(orig_bytes)
160 file_info = dir(dest);
161 new_bytes = file_info.bytes;
162 if new_bytes < orig_bytes + 100
163 % Looks like nothing substantial (if anything) was appended to
164 % the original pdf, so try adding the eps file directly (issue #339)
165 options = [orig_options ' -f "' tmp_nam '" "' source '"']; % append the source eps to dest pdf
166 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
167 end
168 end
170 % Delete the intermediate (temporary) files
171 delete(tmp_nam);
172 delete(tmp_nam2);
173 catch me
174 % Delete the intermediate files and rethrow the error
175 delete(tmp_nam);
176 delete(tmp_nam2);
177 rethrow(me);
178 end
179 else
180 % File doesn't exist or should be over-written
181 % Add the source eps file as input to ghostscript
182 options = [options ' -f "' source '"'];
183 % Convert to pdf using ghostscript
184 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
185 end
187 % Check for error
188 if status
189 % Catch and correct undefined .setopacityalpha errors (issue #285)
190 % (see explanation inside print2eps.m)
191 if ~isempty(regexpi(message,'undefined in .setopacityalpha'))
192 % First try with -dNOSAFER and -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY (thanks @linasstonys)
193 new_options = [options ' -dNOSAFER -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY'];
194 [status, message] = ghostscript(new_options);
195 if ~status % hurray! (no error)
196 return
197 elseif isempty(regexpi(message,'undefined in .setopacityalpha')) % still some other error
198 options = new_options;
199 else % we still get a .setopacityalpha error
200 % Remove the transparency and retry
201 fstrm = read_write_entire_textfile(source);
202 fstrm = regexprep(fstrm, '0?\.\d+ .setopacityalpha \w+\n', '');
203 read_write_entire_textfile(source, fstrm);
204 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
205 if ~status % hurray! (no error)
206 % Alert the user that transparency is not supported
207 warning('export_fig:GS:quality','Export_fig Face/Edge alpha transparancy is ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
208 return
209 end
210 end
211 end
213 % Retry without the -sFONTPATH= option (this might solve some GS
214 % /findfont errors according to James Rankin, FEX Comment 23/01/15)
215 orig_options = options;
216 if ~isempty(fp)
217 options = regexprep(options, ' -sFONTPATH=[^ ]+ ',' ');
218 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
219 if ~status % hurray! (no error)
220 warning('export_fig:GS:fontpath','Export_fig font option is ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
221 return
222 end
223 end
225 % Retry with updated or no quality options (may solve problems with GS 9.51+, issue #285)
226 if ~isempty(qualityOptions)
227 % First try replacing .setpdfwrite as suggested in ghostscript error (issue #285)
228 options = strrep(orig_options, '.setpdfwrite', '3000000 setvmthreshold');
229 if ~ghostscript(options) % hurray! (no error)
230 % No warning: there's no known drawback when this works so no need to inform the user
231 %warning('export_fig:GS:setpdfwrite','Successfully worked around deprecated .setpdfwrite')
232 return
233 end
234 % Well, we tried. Fall back to no quality options.
235 options = strrep(orig_options, qualityOptions, '');
236 if ~ghostscript(options) % hurray! (no error)
237 warning('export_fig:GS:quality','Export_fig quality option ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
238 return
239 end
240 % Hmm, perhaps the problem is just with the downsampleOptions?
241 options = strrep(orig_options, downsampleOptions, '');
242 if ~ghostscript(options) % hurray! (no error)
243 warning('export_fig:GS:downsample','Export_fig quality option ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
244 return
245 end
246 % Nope, last attempt: remove both downsampleOptions & qualityOptions
247 options = strrep(orig_options, qualityOptions, '');
248 options = strrep(options, downsampleOptions, '');
249 [status, message] = ghostscript(options);
250 if ~status % hurray! (no error)
251 warning('export_fig:GS:quality2','Export_fig quality option ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
252 return
253 end
254 else % no quality options, the problem lies elsewhere...
255 % Hmm, perhaps the problem is just with the downsampleOptions?
256 options = strrep(orig_options, downsampleOptions, '');
257 if ~ghostscript(options) % hurray! (no error)
258 warning('export_fig:GS:downsample','Export_fig quality option ignored - not supported by your Ghostscript version')
259 return
260 end
261 end
262 % Any other ideas, anyone?
264 % Report error
265 if isempty(message)
266 error(['Unable to generate pdf. Ensure that the destination folder (' fileparts(dest) ') is writable.']);
267 elseif ~isempty(strfind(message,'/typecheck in /findfont')) %#ok<STREMP>
268 % Suggest a workaround for issue #41 (missing font path)
269 font_name = strtrim(regexprep(message,'.*Operand stack:\s*(.*)\s*Execution.*','$1'));
270 fprintf(2, 'Ghostscript error: could not find the following font(s): %s\n', font_name);
271 %fpath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
272 %gs_fonts_file = fullfile(fpath, '.ignore', 'gs_font_path.txt');
273 [unused, gs_fonts_file] = user_string('gs_font_path'); %#ok<ASGLU>
274 fprintf(2, ' try to add the font''s folder to your %s file\n\n', gs_fonts_file);
275 error('export_fig error');
276 else
277 gs_options = strtrim(gs_options);
278 fprintf(2, '\nGhostscript error: ');
279 msg = regexprep(message, '^Error: /([^\n]+).*', '$1');
280 if ~isempty(msg) && ~strcmp(msg,message)
281 fprintf(2,'%s',msg);
282 end
283 fprintf(2, '\n * perhaps %s is open by another application\n', dest);
284 try gs_version = str2num(evalc('ghostscript(''--version'');')); catch, gs_version = ''; end %#ok<ST2NM>
285 if ~isempty(gs_version), gs_version = [' ' num2str(gs_version)]; end
286 if ~isempty(gs_options)
287 fprintf(2, ' * or maybe your Ghostscript version%s does not accept the extra "%s" option(s) that you requested\n', gs_version, gs_options);
288 end
289 fprintf(2, ' * or maybe you have another gs executable in your system''s path\n\n');
290 fprintf(2, 'Ghostscript path: %s\n', user_string('ghostscript'));
291 fprintf(2, 'Ghostscript options: %s\n\n', orig_options);
292 error(message);
293 end
294 end
297% Function to return (and create, where necessary) the font path
298function fp = font_path()
299 fp = user_string('gs_font_path');
300 if ~isempty(fp)
301 return
302 end
303 % Create the path
304 % Start with the default path
305 fp = getenv('GS_FONTPATH');
306 % Add on the typical directories for a given OS
307 if ispc
308 if ~isempty(fp)
309 fp = [fp ';'];
310 end
311 fp = [fp getenv('WINDIR') filesep 'Fonts'];
312 else
313 if ~isempty(fp)
314 fp = [fp ':'];
315 end
316 fp = [fp '/usr/share/fonts:/usr/local/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/X11:/usr/local/share/fonts/X11:/usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/local/share/fonts/truetype'];
317 end
318 user_string('gs_font_path', fp);
function version(in silent)
Return a scalar MATLAB string containing the latest available ParaMonte MATLAB version newer than the...
function font_path()
function eps2pdf(in source, in dest, in crop, in append, in gray, in quality, in gs_options)
function ghostscript(in cmd)
function info()
Return a MATLAB string containing the current system information.
function release(in type)
Return a scalar MATLAB string containing the MATLAB release version, year, or season as requested.
function user_string(in string_name, in string)
function which(in vendor)
Return the a MATLAB string containing the path to the first mpiexec executable binary found in system...