ParaMonte MATLAB 3.0.0
Parallel Monte Carlo and Machine Learning Library
See the latest version documentation.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1%> \brief
2%> Return the processor architecture name of
3%> the current system on which MATLAB is running,
4%> which is also supported by the ParaMonte MATLAB library.<br>
6%> \return
7%> ``str`` : The output scalar MATLAB string containing the processor architecture.<br>
8%> The output value can be either:<br>
9%> <ol>
10%> <li> ``"arm64"`` : This can be currently true only if the OS is Darwin.<br>
11%> <li> ``"amd64"`` : This can be currently true for either Darwin, Linux, or Windows.<br>
12%> </ol>
14%> \interface{arch}
15%> \code{.m}
17%> str = pm.sys.arch()
19%> \endcode
21%> \note
22%> If the function cannot detect any of the above,
23%> the system-returned value will be output as is.<br>
25%> \example{arch}
26%> \include{lineno} example/sys/arch/main.m
27%> \output{arch}
28%> \include{lineno} example/sys/arch/main.out.m
30%> \final{arch}
32%> \author
33%> \JoshuaOsborne, May 21 2024, 5:34 AM, University of Texas at Arlington<br>
34%> \FatemehBagheri, May 20 2024, 1:25 PM, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Washington, D.C.<br>
35%> \AmirShahmoradi, May 16 2016, 9:03 AM, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), UT Austin<br>
36function str = arch()
37 if isunix
38 [failed, str] = system("uname -m");
39 failed = failed ~= 0;
40 if failed
41 error ( newline ...
42 + "Failed to detect the processor architecture via" + newline ...
43 + "the MATLAB intrinsic call `system('uname -m'): " + newline ...
44 + newline ...
45 + + strtrim(str) + newline ...
46 + newline ...
47 )
48 end
49 elseif ispc
50 [~, str] = system("echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%");
51 else
52 error ( newline ...
53 + "Unrecognized operating system for MATLAB." + newline ...
54 + "This is impossible, unless we live in the distant future." + newline ...
55 + newline ...
56 );
57 end
58 strLower = lower(strtrim(str));
59 if contains(strLower, "arm64")
60 str = "arm64";
61 elseif contains(strLower, "amd64") || contains(strLower, "x86_64")
62 str = "amd64";
63 else
64 warning ( newline ...
65 + "Unrecognized unsupported processor architecture" + newline ...
66 + "for the ParaMonte MATLAB library: " + newline ...
67 + newline ...
68 + + strtrim(str) + newline ...
69 + newline ...
70 );
71 end
72 %str = computer('arch');
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