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While running your simulations that use the ParaMonte library built via the GNU compilers, you may receive a runtime error message on the terminal like the following,
At line 1469 of file XXX Fortran runtime error: End of filewhere the XXX is the name of some ParaMonte source file. The likely cause of this error is that the processor attempted to parse the contents of the external input file that you provided to the ParaMonte routines. However, while doing do, it reached the end of file before completing the input file reading. A quick fix to this error is to add one (or more) empty line(s) to the last line of the input file and to ensure that the files properly ends with an end-of-file signal. In particular, the last line should NOT be the terminating-character (the forward-slash: /) of a namelist-group.
If you have any questions about the topics discussed on this page, feel free to ask in the comment section below, or raise an issue on the GitHub page of the library, or reach out to the ParaMonte library authors.