See for general installation guidelines.
This file contains information about the ParaMonte library build configuration flags.
The ParaMonte library build scripts accept a large number of optional flags that can be used to configure the library build.
Nearly all configuration flags can be specified as command line arguments to the install.bat,, or the CMake binary executable. Some flags may be essential to directly call the CMake executable binary, while others are available only as optional arguments to the library install scripts mentioned above.
Due to the sheer number of available optional flags, they are categorized in tiers sorted by their relevance and importance to the end users.
- TIER-1 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
- TIER-2 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
- TIER-3 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
- TIER-4 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
Usage with
The general usage syntax of the flags with the
installation script is the following:
./ --flag value
where flag
can be any of the following installation flags and value
is the user-specified value for the flag.
NOTE There can be as many
pairs as needed, although only one pair is shown above as an example.
NOTE Some flags below may not require a
to be specified.
NOTE If the installation script
is non-executable, you can make it executable using the Bash commandchmod +x
Usage with install.bat
The general usage syntax of the flags with the install.bat
installation script is the following:
./install.bat --flag value
where flag
can be any of the following installation flags and value
is the user-specified value for the flag.
NOTE There can be as many
pairs as needed, although only one pair is shown above as an example.
NOTE Some flags below may not require a
to be specified.
TIER-1 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
The ParaMonte TIER-1 build flags set the most important and useful build configurations. Assuming the required compilers and external (e.g., Coarray, MPI parallel) libraries are available on the system, these flags can readily customized the library build.
Displays all contents of this file and available installation flags on the command line.
- Usage with
- Usage with
binary executable: Not Available.
Specifies the library build type for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--build "build_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dbuild="build_type"
where build_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
debug |
For debugging. |
testing |
For quick testing with minimal optimizations. |
release |
For production-ready application builds (default). |
ipo |
Same as specifying release but with link-time optimizations. |
tuned |
Same as specifying ipo but builds for all supported architectures. |
native |
Same as specifying ipo but builds only for the current architecture (non-portable). |
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of library build values for which the library will be built in the specified order.
is specified, it is automatically converted toRelwithDebInfo
This option, if provided, will overwrite the value of
in CMake scripts.
Beware that
builds are currently only recognized used with theintel
Fortran compilers. If specified with unsupported compilers, they are automatically converted torelease
, andnative
builds can take very long and generate large binaries.
optional. The default value for build_type
is release
Specifies the target programming language(s) for which the library will be built and accessed from.
- Usage with
:--lang "programming_language"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dlang="programming_language"
where programming_language
can be any of the following
values (which defines the corresponding macro in the library),
Value | Target programming language | Library macro definition |
c |
cpp |
fortran |
go |
java |
julia |
mathematica |
matlab |
python |
r |
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of programming languages for which the library will be built in the specified order.
optional. The default value for programming_language
is fortran
Specifies the library file type for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--lib "library_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dlib="library_type"
where library_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
static |
For static library file (*.lib , *.a generation) (and linking). |
shared |
For dynamic library file (*.dll, *.dylib , *.so ) generation (and linking). |
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of possible values for which the library will be built in the specified order.
optional. The default value for library_type
is shared
Specifies the library memory usage type for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--mem "memory_allocation_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dmem="memory_allocation_type"
where memory_allocation_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
stack |
All arrays (, if possible, including allocatable,) are stored on the Stack |
heap |
Most arrays of significant size (e.g., > 10 elements) will be stored on the Heap. |
The use of Heap memory can be significantly slower than the Stack in isolated cases.
The stack memory allocations can lead to “stack overflow” or “segmentation fault” that are frequently extremely hard to identify.
If you use
be sure to increase the stack memory allocated by the Operating System for your output binary before execution.
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of possible values for which the library will be built in the specified order.
optional. The default value for memory_allocation_type
is heap
Specifies the library parallelization paradigm for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--par "parallelization_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dpar="parallelization_type"
where parallelization_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No parallelism enabled (serial). |
serial |
No parallelism enabled (serial). |
mpi |
MPI parallelism enabled. |
omp |
OpenMP parallelism enabled. |
openmp |
OpenMP parallelism enabled. |
cafsingle |
Coarray parallelism syntax enabled (but effectively serial). |
cafshared |
Coarray parallelism enabled on shared memory architecture. |
cafdist |
Coarray parallelism enabled on distributed memory architecture. |
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of possible values for which the library will be built in the specified order.
Beware that the Coarray parallelism in the current library version 2.0 is non-functional.
optional. The default value for parallelization_type
is none
TIER-2 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
The ParaMonte TIER-2 build flags set the additional optional arguments that run library benchmarks, examples, or tests, or are critical for the correct selection of compilers or external compilation libraries, or customize the build and installation folders.
Specifies the library build directory where all
CMake and other relevant files will be stored
before outputting the final product to the
specified deployment directory via ddir
- Usage with
:--bdir "cmake_build_directory_path"
- Usage (with
binary executable): Not Available.
where cmake_build_directory_path
is the path
to the directory where the library should be built.
This option cannot be specified as a flag to the CMake binary because the CMake build scripts must already exist in this folder.
WARNING The specified value for this flag must be an absolute (full) path. Relative paths currently result in library build failure.
optional. The default value for cmake_build_directory_path
is replaced with the path to the root directory of the project where the LICENSE file exists.${os}
is replaced with the lower-case operating system name (windows
, …),${arch}
is replaced with the lower-case CPU architecture (amd64
, …),${csid}
is replaced with the lower-case compiler vendor name (intel
, …),${csvs}
is replaced with the lower-case compiler vendor major version,${bld}
is replaced with the specified value for thebuild
configuration flag (debug
, …),${lib}
is replaced with the specified value for thelib
configuration flag (static
, …),${mem}
is replaced with the specified value for themem
configuration flag (stack
, …),-
is replaced with a value determined from themem
configuration flag:Value Scenario cafsingle
If the library is built for Coarray single-image parallelism. cafshared
If the library is built for Coarray shared-memory parallelism. cafdist
If the library is built for Coarray distributed-memory parallelism. mpi
If the library is built for MPI parallelism using an unknown MPI distribution. impi
If the library is built for MPI parallelism using an Intel MPI distribution. mpich
If the library is built for MPI parallelism using an MPICH MPI distribution. openmpi
If the library is built for MPI parallelism using an OpenMPI distribution. openmp
If the library is built for OpenMP parallelism. serial
If the library is built for serial applications.
Specifies the library benchmarks to build and run after building library.
- Usage with
:--bench "benchmark_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dbench="benchmark_list"
where benchmark_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No library benchmarks will be built. |
all |
Build and run all library benchmarks. |
file | Build and run all library benchmarks listed in the file. |
b1;b2;…;bn | Build and run all modules and procedures benchmarks matching the semicolon-separated strings. |
The specified file can be automatically generated by the
Python script in the corresponding language subfolder of thebenchmark
folder in the root directory of the project.
Specified items in a given file can be excluded by adding an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to building and running the corresponding ParaMonte library benchmarks on the command line.
The benchmarks will be built and run in the corresponding library benchmark subfolder in the build folder.
Not all supported programming languages may have benchmarks. Where unavailable, this option should not be specified.
optional. The default value for benchmark_list
is none
Specifies the BLAS implementation against which certain ParaMonte library routines will be linked.
- Usage with
:--blas "cmake_blas_vendor"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dblas="cmake_blas_vendor"
where cmake_blas_vendor
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No BLAS library will be linked to the ParaMonte library. |
default |
The local OpenBLAS submodule within the ParaMonte repository will be built and used for linking. |
any |
Any BLAS library CMake finds will be linked to the ParaMonte library. |
vendor | Any vendor name recognized by the CMake BLA_VENDOR . |
When the value
is specified, the BLAS library will be built via the default OpenBLAS local external submodule of the ParaMonte library, if the OpenBLAS submodule exists in theexternal
folder of the local clone of the ParaMonte repository. If the local copy ofOpenBLAS
library exists, the library will be linked against OpenBLAS, otherwise, the library will be built without any BLAS dependency.
This option relevant to the ParaMonte library benchmarks and linear algebra routines.
optional. The default value for cmake_blas_vendor
is none
Specifies the library runtime checking policy for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--checking "checking_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dchecking="checking_type"
where checking_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
nocheck |
No runtime checks will be performed. |
checked |
All runtime checks will be performed. |
When specified for install scripts, the
flag can take a semi-colon-separated list of possible values for which the library will be built in the specified order.
leads to defining the FPP macroCHECK_ENABLED=1
, activating additional diagnostic runtime checks within the library.
This option is very useful for debugging purposes but significantly degrades the runtime performance and increases the library size.
optional. The default value for checking_type
is nocheck
Specifies the library deployment directory to which the full ParaMonte package will be copied.
- Usage with
:--ddir "deploy_directory_path"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dddir="deploy_directory_path"
where deploy_directory_path
is the path to the
directory where the library binaries should be deployed.
optional. The default value for deploy_directory_path
where .
refers to the path to the root directory
of the project where the main CMakeLists.txt
file exists.
Specifies the library examples to build and run after building library.
- Usage with
:--exam "example_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dexam="example_list"
where example_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No library examples will be built. |
all |
Build and run all library examples. |
file | Build and run all library examples listed in the file. |
e1;e2;…;en | Build and run all modules and procedures examples matching the semicolon-separated strings. |
The specified file can be automatically generated by the
Python script in the corresponding language subfolder of theexample
folder in the root directory of the project.
The file path can be specified either as an absolute path or a path relative to the root directory of the ParaMonte repository on the local machine.
Specific items in a given file can be excluded by adding an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to building and running the corresponding ParaMonte library examples on the command line.
The examples will be built and run in the corresponding library example subfolder in the build folder.
optional. The default value for example_list
is none
Specifies the path to the Fortran compiler binary executable file with which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--fc "fortran_compiler_executable_path"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dfc="fortran_compiler_executable_path"
where fortran_compiler_executable_path
points to the
specific Fortran compiler executable name (or its path) to be used.
Setting this will overwrite the default CMake compiler choice by setting
CMake variable before project initiation.
We highly recommend to specify the Fortran compiler choice explicitly via this argument as CMake often has difficultly choosing the right Fortran compiler among several options.
optional. The default value for fortran_compiler_executable_path
is automatically determined by CMake or the build scripts.
Specifies the LAPACK implementation against which certain ParaMonte library routines will be linked.
- Usage with
:--lapack "cmake_lapack_vendor"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dlapack="cmake_lapack_vendor"
where cmake_lapack_vendor
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No LAPACK library will be linked to the ParaMonte library. |
default |
The local OpenBLAS submodule within the ParaMonte repository will be built and used for linking. |
any |
Any LAPACK library CMake finds will be linked to the ParaMonte library. |
vendor | Any vendor name recognized by the CMake BLA_VENDOR . |
When the value
is specified, the LAPACK library will be built via the default OpenBLAS local external submodule of the ParaMonte library, if the OpenBLAS submodule exists in theexternal
folder of the local clone of the ParaMonte repository. If the local copy ofOpenBLAS
library exists, the library will be linked against OpenBLAS, otherwise, the library will be built without any LAPACK dependency.
This option relevant to the ParaMonte library benchmarks and linear algebra routines.
optional. The default value for cmake_lapack_vendor
is none
Specifies the path to the root directory of MATLAB against which the library will be linked.
Within a MATLAB session, this directory path is returned by the MATLAB intrinsic function matlabroot
An example such path returned in MATLAB 2024a environment is: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024a'
on Windows platforms.
- Usage with
:--matlabroot "matlab_root_dir_path"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dmatlabroot="matlab_root_dir_path"
where matlab_root_dir_path
is the path to the root directory of MATLAB.
This option is relevant only to builds where the
configuration flag is set tomatlab
. The specified value is ignored for all language builds of the ParaMonte library.
Specifying this option helps CMake find the MATLAB library dependencies.
If specified, it sets the value of the CMake configuration variable
This option is essential when the library is to be linked against a particular installation of MATLAB among multiple installations.
We highly recommend to specify the MATLAB choice explicitly via this argument as CMake often has difficultly choosing the right MATLAB version among several options.
NOTE If you are a ParaMonte developer and aim to specify a MATLAB installation against which you intend to build the library, always ensure to install the oldest possible compatible MATLAB version. This ensures the generated MEX files are compatible with all newer MATLAB version. The opposite does not generally hold. For example, MATLAB 2024a MEX files are not compatible with MATLAB 2020b environment and libraries.
optional. The default value for matlab_root_dir_path
is set automatically by CMake.
Specifies the path to the MPI launcher mpiexec
binary executable file for MPI-parallel applications.
- Usage with
:--me "mpiexec_path"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dme="mpiexec_path"
where mpiexec_path
is the path (or name) of the mpiexec
executable to be used.
This option is relevant only to MPI-parallel library builds and is otherwise ignored.
The specified value will the overwrite the CMake MPI library choice by setting
CMake variable before project initiation.
We highly recommend to specify the MPI library choice explicitly via this argument as CMake often has difficultly choosing the right MPI compiler among several options.
optional. The default value for mpiexec_path
is automatically determined by CMake or the build scripts.
Specifies the library testing mode for which the library will be built.
- Usage with
:--test "testing_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dtest="testing_type"
where testing_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
The build is configured for no testing. |
all |
The build activates all library tests. |
WARNING Enabling tests requires setting the value of the build flag
. This is particularly important for the programming languages other than Fortran where the default value ofmod
is usually not"all"
WARNING The ParaMonte extended precision tests are prone to failure. This is due to GNU compiler bugs for extended precision arithmetic. To avoid bug-induced test failures when using GNU compilers, you can additionally specify the
--rki "1;2"
build to build the library and its test for only the single and doublereal
type precisions.
optional. The default value for testing_type
is none
TIER-3 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
The ParaMonte TIER-3 build flags are mostly relevant to the ParaMonte library developers or advanced users who wish to further customize the library configurations for their needs. Some of the available options with intricate implications require careful attention before usage.
Specifies the library benchmarks postprocessing scripts to run after building the library.
- Usage with
:--benchpp "benchmark_postprocessing_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dbenchpp="benchmark_postprocessing_list"
where benchmark_postprocessing_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Do not run benchmarks postprocessing scripts. |
all |
Run all benchmarks postprocessing scripts. |
file | Run all library benchmarks postprocessing scripts listed in the file. |
b1;b2;…;bn | Run all modules and procedures benchmarks postprocessing scripts matching the semicolon-separated strings. |
The specified file can be automatically generated by the
Python script in the corresponding language subfolder of thebenchmark
folder in the root directory of the project.
Specific items in a given file can be excluded by adding an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to running the Python postprocessing scripts for the corresponding ParaMonte library benchmarks that have been previously built and run on the command line.
Frequently, postprocessing scripts merely generate visualizations. The visualizations are essential for the ParaMonte library documentation.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to running the corresponding ParaMonte library benchmarks postprocessing scripts on the command line.
The benchmarks postprocessing scripts will be executed in the corresponding library benchmark subfolder in the build folder.
Not all supported programming languages may have benchmarks postprocessing scripts. Check the
folder in the root directory of the repository before using this flag.
optional. The default value for benchmark_postprocessing_list
is the same as the value set for the option bench
Specifies whether the library must be built with C-Fortran interoperable types and kinds.
- Usage with
:--cfi "c_fortran_interoperability_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dcfi="c_fortran_interoperability_list"
where c_fortran_interoperability_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Sets the macro CFI_ENABLED=0 to disable C-Fortran type interoperability. |
all |
Sets the macro CFI_ENABLED=1 to enable C-Fortran type interoperability. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
This option has extremely limited usage for the end users and may be removed in the future.
value can be specified only whenlang
is set tofortran
optional. The default is none
if lang
is set to fortran
, otherwise all
Determines whether Code Coverage report must be generated.
- Usage with
:--codecov "code_coverage_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dcodecov="code_coverage_type"
where code_coverage_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Sets the macro CODECOV_ENABLED=0 to disable Code Coverage analysis. |
all |
Sets the macro CODECOV_ENABLED=1 to enable Code Coverage analysis. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
This option is currently only tested and verified to work on Linux systems. This option is currently only tested and verified to work with GNU compilers. This option is currently only tested and verified to work with GNU GCOV and LCOV software. This option is currently only tested and verified to work with the
build script.
WARNING Generating Code Coverage report currently requires the GNU Fortran compiler
and a compatible-version of gcov and lcov software. The coverage report generation is bound to fail if the compiler and GCOV software version are incompatible.
optional. The default value for codecov
is none
Specifies the library dependencies to copy to the final deployment directory.
- Usage with
:--deps "dependencies_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Ddeps="dependencies_list"
where dependencies_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
The lower-level library dependencies will be NOT copied to the installation location. |
all |
The lower-level library dependencies will be copied to the installation location. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
NOTE This flag is currently non-functional on Windows platforms possibly due to a CMake bug related to
optional. The default value for dependencies_list
is none
Prevents the creation of the deployment (bin
) directory for the final binary products and
further avoids the duplicate CMake build which is currently required to properly generate
all preprocessed Fortran source files in the final package.
- Usage with
- Usage with
binary executable:-Ddev_enabled=value
where value
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
0 |
The development mode is disabled. |
1 |
The development mode is enabled. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
NOTE The primary goal of this flag is to bypass an implementation bug in the current CMake scripts of the ParaMonte library and enhance the library development experience by reducing the redundant builds and file and folder copies, thus, speeding up the library development and testing.
WARNING Beware that specifying this flag will disable the deployment to the default or user-specified deploy directory. The default deployment directory is the
subdirectory in the root directory of the ParaMonte GitHub repository where the install scripts are located.
optional. The default value for value
is 0
Specifies the library examples postprocessing scripts to run after building the library.
- Usage with
:--exampp "example_postprocessing_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dexampp="example_postprocessing_list"
where example_postprocessing_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Do not run examples postprocessing scripts. |
all |
Run all examples postprocessing scripts. |
file | Run all library examples postprocessing scripts listed in the file. |
e1;e2;…;en | Run all modules and procedures examples postprocessing scripts matching the semicolon-separated strings. |
The specified file can be automatically generated by the
Python script in the corresponding language subfolder of theexample
folder in the root directory of the project.
Specific items in a given file can be excluded by adding an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to running the Python postprocessing scripts for the corresponding ParaMonte library examples that have been previously built and run on the command line.
Frequently, postprocessing scripts merely generate visualizations. The visualizations are essential for the ParaMonte library documentation.
Setting this option to anything other than
will lead to running the corresponding ParaMonte library examples postprocessing scripts on the command line.
The examples postprocessing scripts will be executed in the corresponding library example subfolder in the build folder.
optional. The default value for example_postprocessing_list
is the same as the value set for the option exam
Specifies any additional compile flags passed to the Fortran compiler with which the library is built.
- Usage with
:--fcf "additional_fortran_compiler_flags"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dfcf="additional_fortran_compiler_flags"
where additional_fortran_compiler_flags
is string of Fortran compiler flags
separated by semicolon ;
that are added to library default compiler flags.
The contents of
is passed to the compiler as is without any changes.
Any additional preprocessor macros for the compiler can be specified using this option.
This is low-level build option, mostly useful for the library developers.
optional. The default value for fcf
is an empty string.
Specifies any additional linker flags passed to the Fortran linker with which the library object files are linked.
- Usage with
:--flf "additional_fortran_linker_flags"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dflf="additional_fortran_linker_flags"
where additional_fortran_linker_flags
is string of Fortran linker flags
separated by semicolon ;
that are added to library default linker flags.
The contents of
is passed to the linker as is without any changes.
This is low-level build option, mostly useful for the library developers.
optional. The default value for flf
is an empty string.
Specifies the preprocessing style of the Fortran source files before building the library.
- Usage with
:--fpp "fortran_preprocessing_style"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dfpp="fortran_preprocessing_style"
where fortran_preprocessing_style
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
No preprocessed source files will be output to the deploy directory. |
default |
The preprocessed compiler-specific source files will be output to the fpp subdirectory. |
generic |
The preprocessed compiler-agnostic source files will be output to the fpp subdirectory. |
This option is relevant to only the Intel and GNU compiler suites.
is specified as the value offpp
, preprocessed source files may contain non-portable compiler-specific extensions to the standard Fortran commands and syntax.
while building the library with GNU compilers will define macroGNU_ENABLED=1
while building the library with Intel compilers will define macroINTEL_ENABLED=1
optional. The default value for fortran_preprocessing_style
depends on the value of lang
- If the
configuration flag is set tofortran
, thenfortran_preprocessing_style
is set to,default
if the compiler choice belongs to the family of Intel or GNU compilers.generic
if the compiler choice belongs to other vendors.
- If the
configuration flag is set to any possibility other thanfortran
, thenfortran_preprocessing_style
is set tonone
Specifies the subdirectories of the build and deployment directories that must be deleted before starting the new CMake configuration and build.
- Usage with
:--fresh "subdirectories_to_delete"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dfresh="subdirectories_to_delete"
where subdirectories_to_delete
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
all |
All build and deployment directories for the current library build configuration will be deleted before the new build. |
bdir |
All build and deployment directories for the current library build configuration will be deleted before the new build. |
xx/yy | The specified yy sub-subdirectory in the xx subdirectory of the build directory will be deleted before the new build. |
filename | The specified filename in the current build directory will be deleted before the new build. |
This option is simplifies the task of cleaning CMake build directory when library for a given build is being built repeatedly.
NOTE Beware that the specified values for all flags (including
are sticky and have to be unset for the next builds, if desired. For example, the value is set toall
, any subsequent CMake reconfigurations will use this value even if the flag--fresh
is not specified in the subsequent configurations. This sticky behavior can lead to complete rebuilds of the library, which may be time consuming. To change the sticky behavior, one has to reset the value of--fresh
optional. The default value for subdirectories_to_delete
is none
Specifies the CMake build generator.
- Usage with
:-G "cmake_build_generator"
- Usage with
binary executable:-G "cmake_build_generator"
where cmake_build_generator
can be any of the possible CMake build generators.
Value | Usage |
NMake Makefiles |
Generates NMake makefiles. |
MinGW Makefiles |
Generates makefiles for use with mingw32-make under a Windows command prompt. |
MSYS Makefiles |
Generates makefiles for use with MSYS (Minimal SYStem) make under the MSYS shell. |
Unix Makefiles |
Generates standard UNIX makefiles. |
Ninja |
Generates a file into the build tree. |
other | Any build generator supported by CMake. |
This is a low-level build setting that is automated by the ParaMonte install scripts. This optional flag can be used to enforce a particular CMake build generator when the install scripts fail to identify the right build generator for CMake.
WARNING This build flag must be explicitly set when CMake executable is directly invoked.
optional. Only when specified for the install scripts.
The default value for cmake_build_generator
Unix Makefiles
on Unix systems (macOS, Linux).MSYS Makefiles
on Windows systems within MSYS environments (e.g., MSYS terminal).MinGW Makefiles
on Windows systems within Bash MinGW environments (e.g., Git Bash terminal) or Windows CMD terminal.NMake Makefiles
on Windows systems within CMD terminal environments.
Specifies the number parallel threads to be used by the Make software for parallel library build.
- Usage with
:-j "num_parallel_threads"
- Usage with
binary executable:-j "num_parallel_threads"
where num_parallel_threads
must be a positive integer.
This option is only relevant to the GNU Make software.
This option does not impact builds made via Microsoft NMake software as of Jan 2024.
Specifying a null value when invoking CMake executable binary directly is equivalent to using the maximum available number of threads.
optional. The default is the maximum number of parallel threads available on the system.
Specifies the binary name of the output library built.
- Usage with
:--libname "desired_paramonte_library_name"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dlibname="desired_paramonte_library_name"
where desired_paramonte_library_name
points to the
specific name to be used for generating the output library.
optional. The default value for desired_paramonte_library_name
is libparamonte
Specifies the list of desired ParaMonte library modules (all source files beginning with pm_
to compile and add to the final output library file.
- Usage with
:--mod "module_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dmod="module_list"
where module_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
all |
Add and build all modules and their dependencies. |
reset |
Rebuild the dependencies list for the last specified value of mod . |
m1;m2;…;mn | Add and build all modules matching any of the semicolon-separated strings m1 , … and their dependencies will be built. |
This option is particularly useful for reducing the library size and build time by only specifying components are important to the end user.
To expedite the build process, the generated source file list based on the specified value for
is cached within CMake, such that subsequent calls to cmake do not regenerate the source file list unless the value ofmod
is explicitly changed or set toreset
optional. The default value for module_list
is all
when option lang
is set to fortran
and pm_sampling
when lang
is set to any other possible value (all other programming languages).
Specifies whether the Parameterized Derived Types (PDT) interfaces of the ParaMonte library should be considered or dropped in the build.
- Usage with
:--pdt "pdt_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dpdt="pdt_list"
where pdt_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Deactivates the PDT interfaces within the library by defining macro PDT_ENABLED=0 . |
all |
Activates the PDT interfaces within the library by defining macro PDT_ENABLED=1 . |
This option primarily exists because of the sparse compiler implementation of Parameterized Derived Types (PDT) feature of the Fortran programming language.
While the PDT interfaces work just fine with the Intel compilers, the current implementation status of PDTs in GNU compilers is highly inadequate and leads to frequent runtime crashes. This option safely deactivates the PDT interfaces and their implementations within the ParaMonte library.
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
optional. The default is none
Specifies whether the library should be compiled for performance profiling.
- Usage with
:--perfprof "perfprof_list"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dperfprof="perfprof_list"
where perfprof_list
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
none |
Deactivates compiler flags for performance profiling of the library. |
all |
Activates compiler flags for performance profiling of the library. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
Performance profiling is currently available only for the GNU Fortran compiler. CMake will stop with an error if Intel compilers are specified for performance profiling. This option has no effects on the build for all other compiler choices.
optional. The default is none
Specifies whether (designated) procedures should be compiled with pure
or impure
- Usage with
:--purity "purity_type"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dpurity="purity_type"
where purity_type
can be any of the following values.
Value | Usage |
pure |
Sets the macro PURE=pure to add pure attribute to the designated procedures. |
impure |
Sets the macro PURE=impure to add impure attribute to the designated procedures. |
This is a low level option and mostly useful to the developers of the ParaMonte library.
can potentially lead to faster runtimes by hinting to the compiler which procedures arepure
and can be inlined.
This option must be unset or set to
is set tochecked
optional. The default value for purity_type
is pure
if checking
is set to nocheck
otherwise impure
if checking
is set to checked
TIER-4 ParaMonte library build configuration flags
The ParaMonte TIER-4 build flags set the additional optional arguments that change the behavior of the library at the lowest level by setting the types. These build flags are mostly relevant to the ParaMonte library developers or advanced users who wish to reduce the final library size or supported types.
The values of these build options are automatically set by the CMake scripts. Changing the default behavior requires careful attention to the consequences.
The Fortran language 2023 supports five intrinsic types:
- character
- integer
- logical
- complex
- real
each of which can have a range of possible kind type parameter values that are specific to the compiler and platform.
The ParaMonte library currently allows building the library for
up to 5 different kind type parameters as specified by the
following variables in the iso_fortran_env
module of the standard:
Value | Usage |
character_kinds |
The constant vector of supported character kinds. |
integer_kinds |
The constant vector of supported integer kinds. |
logical_kinds |
The constant vector of supported logical kinds. |
real_kinds |
The constant vector of supported complex/real kinds. |
By default, the library is built for all supported kinds that are fully supported by the compiler.
This can lead to code bloat and long compilation times if all kinds are activated.
If only specific kinds are desired, the following flags can be used to build the
library only for the selected kinds (specified by their element indices in the
corresponding constant vectors from the iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module).
The unicode support within gfortran is an example of a type kind parameter that is supported by the compiler but not fully implemented and not functional. As such, the type kind parameter corresponding to uniccode is dropped in the library build.
WARNING If you specify any of the optional kind-type-parameter-selection command arguments, always ensure to minimally specify the default supported kind type parameters by the processor. For example, the Fortran standard requires support for at least two
kind type parameters. Additionally, the standard requires minimal support for at least twointeger
kind type parameters. Additionally, the standard requires minimal support for at least onelogical
kind type parameters.
Specifies a list of character
kind indices
for which the ParaMonte library must be built.
- Usage with
:--ski "character_kinds_indices"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dski="character_kinds_indices"
where character_kinds_indices
is a semicolon-separated list of
indices of the character_kinds(:)
constant vector of iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module of Fortran.
For example, setting character_kinds_indices
to 1;3;6
build the library for the kinds in character_kinds([1, 3, 6])
No more than fives indices can be simultaneously specified in every single build, because the ParaMonte library is currently configured for builds with up to fives kinds for each type.
The minimally-required
type kind parameter indices for the Intel and GNU compilers are1
optional. The default value for character_kinds_indices
is all kind numbers fully supported by the compiler.
Specifies a list of complex
kind indices
for which the ParaMonte library must be built.
Specifies any additional linker flags passed to the Fortran linker with which the library object files are linked.
- Usage with
:--cki "complex_kinds_indices"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dcki="complex_kinds_indices"
where complex_kinds_indices
is a semicolon-separated list of
indices of the complex_kinds(:)
constant vector of iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module of Fortran.
For example, setting complex_kinds_indices
to 1;3;6
build the library for the kinds in complex_kinds([1, 3, 6])
No more than fives indices can be simultaneously specified in every single build, because the ParaMonte library is currently configured for builds with up to 5 kinds for each type.
The complex kinds can be normally limited to only the two default compiler choices for the complex kind without any harm to the library build and run. This can lead to noticeable savings in library size and build time.
The minimally-required
type kind parameter indices for the Intel and GNU compilers are1;2
WARNING Beware some ParaMonte algorithms require compatible
kind, necessitating the use of the same kind type parameters for both data types.
optional. The default value for complex_kinds_indices
is the kinds specified for the real
type (below).
Specifies a list of integer
kind indices
for which the ParaMonte library must be built.
Specifies any additional linker flags passed to the Fortran linker with which the library object files are linked.
- Usage with
:--iki "integer_kinds_indices"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Diki="integer_kinds_indices"
where integer_kinds_indices
is a semicolon-separated list of
indices of the integer_kinds(:)
constant vector of iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module of Fortran.
For example, setting integer_kinds_indices
to 1;3;6
build the library for the kinds in integer_kinds([1, 3, 6])
No more than fives indices can be simultaneously specified in every single build, because the ParaMonte library is currently configured for builds with up to fives kinds for each type.
If ever specified, always ensure the two default integer kinds supported by the Fortran programming language are included in the specified list of indices.
The minimally-required
type kind parameter indices for the Intel and GNU compilers are3;4
optional. The default value for integer_kinds_indices
is all kinds
supported by the compiler for the C/C++/Fortran programming languages
and only the minimally-required kind type parameters for
all other programming languages.
Specifies a list of logical
kind indices
for which the ParaMonte library must be built.
Specifies any additional linker flags passed to the Fortran linker with which the library object files are linked.
- Usage with
:--lki "logical_kinds_indices"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Dlki="logical_kinds_indices"
where logical_kinds_indices
is a semicolon-separated list of
indices of the logical_kinds(:)
constant vector of iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module of Fortran.
For example, setting logical_kinds_indices
to 1;3;6
build the library for the kinds in logical_kinds([1, 3, 6])
The logical kinds can be normally limited to only the default compiler choice for the logical kind without any harm to the library build and run. This can lead to noticeable savings in library size and build time.
The minimally-required
type kind parameter indices for the Intel and GNU compilers are3
optional. The default value for logical_kinds_indices
is all kinds
supported by the compiler for the Fortran programming language and
only the minimally-required kind type parameter for
all other programming languages.
Specifies a list of real
kind indices
for which the ParaMonte library must be built.
Specifies any additional linker flags passed to the Fortran linker with which the library object files are linked.
- Usage with
:--rki "real_kinds_indices"
- Usage with
binary executable:-Drki="real_kinds_indices"
where real_kinds_indices
is a semicolon-separated list of
indices of the real_kinds(:)
constant vector of iso_fortran_env
intrinsic module of Fortran.
For example, setting real_kinds_indices
to 1;3;6
build the library for the kinds in real_kinds([1, 3, 6])
No more than fives indices can be simultaneously specified in every single build, because the ParaMonte library is currently configured for builds with up to 5 kinds for each type.
The real kinds can be normally limited to only the two default compiler choices for the real kind without any harm to the library build and run. This can lead to noticeable savings in library size and build time.
The minimally-required
type kind parameter indices for the Intel and GNU compilers are1;2
WARNING Beware some ParaMonte algorithms require compatible
kind, necessitating the use of the same kind type parameters for both data types.
optional. The default value for real_kinds_indices
is all kinds
supported by the compiler for the C/C++/Fortran programming languages
and only the minimally-required kind type parameters for
all other programming languages.