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The ParaMonte Fortran code coverage report generation

  1. As of March 2024, roughly 2.5 million unit tests verify the functionalities of the ParaMonte Fortran library alone for each parallelism build.
  2. The code coverage report is currently activated only for the ParaMonte Fortran library under the Linux / macOS environment.
  3. The most recent code coverage reports generated for the ParaMonte Fortran library are the following:
  4. Two open-source software gcov and lcov are required for code instrumentation and HTML generation.
  5. The install.sh build script in the repository’s root directory automates the code coverage report.
  6. Specifically, the GNU GCOV instrumentation files and the subsequent LCOV code coverage analysis reports can be readily generated via the following install script command on a Linux or macOS machine or a Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux,
    ./install.sh --codecov all
  7. By default, the above command will build the serial library for the Fortran programming language.
  8. To generate code coverage for the MPI parallelism, simply add the following install script flag,
    ./install.sh --codecov all --par mpi

    or for the serial and all possible parallelism modes,

    ./install.sh --codecov all --par "none;mpi;omp;cafshared"
  9. For more information on possible installation configuration flags and their implications see installation configuration page.

  10. To get help about the installation process and configuration, one can always try,
    ./install.sh --help

If you have any questions about the topics discussed on this page, feel free to ask in the comment section below, or raise an issue on the GitHub page of the library, or reach out to the ParaMonte library authors.