• All functions, classes, and their arguments, attributes, and methods within the ParaMonte :: MATLAB library are well documented in the source files.
  • Unlike Python, no high-quality MATLAB documentation generator currently exists for MATLAB applications.
  • However, the MATLAB software provides a minimal builtin documentation generator (i.e., doc command) for individual MATLAB functions and classes.

Accessing the ParaMonte :: MATLAB API documentation from within MATLAB

The easiest way to get help for any entity within the ParaMonte :: MATLAB library is the to use MATLAB’s intrinsic function doc followed by the name of the object.

For example, to get help on the paramonte class, try,

doc paramonte

or simply open the source file to read the source code documentation,

open paramonte

Note that the path to the root directory of ParaMonte :: MATLAB should be added to your MATLAB path before using the above command.

Accessing the ParaMonte samplers’ documentation

To see the documentation for the ParaMonte sampler classes or their attributes or methods, for example, the ParaDRAM sampler, try,

pm = paramonte();
pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM();
% access ParaDRAM sampler's documentation
doc pmpd
% access ParaDRAM sampler's documentation for the attribute buildMode
doc pmpd.buildMode

Accessing the ParaMonte postprocessing tools’ documentation

To see the documentation for the ParaMonte postprocessing tools, for example, the readChain() parser method of the ParaDRAM sampler, try,

pm = paramonte();
pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM();
doc pmpd.readChain
doc pmpd.readSample
doc pmpd.readReport
doc pmpd.readRestart
doc pmpd.readProgress
doc pmpd.readMarkovChain

or simply open the source file to read the source code documentation,

open readChain
open readSample
open readReport
open readRestart
open readProgress
open readMarkovChain

Accessing the ParaMonte visualization tools’ documentation

Suppose you have read the contents of a ParaDRAM sampler’s output chain file via its readChain method. To access the documentation for the output of this method, try,

pm = paramonte();
pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM();
pmpd.readChain("./thisChainFile_chain.txt"); % read the contents of the specified file.
chain = pmpd.chainList{1}; % store the output of readChain in the variable `chain`.
% get help on the `readChain()` output
doc chain

To get help on the visualization tools attached to chain, for example lineScatter3 or grid plot, try,

lineScatter3 = chain.plot.lineScatter3;
doc lineScatter3
grid = chain.plot.grid;
doc grid

If you have any questions about the topics discussed on this page, feel free to ask in the comment section below, or raise an issue on the GitHub page of the library, or reach out to the ParaMonte library authors.