This quiz aims at testing your basic knowledge of Git version control system. Don’t forget to push your answers to your remote repository by the end of quiz time.
Push all your answers to quiz/1/ folder in your Github project.

  1. Which of the following Git commands can add all the new and modified-existing files to the staging area? choose all that apply.
    (A) git add -A
    (B) git add --A
    (C) git add -all
    (D) git add --all
    (E) git add -u
    (E) git add --u
    (F) git add .
    (G) git add .; git add -u
    (H) git add .; git add --u
    (I) git add -u; git add .
    (J) git add --u; git add .

  2. Which of the following Git commands both stages and commits only modified and deleted files but NOT the new files added to the repository since the last commit. Choose all that apply.
    (A) git commit
    (B) git commit -a
    (C) git commit -am

  3. Write down the Git command that lists all Git commands for you.
